
Thay is home to a planet that was colonized by a makeshift colony ship escaping the oppression of the Colonial Earth Empire. Their intel was bad, and they ended up stranded in a system orbiting a dying red star that was being sucked slowly into a black hole.     This has led Thay to be scattered with intense astrological weather, and an oversaturating presence of Isotope-10. Steady mining is difficult with the astrological weather, and the sustained persistence has created a planet almost entirely made up of Psi-Touched inhabitants, both human and in-human. They have gathered in clans that have united under a single culture, under the hegemony of the Thay Witches.     Because of the gravitational pull of the black hole, and the sun, this planet hardly spins. One side of the planet is in constant darkness, while the other is lit up by the red sun. Most humans live in the Red Lands, and the Night Lands are filled with highly dangerous night predators.
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