Thay Witches

A powerful hegemony of the greatest Psi-Touched on the planet Thay. They have managed to unite the various clans under one banner, mostly under the threat of those from outside the reaches of Far Space. They now band together, fighting off the various pirate and cartel incursions, and now seek to extend their influence outward. Many of their leaders are great Precognition psionics, and each sees only a fraction of the threads that tear through destiny. However, together, these powerful witches can begin to weave a narrative. They in turn have sent out agents to steer the flow of time. No one knows to what end.


The Witches of Thay are notoriously loose about their overall structure. For the most part, witches will form their own covens, led by a powerful and charismatic Matron. All matrons are extremely capable with their psionic capabilities.
Religious, Coven
Controlled Territories


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