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The Age of Spirits

In the beginning, the universe of Time and Space, the Ethereal and Material Realms, and all the that live therein, were created by God. From the elements of air and fire God created unseen spirits of the ethereal realm. From the very substance of the earth and seas, God created life in the material world. In the days of creation, God sent the Elemental Spirits to provide order and function to his natural creation, subject to God himself. This first historical era is known as the Age of Spirits. It represents the time from Creation to the Great Cataclysm. (The designation "BR" refers to the time "Before Reckoning.")   Stories from this era are from a time prior to human writing, with legends and myths passed down verbally through the centuries. Later, these stories were preserved in the most ancient of elváen scripture, from the before the rise of the Children of Ména. In this period, the dominant sentient species were the Dragons, the Janniri, and the Elvá.


Primary themes of this era include the creation and fall of humanity, the banishment of humans and dragons from Elvala, and the beginnings of civilization among the Children of Ména. It is also the time of the original enhancement of the Elvá by the Sentinels of Elvala.


Past Events

The following are significant events in the Age of Spirits. Consider all dates to be rough approximations, since there are no extant written records from this era.   Unknown BR: Creation of the Universe
By the power of the Word, authored by God, the universe of time and space came into being, including a created past. At this point, created time becomes actual time, as history began to move forward.   c. 2400-2200 BR: The First Humans Dwell in Elvala
In Arkhea , the ancient lands, the garden of Elvala was created for the first parents, Erdhe and Ména , where they lived beneath the Celestial Falls of Heaven. This was a time often described as a paradisical existence for humans and spirits. Elemental Spirits moved throughout the world, as early Vensian river culture began to develop in the northern continent. Reptilians dominated in the wild lands of the south.   c. 2200-2000 BR: The Doomed Ascent and Severance
When the first parents attempted to climb the mountian of God in the The Doomed Ascent and died, they brought back to life at the furthest end of the earth (Aishelon). They were also sent back to be hidden within created history, protected from the further influence of the spirits in Arkhea. At the same time, the connection to the heavenly realm was severed, binding the Dragons and Janniri to earthly forms. Ley Lines formed into circular fields around planet.   c. 2000-1800 BR: Dragons Battle for Control of Arkhea
The Nakhaseraph (eldar dragons) began to squabble for control in Arkhea. As lesser dragons were born to the Nakhaseraph, outright war began to rage between dragon factions. Dragon warfare began to spread to the southern continent. The proto-hulder "gray men" migrate throughout Wessa , learning agriculture and mining. Some independent Janniri interact with human cultures in Vensia and the hominids of Tai'Shea. The first crossbreeds of Janniri and nonsentient creatures begin producing descendants.   c. 1800-1600 BR: Banishment of Dragons from Arkhea
The Holy Sentinels maintained a defense of Elvala, as God banished the warring reptilian Dragons from Arkhea. Most flee to the southern continent, where they began to form the first dragon kingdoms. The Dragons begin to enhance the intelligence of Saurians to serve as slaves, and reptlian Gargoyle-Saurian crossbreeds in Shedim are created to serve as warriors.   c. 1600-1400 BR: Sentinels bring Ména to Elvala
As the Dragons and Janniri began to spread out from Arkhea, they discovered the Children of Ména lived and thrived throughout the northern continent. To protect them, and to fulfill their created purpose of serving humanity, the Sentinels brought some gifted Children of Ména back to Elvala. These individuals were trained in the ethereal arts, and benefited from the instruction of the Sentinels. Over time, the very presence of the Source altered and enhanced their physical characteristics, providing long life and an innate ability to control active etherea. These were the original Elvá.   c. 1400-1200 BR: Diaspora of the Elvá
Flying forth from Arkhea on Grefyn mounts, the Elvá in Arkhea used the ethereal ley lines to travel the world, interacting with primitive human cultures. The Elvá often appeared to the Children of Ména as divine or angelic beings. Some took advantage of this, by collecting tribute of gemstones and precious metals that they brought back with the to Elvala. They employed their Janniri servants to transport their treasure and serve as guards while the Elvá were abroad.   c. 1200-1000 BR: Origin of the Janniri Half-Breeds
The Elvá began to introduce skills and limited technology to the Children of Ména in various parts of the world. Early Bronze Age cultures develop in Vensia. Some independant Janniri began to interbreed with the primitive hominids of Tyshea , producing deformed Traullish changelings. Oni crossbreeds are produced in Tyshea.   c. 1000-853 BR: The Ilmatar Were Born
Oni warlords battle to control eastern lands, as their traullish armies conquer much of east. At the same time, Elva had established a community in Fae'ri . In the early years of the ninth century BR, the ten maidens known as The Ilmatar were born. Just prior to the Great Cataclysm, they were sent to safety in Fae’ri, where they survived the destruction of Arkhea, protecting some of the miafina from Wessa.   853 BR: Great Cataclysm
In 853 BR, a star was thrown down from heaven to destroy Arkhea. As the Source exploded, the whole Arkhean continent was destroyed. With Fae'ri out-of-phase, the island suffered no ill effects from the detonation in Arkhea, but the rest of the world descended into apocalyptic winter. The Oni began to suffer from a strange trollish plague, turning into beastlike creatures. The dragon realms suffered heavy losses on all sides.
Time Period:
From Creation to 853 BR   Real-World Equivalent:
Copper Age (c. 4100-3200 BC)
Go to Timeline: Major Historical Eras
The Severance
Myth | Mar 21, 2023


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