BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Many kinds of non-material elemental spirits have the power to take on (possess) the minds and bodies of living creatures and animals. In ancient Arkhea, the most powerful earthly creatures at the time were winged reptilian beasts of great power and emmense size. Known in the Elvaen language as the Thraki — these creatures and their kin became more commonly known as “Dragons” in later tongues.   In The Age of Spirits, some of the most powerful angelic spirits (in particular, the fiery Seraphim) entered into the forms of these great reptilian beasts. Coveting the material existence of these earthly creature and desiring to experience the fullness of incarnation, some of these spirits interbred with similar terrestrial creatures, they took possession of the mind and forms of these creatures, effectively giving these spirit the benefits of material existence (physical force, bodily sensations, and sexual reproduction). Since these creatures being possessed were non-sentient beasts, such possession did not violate the expressed commands of God.   Great Elder Dragons (Nahkaseraph): The greatest of these possessed draconic creatures were of a type known as a Nahkaseraph (“serpent of fire”). Ever covetous of power, the spirits competed to take the mortal forms of the largest and strongest of the dragons. Jealous of the experience it gave them, some spirits refused to relinquish the beasts that they possessed. Over time, desiring to exploit the fullness of incarnation, in their stolen bodies, the Nahkaseraphim gave in to their desire and mated amongst themselves, giving birth to hybrid spirit-beasts. God was not pleased.   Fire Dragons (Thrakaseraph): The children of the spirit-possessed Nakhaseraph were themselves creatures of giant reptilian physical form, but with inborn sentience and high intelligence. Sometimes referred to in elvaen as thrakaseraph (fire dragons), they are more commonly known as Red Dragons, according to the color of their hide. Each Fire Dragon inherited the ethereal traits of their spiritual parents (cf. ethereomorpism and ethereophasism), as well as the natural chracteristics of their beastly forms — including the power of flight, the ability to breath fire, and a near-impenetrable scale armor. They also inherited the earthly ability to sexually reproduce. In the days after the Severance, the over-proliferation of dragon-spawn led to rivalry and conflict among the many dragons of Arkhea, who had divided into warring tribal clans.   Minor Dragons (Fynthrakes and Drakes): At the time of these dragon conflicts on Arkhea, Thakaseraph not only mated with each other, but mated with other non-sentient reptilian dragons as well, in order to more quickly increase the numbers of their clans. Unlike pairings between two Thakaseraph, which produced few offspring, mating with non-sentient reptilian beasts often produced large clutches of eggs and many offspring. These offspring were smaller and less intelligent than the Thakaseraph, to be sure, but they did share many of the same traits.   Over the course of time, many subspecies of minor dragons evolved and spread beyond the boundaries of Arkhea. Some, referred to as Fynthrakes (winged-dragons), were not only capable of flight, they were able to be tamed and harnessed. In later ages, the Thrau were known for using the these “drakka” as flying mounts in battle. Many subspecies of lesser dragons also developed without the power of flight. Simply referred as "drakes," these earth-bound creatures have the same armor and breath weapon of their winged cousins, but tend to dwell underground, away from the open sky.


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