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A small equatorial sub-continent south of Wessa (Epeiros), Menoris is a region of large active volcanoes and thick rain-forests. An off-shoot of the southern continental region, Menoris was one of the places that after the destruction of Arkhea became the habitation of the great winged creatures known as Nakhaseraph (Dragons). Settled by early Sulari colonists and their Gremin slaves, in later eras, Menoris was conquered by the southern Thrau.


Rocky volcanic mountains dominate the continent.

Fauna & Flora

Cacao: Growing in southern climes, the red ribbed ovate pods of the cacao tree contains seeds which are roasted and ground to produce a bitter flavoring. It is used to brew a thick drink, often consumed hot. The cacao beverage produces a mild effect that provides the drinker a sense of well-being and peace. It counter-acts any ethereally-induced anxiety.   Chalatra: This stumpy evergreen produces a thick crown of prickly needles atop a bare trunk four feet high. With hundreds often growing close together, a cluster form a low "ceiling" pillared "hall" with a bare dirt floor. Gremins make use of these chalatra stands as meeting locations where outsiders are not welcome, since they can easily move about in the area and larger beings cannot.   Dragonlynd: A large thick-trunked variety of the lime tree found primarily on the sub-continent of Menoris, the dragonlynd can live for many hundreds of years. As the name suggests, it has a long association with dragon-kind. This may be due to its thick red sap that is said to resemble dragon's blood. For centuries, dragon-ichor sap has been painted on wounds to staunch bleeding, to accelerate healing, and to seal and protect injuries from infection. The sap dries quickly and forms a barrier, much like a "second skin." The dragonlynd tree has often been used by the Thrau people as a gallows for hanging criminals.   Grey Willow: The grey willow is a tall tree with long vine-like branches that droop down, bearing thin small leaves. Grey willows often grow near water, and tend to accumulate a thick growth of moss. Very old specimens produce gnarly above-ground root systems, which are used as dens by small mammals and snakes. The grey willow features largely in the folklore and fables of Gremin people.
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