Outer Rim

Past the Mid Rim the Outer Rim is known as the least explored and most lawless sector of space within the known universe. The Outer Rim is home to the Union of Socialist Systems, mainly located within Sovereign Space, as well as all manner of independent factions, rogue corporations, nomadic fleets, or tyrannical warlords, especially within Wild Space. The outer rim is home to all manner of various interest groups, and has a wide range of Low Security rated, or lo-sec space. The outer rim also holds the most amount of secrets and hidden treasures from the pre-silence error. Treasure troves are just waiting to be discovered, lost systems and troves of pre-silence tech are out here, just waiting to be discovered. It is furthest from the Core Systems and thus their influence is miniscule here, mostly through the various Imperial Remnant warlords that control small sections of the Outer Rim.   The Space Past the Outer Rim is considered Far Space.
Galactic Quadrant


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