Sovereign Space

Sovereign Space, renamed once the Union of Socialist Systems had successfully split from the Colonial Earth Empire, is a post-scarce idealistic point of view within the galaxy.    For all its problems, issues and contradictions, Sovereign space is a relative utopia when compared to most other galactic regions. During the silence, most of Sovereign Space had been completely isolated from Free Space and Wild Space, the Lost Region was notoriously hard to navigate, so the Union of Socialist Systems looked inwards. Cradle and Beacon had been firmly established, and were growing rapidly. The industries built around scraping together weapons and armor to fight the Empire, were slowly convereted over to machines to build up. Many planets made great efforts to reverse the ecological damage done to their planets, caused by the pollution and waste of capitalism.    When the Union finished, they had emerged from the war stronger, and ready to face the galaxy. When they finally were able to connect back with other parts of Sovereign space, they were hit with a wave of cries for help. The Union went about, going planet by planet setting things right. Ecosystems were repaired, pillars of oppression were torn down, and people were liberated from slavers and despots thanks to the aggressive policy of the union. Emissaries left first, peacefully working with those who could not help themselves, raising them up to the Post-Scarcity status they shared.   Some planets needed more encouraging, and while the Union tried to avoid direct conflict, they regularly armed the oppressed, and helped them build their own nation from the ground up, letting them take the reigns. Slowly, Sovereign space all came within the jurisdiction of the Union of Socialist Systems. It now all reflects Beacon and Cradle. The average sovereign citizen under the Union is living in standards much further along than anywhere else in the galaxy. Most never leave Sovereign Space, they have very little need to.
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