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Intergalactic Federation

Demography and Population

The Federation, due to its heavy xenophobic sentiments that formed during the Million Suns Crisis, generally don't allow non-human species to become citizens of the Federation. The citizen count conducted every five years stated that the Federation has 640.210.802.078 citizens living in it as of 2640 with the population being split into:
  • 597.012.916.753 Terrans
  • 43.197.885.325 Anoans
  • It is important to note, that there are vast numbers of mixed-race citizens, who choose their label personally during the count, so the split into races is more of a general number than a precise representation and this data is not used in any capacity by the federal authorities.


    The Federation, despite its wrecked state after the Crisis, maintains arguably the strongest military in the known universe, much like the old Empire. The organization has remained the same with the same personnel serving in it. While the amount of soldiers and service-men shrunk along with the population, the automation push rolled out thanks to the Order significantly offset the need for biological operators, allowing the Federation to maintain a similar number of ships as the Empire did, with less than half of the overall military members. The Armed Forces of the Intergalactic Federation (AFIF) are split into:  

    The Marine Corps

    The primary infantry force of the Federation and the second biggest branch of its military.  

    The Navy

    The primary spaceborne force of the Federation and the biggest branch of its military.  

    The Fighter Corps

    The primary small-craft spaceborne and airborne force of the Federation. Formed from the Imperial Airforce and the fighter corps previously governed by the Imperial Navy. It was created after the new advances in starfighter technology allowed them to operate more or less independently of larger ships.  

    Federal Intelligence Service

    A direct continuation of the Imperial Intelligence Service.

    Foreign Relations

    Tyrian Ascension

    Relations with the Tyrians have been strained ever since the time of the Terran Empire. Even though Tyrians made contact with Humanity only recently, in the last years of the Million Suns Crisis to be precise, the relations have been uneasy and tense, mainly due to the religious zeal presented by the Tyrians and the distrust of Xenos by the Imperials and later by the Federates. The two countries hold official diplomatic relations, though they often try to undermine each other on the international stage.

    The Order of the Morningstar

    After the Crisis, the Order helped reform the old Empire into the modern Federation, becoming less of an NGO and more of a political force within the Federation, which ulitmately led to the formation of Terra Invicta party that is in direct control of the Order.

    Zerian Republics

    Following their betrayal and further souring of relations, the Federation is in a state of perpetual cold war with the Zerian Republics, which have recently expanded their territory twofold in an unprecedented colonization effort. Though Zerians suffered greatly due to the trade bans imposed on them by the Federation, they are slowly but steadily building up their own markets, trying to undermine Federal Syndicates and Corps on the intergalactic market, with poor

    Collective Remnants

    The Collective, like the Empire, didn't stand the test of time after the Crisis. It imploded during the final days of the Crisis and fractured into hundreds of independent system-states and loose alliances. There is no clear leader and no unified diplomacy of government to speak of, with each system and alliance dictating the rules on their own and having to organize its own protection. The Federation maintains some diplomatic relations with select systems and alliances, but there is no true bilateral dialogue. The remnants make extensive use of ex-imperial and andromedan tech and ships, with contemporary goods being imported mostly by Federation-based companies.


    The Federation inherited most of the laws and political systems of the old Empire and adapted them into a more demoratic and monarchy-free framework. It is still a system based around a regulated market with strong anti-political laws for the corporations and the old imperial Syndicates such as ArmaCarta or VexTech still being owned by the treasury. Most of the cybernetics and biotech laws are still in effect, with full-cloning being outright banned and a limit of how much of the body can by cyborgized. Taxes

    Uniti inter astra

    Founding Date
    Political, Federation
    Alternative Names
    The Federation
    Predecessor Organization
    Leader Title
    Government System
    Democracy, Parliamentary
    Power Structure
    Economic System
    Mixed economy
  • The Core Regions
  • The Anoan Space
  • Armstrong's Frontier
  • The Converge
  • Lagrange's Frontier
  • Point Armstrong
  • Tera Nova
  • Currency
    Fedcredit (F$)
    Legislative Body
    The Federal Assembly
    Judicial Body
    The High Court of the Intergalactic Federation
    Executive Body
    The President
    Official Languages
    Related Species


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