Colony Ship Vehicle in Stacked Odds | World Anvil

Colony Ship

The project to build the Colony Ship started in secret in the late 1990s but wasn't completed and ready to launch until 2055. (Earth Years)   Research concluded that 500 people was the optimal number to bring to the new planet and grow a genetically healthy population.   The journey would take about 80 years to reach the Tau Ceti system. 98% of the people would be put in cryogenic sleep. Because of the length of the trip, the passengers would have to be woken up once during the voyage and stay awake for at least a month or as long as several years, otherwise 80 years of cryo sleep would damage their body. As a result the ship is designed to have 100-150 people awake at one time. It can operate with as few as 4 crewmembers, however.   There was absolutely no guarantee that there would even be any habitable places to land once the ship arrived in the new star system.  

Arrival at Olo

  When the ship arrives in the intended star system, the planet they later learn is named Olo is clearly the best choice to start their colony.   The captain decides on the location that later becomes Northwinds Pass to be the location with the largest amount of the needed resources for rebuilding.   The ship however ends up crashing in the mountains and the Manufacturing Pod needs to dig itself deep into the mountain to set up the factory in a place with access to the needed materials.  

Rebuilding Human Civilization on Olo

The Colonials quickly started building a city, while at the same time sending a large group down river to warmer climate to find a more suitable farming settlment as well.

It wasn't long before the encountered the Olollo and began to trade information.
Creation Date
2055 Earth Calendar
Current location

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