275 - Railway Expansion of Northwinds Pass

The Railway Expansion

  In the year 273 King Keplar was inaugurated as the new emperor of Keplar. His first goal was to expand Keplar's rail network. In 274 he called for a meeting in Northwinds Pass to discuss the expansion of the Keplan rail network through the area. The meeting included representatives from Coalition Railroad, International Investments Incorporated, Tri-City, and the local government.  


  The railway infrastructure in Tri-City was 25 years old at this point. It was built when Tri-City was much smaller and only includes a single train station. Tri-City would be the hub for the expanded trade between Keplar and the Federation of Like Minded States. Both Coalition and the King of Keplar were ready to invest money to pay for a percentage of the construction fees.

The '3 Station Plan' proposed by Mayor Norine would include trolleys for local transportation from the 3 stations as well as international trains to travel between the Federation and Keplar. The trolleys were an important element of the Tri-City High School plan, a compromise to allow children from all corners of the city to get to school easily.

These plans would require the destruction of some homes and businesses, but the promise of replacing the old with the most state of the art technology straight from New Fossa got the public excited.

The agreed upon plan would have the King pay 33.3%, Coalition pay 33.3%, and Tri-City pay 33.3%

Mayor Fae Norine, who had been negotiating the deal, died in the year 276. With vastly opposing views of how the infrastructure investment money should be spent, the election for who was going to replace Mayor Norine was very contentious.

As the money from Keplar and Coalition was being spent, an unusual ratio of that money was going to companies associated with the government officials overseeing the railway expansion. This was one of the major factors that lead to the smaller Nepotism Riots in 276 and the Infrastructure Riots of 277.


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