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Basic Information

Biological Traits

Humans are bipedal mammals with opposable thumbs which allow them to grab things and use tools with high degree of precision. They have only trace amounts of body hair when compared to other animals.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Humans organize themselves into communities but are also capable of trusting strangers which allows them to build large-scale social structures and hierarchies. Humans tend to be highly hierarchical and nationalistic.

Average Intelligence

Humans have a varied amount of intelligence which differs from specimen to specimen. On average, humans are capable of rational thought and of both basic and intermediate logical and mathematical thinking.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Humans are the most technologically advanced race in the known universe. They have attained capability of long-range space travel and are capable of colonizing not only planets similar to their homeworld but also planets with extreme conditions.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens
70-80 (natural)/230-260 (Augmented)
Conservation Status
Humans are the dominant species of both the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies.
Average Height
1.7-2.2 meters
Average Weight
55-90 kilograms
Average Physique
Humans are one of the physically weakest sentient species, but they make up for it in endurance. Average human is neither too well built nor too skinny or too fat.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
From white to almost black
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Technologies


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