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Order of the Morning Star (ˈɔːdər ɒv ðə ˈmɔːnɪŋ stɑː)

The Order of the Morning Star is an all-human technocratic organisation that is also a paramilitary force with its own armed forces named The Legion of the Morning Star. It was founded in 2471 and since then it has been dedicated to push humanity forward in all possible ways, from science through culture ending at expansion. It is has been allied with the Empire since its own inception as it was estabilished by a group of ex-imperial scientists and high-ranking officers of the Imperial Navy.

Public Agenda

The Order is a technocratic organisation dedicated purely and solely to one goal - advancement of humanity in any way imaginable. Through hard work, dedication and self sacrifice, members of The Order work tirelessly to ensure prosperity and stability for the human race through science, promotion of culture and protection against pirates, raiders and other sentient and non-sentient threats.


The Order does not use money nor does it practice trade with any particular group or organisation. It is a completely autarkic organisation with its own fleet of industrial vessels as well as a sizeable fleet of highly-advanced military vessels oftentimes developed in cooperation with The Empire.


The Order has a militant arm which is called The Legion of the Morning Star. The Legion is comprised of four distinct branches which almost always operate together in the field. These branches are:
  • Planetside Operations Division
  • Space Operations Division
  • Fighter Operations Division
  • SPEC/INT Operations Division
  •     Planetside Operations Division
    The Planetside Operations Division is the land forces of The Legion. It is comprised mainly of infantry, with little to no vehicles as The Legion utilises heavy powered armors to substitute the hardness of their army that is usually provided by armored vehicles. These armors are top of the line and are feared by all enemies of The Order as well as the Imperial Army. POD is split into legions and cohorts, instead of regular armies and army groups, making it almost impossible to fight a full-scale war, but making The Legion especially capable at performing various forms of diversions and sabotage behind enemy lines, cutting off enemy retreat routes and decimating supply lines. POD has an estimated 4.57 million of available manpower.

    Space Operations Division
    The Space Operations Division is the space force of The Legion. Comprised of fleets and flotillas of various shapes and sizes, it is the only force of The Order capable of waging a full-scale military conflict with any given opponent. It is heavily automated and requires significantly less crew than both Imperial and Andromedan ships, which is possible only due to Order's autarky and complete self-reliance as systems desgined by the Order would be extremely expensive and would require complete overhaul of existing shipyards.  SOD is a top-of-the-line naval power with the thrid highest number of warships in the known universe ranking at just shy of 11 thousand vessels. 

      Fighter Operations Division
    The Fighter Operations Division is responsible for all sorts of aerial combat, both planetside and spaceside. It is organised into air groups which then split into air wings and further into squadrons. Superiority fighters are the most common type of craft operated by the FOD, comprising around 70% of its entire arsenal. The other 30% go to various close air support and bomber duty craft as well as troopships and heavy transport ships. It is the smallest division by numbers with only around 56.6 thousand people in active service.
      SPEC/INT Operations Division
    The INT Operations Division is responsible for intelligence, reconnaisance, engineering, sapper and logistical operations of The Order. This division handles both civillian operations of the Order as well as Legion's endeavours. They are a division comprised solely of high-class specialists and engineers. SPEC/INT is also responsible for the Order's scientific operations and R&D. This puts them at number one in terms of manpower available, as every non-combatant member of the Order is by default part of the SPEC/INT. Only sappers and combat engineers of SPEC/INT partake in combat and hold ranks of the Legion. The rest of SPEC/INT personel, while having full military training, are considered civillians by the Order and are kept away from the frontline. SPEC/INT has a manpower pool of roughly 7.97 million.

    Technological Level

    The Order is by far the most technologically advanced organisation in the civilized space. They collect and dedicate immense amounts of resources to their scientific endeavours and consider technological progress their main goal. Advanced weapons systems, medical cybernetics, advanced bioengineering or creating synthetic life is all at the snap of the Order's fingers. This often puts them at odds with other races and organisations as the Order is not very keen to the idea of sharing their technology with any state and rather choose to support independed settlers allowing them to use their advanced technology to fend off pirates, raiders and governments alike.

      The Order is responsible for Nanometer Warp Engine as well as High-capacity Fusion Cells. They also co-developed the Plasmawrap High Energy Railgun (PHER) project with the Empire which is now used as the main axial armament of all capital ships of both the Empire and the Order.

    Sacrificium Superstes Prosperitas

    Founding Date
    Military Order
    Alternative Names
    The Order, Morningstar
    Leader Title
    Government System
    Economic System
    Command/Planned economy
  • Darkstar HQ
  • Archimedes Base
  • Pythagoras Base
  • Thales Base
  • Aristotle Base
  • Location
    Official Languages


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