Riscivar Settlement in Spheres | World Anvil
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Originally based on prompt from dailyadventureprompts
The lands of Sabiralsahra are dotted with the ancient, forgotten cities of the jinn, treasure troves of knowledge and magic buried in the dunes by the fiery beings to hide their secrets from other species. But with the passage of time, such secrets have a habit of revealing themselves, as was the case of Riscivar.   Two features has ensured that Riscivar have lasted as an adeventuring hotspot. First of all, even with the town, Riscivar has generally been isolated, meaning any journey there would take dedication. Secondly, Riscivar was a very large jinn settlement. Thus, even into modern times, adventures and fortune seekers keep unveiling new mysteries as the sand shifts with the wind, unveiling and burying the city over and over again.


The majority of the inhabitants are humans, mostly of Suqaran origin, though some settlers come from Rishinile instead.


Riscivar is loosely run, with a council of veterans and a volunteer militia together keeping the peace.


Thick walls, made from a mixture of imported stone and materials scavenged from the ruins, surround the settlement. A mixture of volunteer militia, mercenaries and adventurers work to keep the place safe.

Industry & Trade

The most important trade is in adventuring. Riscivar was built to accomedate explorers of the lost jinn metropolis of Riscivar. Treasure hunters bring in money and trade various items found among the buildings, which in turn are used to fund supplies. Increasingly, Riscivar also serves as a natural stopping point for caravans heading to and from Rishinile, as well as for the Qawramalian nomads, both of which bring more trade to the town


A well has been built in the middle of town, supplying them with some water. A number of small smithies and workshops produce some materials locally.


The city of Riscivar is divided between Riscivar the town and Riscivar the ruin. The town is where people live, trade and work for the most part. The ruin is the ancient jinn city, which was uncovered some hundred years ago. It still holds many secrets and oppertunities.


One of the most notable establishment is The Shimmering Mirage, a famous inn. Another is the Oracle's Court, where a family of seers have resided for many years, living off warning travellers of potential bad futures.


In 2411 AIT, the movements of the sand uncovered the lost jinn city of Riscivar. It was soon noted by local nomads and news spread quickly from there. As Riscivar was far away from the more common caravan routes, enterprising treasure hunters quickly realised that an at least semi-permanent camp would be set up. This in turn grabbed the attention of many local merchants, who quickly took note of the fact that, while the city wasn't near any common caravan route, it would make for a perfect stop on the otherwise problematically long route between Wahah and the coastal fisher towns close to Rishinile. Knowing that such a new route would be lucrative, they invested in the venture. Many still thriving buisnesses, such as The Shimmering Mirage, where built as part of the first wave of settlers.   In 2590 AIT, a family of oracles moved to town. They had originally been a family of jinn slaves, kept around for the oracular bloodline their masters has cultivated. However, they had ended up punished with banishment to the wastes after forseeing the downfall of jinn society as a result of their treatment of humans and ogres. The oracles, however, turned out to be right and managed to subsist as nomads. Eventually, they returned to the city from which they had once been banished, joining the new settlement.


Adventurers, archeologists and historians alike come to explore the dune-drowned city, with more coming in that ever before with the more frequent caravans.


The structures of Riscivar lean towards sturdy and practical, but many buildings are constructed with scavenged materials, leading to areas of notable contrast, Statues, iconography and similar excavated from the ruins are also used to decorate structures.


Riscivar is surrounded by vast, trackless desert on all side. Even in town, things are mostly dry, with only the very centre featuring a small oasis.

Natural Resources

As Riscivar was originally built by jinn, it was built with neither ready access to water nor conventional food. The only oasis there was kept for aesthetic purposes, though it has proven a boon to the new settlers. The ruin provides much building material, allowing the city to focus on importing food.
Founding Date
2411 AIT
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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