277 - The Infrastructure Riots

The Infrastructure Riots were a result of 4 smaller conflicts over Tri-City's taxes and future infrastructure projects. These 4 conflicts were...

274 - TCHS Opens

275 - Railway Expansion of Northwinds Pass

276 - The Nepotism Riots

276 - Corpo Playground is Established


The Summer of Shit

When the Corpo Playground was built, there was basically zero care given to where the cutting edge new plumbing system would send the waste. This resulted in a system that sent the waste down river right into the water supply of the other Tri-City districts.

The residents of the trade districts were not at all pleased, but the Corpos up stream didn't seem to care.

The people were already angry about the schools and the placement of the train stations and the unfair distribution of taxes, but when the shit from Corpo Playground started washing up on the shores of the river things had gone too far.

No representation without taxation

In the Summer of 277 most of Tri-City broke into massive riots. The main target of these riots was the Corpo Playground.

Anti-Union Consulting and Private Security was called in to protect the Corpos. The private security was able to prevent the rioters from entering the Corpo Playground, but the rioters were able to lay seige to the entire district.

It became impossible for food or supplies to enter the Corpo Playground. After several weeks of this blockade, Mayor Vanderfeller agreed to negotiate a compromise that would end the riots and the seige.

In the end, Mayor Vanderfeller would spent 25% of the enourmous investment fund to create a modern sewer system for all of Tri-City. The Corpos would also have to pay a 5% tax to Tri-City (much lower than the standard 16%). Families of the Corpo Playground who wanted to send their children to the public schools in Tri-City would also need to pay a fee to help fund the schools.

Corpo Playground would still get one train station. Another would be built close to the Highschool, Little Keplar, and East Tower. The last would be shared between Fedora and West Tower.

The only ones left out of the final plan were Bricktown.


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