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The Thrau (THRAHW) inhabit the islands and jungles of the equatorial latitudes, from the thick Matevina jungles in southern Wessa, to the equatorial subcontinent of Menoris, as well as the large southern subcontinent of Traudira and Meridia.  Thrau are of medium to slight build, with dark tanned skin and pointed ears, having some distant relation to the Solari fae of ancient days. The term "thrau" or "trau" comes from the Lansian word for dark or black. Their skin color ranges from brown to dark ebony, which is why they are known among the Thurim deurguns as the "svart-alfar" (black elves), as distinguished from the "dok-alfar" (dark elves) from eastern Wessa, or the "ljos-alfar" (light elves) of the north.   The Thrau practice a polytheistic religion, focusing their devotion through sacrifices and invocations made to idols. Their jungle cities are often filled with statues and altars to various gods. Thrau religious architecture is known for its large step pyramids. Sharing a superficial similarity with people of the southern races, the Thrau bloodlines are actually related to the western races. They are the only humans to combine both infravision and ultravision, which allows them to see very well in the dark, within a 60 foot range.   MENORAN (THRAKAN) CULTURE: The Menoran (me-NOR-an) Thrau take their name from the sub-continent of Menoris, which lies at equator, south of Wessa, between the Western Ocean and the Sun Sea. This land was also known among the fae by the name of Aitharac (meaning "land of the Dragons"). The Thrau of Menoris are taller than the Vazimba, with a build similar to that of the Fae. The Menorans are the most technologically advanced of the various thrau sub-cultures Since they are native to the same southern lands first inhabited by the great Nakhaseraph, draconic imagery figures largely into their cultural history and art. For centuries they have lived alongside Dragons, who benefit from the reverence and attention given to them by the Thrau. The Menorans were the first to develop armament and other items made from dragons’ remains. Thracni (dragon-bone) bows and swords are highly prized among the Thrau, as are suits of thracelta (dragon-hide armor). After the Solari era, the Thrau were the only people to breed, train, and ride the reptilian flying beasts known as Drakka. It is by means of this aerial force that the Thrau were able to create an extensive realm in the southern region of Traudira, in The Age of Epiphany (see below).   GALDEAN CULTURE: Descended from the survivors of the Solari cataclysm, Galdeans are related to the Menoran Thrau, but still maintain traces of ancient Solari bloodlines among their nobility.  Many of the Galdean nobility were known for having light golden blond hair, similar to that of the ancient Solari (the word "galdean" is a curruption of the word "golden"). Men and women generally wear their hair long and unbound; they do not usually wear facial hair.  In later eras, many lower-class Galdeans tended to bleached their hair in imitation of the higher classes, though this articficial technique tended to turning their hair a yellowish blond color.  They are referred to by their Vazima neighbors as Luha'mavu (yellow heads).  In latter ages, both the Galdean Thrau became well-known and respected as sailors -- though their naval technology was suited more for warfare than for trade. Thrau pirates are notorious for their aggressive raids on coastal territories and islands, giving them a rather negative reputation among the other races — especially among the Mirrilings, who are their chief competitors (and targets).   TRAUDIRAN CULTURE:  Traudira is a large island subcontinent at the northwestern corner of the southern continent; the name means "dark-daughter"). Since the Saurian races ruled most of the southern continent for many centuries, it was not until Age of Epiphany that the first navigators from southern Shudura and the Azaran islands began to venture along the northern coast of this great swath of land. The first explorers reached as far as Traudira, and began to form settlements, until they were conquered and enslave by the Saurian Cheluk from farther south. Yet, Traudiran culture actually outlived that of the Cheluk realm. In later centuries, the still promitive jungle-dwelling thrau lived within the ruins of the ancient Saurian empire.  They practice a violent religion of blood sacrifice, which inherited (in a distorted manner) from their former Saurian overlords. Some suggest that the Menoran Thrau may be the descendants of the intermarriage of Traudirans and Galdeans.   SKRAELING (VAZIMBA/ULUNA) CULTURE: This subgroup is geographically distinct from the rest of Thrau culture, with their home in the heavy jungles of southern Wessa, as well as the sub-continent of Menoris The Thurim duerguns of the Barrier Mountains refer to them as "skraelings" (meaning "little barbarians"), other culturess often confuse them with northern Gremen. They refer to themselves as "Uluna" (the people), while the Thrau of Menoris call them the Vazimba (which carries the connotation of 'indiginous natives' or 'ancestors'). If the Thrau are a southern counterpart to northern Fae, the Vazimba would be the southern version of the Sylvans or Kians.  Skraelings are a very reclusive, tribal culture. Their excellent hunting ability also makes them effective brigand skirmishers. They specialize in a harpoon-like spear weapon, called a 'ketch' which often is connected to the thrower by a cord for retreval. (They are well-known for making strong natural cording.) They also use an L-shaped pick weapon — the 'tak' — a knife blade attached horizontally to a wood shaft. Primarily nocturnal hunter/gatherers, they eat almost anything, including roots, rodents, and insects, and are able to survive on only half the amount of food that other races require. Vazima often build spike and pit traps to defend their territories. They have been known to ride carnivorous animals, similar to hairless wolverines, known as mihady ("diggers"). Compare to the mezozoic repenomamus.  


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