
Exposure to the wildly dangerous Isotope-10 usually results in cancer, death, or permanent negative genetic mutation. However, in some special cases, those that survive end up stronger than before their exposure. Others are born with the gift, as their mother / father might have been exposed to Iso-10 at some point. Whatever the reason, those called Psi Touched find themselves capable of manipulating the Filaments of space that are used by the gates to navigate space.     This power manifests itself in several ways, with some Psi Touched gaining telekinetic abilities, with others gaining those of telepathy or precognition. Some Psionics allow healing, while others allow teleportation. It has been recorded that exceptional psionic users can have skills in multiple categories, but none have been known to master them all.   The ability to use Psionics requires a proper neural chip in the spinal column. The psi-chip is extremely expensive to create, and requires special application to make sure it takes. Without a chip, the psionic powers often spiral out of control, and cancerous cells ravage the Psi-touched, leaving an average life expectancy of only 20 years. Thus, many poorer or less off denizens of the galaxy might plead with the likes of the Be'Teu Order or even try to push their child into joining the military in order to get access to the proper equipment.    This chip can be hindered by more cybernetics and strain put on the body, meaning that the best Psi-Touched use very little chrome, and cannot become Techies or Tech-Knights, nor can they by default be Androids.       The following Psionic disciplines include:   If you choose this class you are locked out of Mech-Knight , Techie , or Mutant Tamer .    

Level 1

  Primary Ability   Psionic: Choose a psionic disciple and unlock its base ability. Your psionic casting ability is either Wit, Charisma or Intelligence. Your Psi DC is your Wit, Charisma or Intelligence Modifier + 11.   Secondary Ability   Meditation: Once per long rest period you can take a short rest and heal back an additional 2d6.   First Profession Choice Bonus   Bonus Stats: Gain a +1 in Wit, Intelligence or Charisma.   Bonus Skills: Choose four of the following skills   Perception, Acrobatics, Athletics, Intuition, Persuasion, Investigation, Survival, Medicine, Biology, Science, or Intimidation  

Level 2

  Primary Ability   Psionic: Your base psionic discipline levels up, and you can choose one ability from that level.   Secondary Ability   Meditation: You can spend a long rest switching your psionic ability, so long it is in the same disciple and of the same level. You cannot change out your disciples.  

Level 3

  Primary Ability   Psionic: Your base psionic discipline levels up, and you can choose one ability from that level.   Secondary Ability   Meditation: You gain a specialization in two of the following skills:   Perception, Acrobatics, Intuition, or Athletics  

Level 4

  Primary Ability   Psionic: You can now choose either leveling up your base psionic discipline, or you can learn a whole new psionic discipline starting at level 1.   Secondary Ability   Meditation: Once per long rest, you can spend a short rest gaining back 4d6 health.  

Level 5

  Primary Ability   Psionic: Level up either your base discipline or your second discipline by one level.   Secondary Ability   Meditation: You gain a specialization in any skill you are proficient in.

Articles under Psi-Touched


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