
The Bodyguard

Lèi 类 Kǎ 卡 (a.k.a. Red / Little Leica)

Kaylee works for Bronze Age, the predominant mafia in Tri City. Her main job is to be the bodyguard for the mafia boss' daughter, Eeva. She is a rather tempermental person whose emotions are often running at one extreme or the other. She often claims that "she feels everything too much." As a result she tries to keep people at a distance with her harsh personality, because it is easier to push others away then to let them push you away.

At first she wasn't happy about Seraph assigning her to protect his daughter, but over the events of Teachers! the two became close friends. The two play off each other's strenghts and weaknesses, with Eeva helping Kaylee to be less of a mess and Kaylee helping Eeva become more bold.   Kaylee is originally from a very poor village in The Silent Coast where privateers, criminals, and corporations have turned the local people into indentured workers. Both her mother and father are addicted to drugs and alcohol, and when Kaylee was still young her mother abandoned the family. She escapes The Silent Coast by winning a scholorship to a prestigious art school.

Kaylee enjoys drawing, painting, and making up fictional stories. She is a big fan of comics and has a secret hobby of collecting merchandise of her favorite characters, but she would never let you know about that.

Kaylee tries to hide her love for all things cute by putting up a false front. She is insecure about her own small size and less than intimidating looks, so she tries to overcompensate so people will respect her as a member of the mafia.

Overall Kaylee is a collection of contridictions by design, and it is her fight between two extremes that defines her as a character.
As a playable character she is skilled at stealth and can use her innocent appearance to disguise herself and never be noticed. Unlike Cal and Eeva, she excells in all the 5 senses and often sees, hears, or smells clues that everyone else would miss.

In dialogue the player will have to navigate around Kaylee's volatile extremes as her mood can just as easily go to anger as it could lead her to break down into tears. If you don't balance her during dialogue she might just go off an punch someone in the face before you get the clues you need.

In game Kaylee cannot carry money, so you can only upgrade your items through barter or through reputation as a mafia member. The more Kaylee's reputation for fighting the establishment grows, the more other anarchists will give her gifts.

Physical Description

Body Features

Kaylee is the shortest of all the adult characters in Stacked Odds. Her defining physical feature is her pear shaped body with narrow shoulders and wider hips and thighs. She is relatively athletic with the kind of climbing and acrobatics that she does as part of her job. However, during times when things are going well she is known to eat a lot of cupcakes and lounge around a lot, so there is usually a bit of softness around her athletic features. Even in times when she is very fit, her chubby cheeks never go away.

Facial Features

Round Face
Upturned Narrow Nose
Narrow Mouth
Thicker Lips
Chubby Cheeks
Positive Canthal Tilt
Monolid Eyes
Kaylee is insecure because she feels like her round face, chubby cheeks, and upturned nose make her look too much like a child. As a result she tries to over compensate and act extra tough, though this rarely has the results she is wanting.

Apparel & Accessories

A lot of Kaylee's style is defined by the contrast of two extremes and very rarely meeting in the middle.   Tight fitting layers
Flowy layer draped on top
Always wears tights below skirts/shorts
Knee high boots or low cut shoes, no middle ground
Hoods, never hats
Contrast between black leather and fluffy knit sweater materials
The only character who wears a large amount of black
Large horizonal stripes are her typical pattern
Zippers are her prefered fastener
Her color pallet can often represent her 3 main moods...
Red for when she is angry or passionate
Pink for when she lets her guard down and is being more vulnerable than acting tough
Dark Magenta / Redish Purple for when she is emotionless and totally serious about getting a job done, often associated with the role of assassin
Desaturated greens are used sparingly as a contrast to the reds and magentas of her color pallet

Specialized Equipment

Kama and rope dart used for both combat and for climbing
Throwing knives
Flamible liquid and matches
In combat Kaylee either relies on the element of surprise or she uses tricks and gimmicks that are more flare than substance to catch the enemy off guard. Lockpicking tools
Sketchbook for recording information or faces while spying

Mental characteristics


When Kaylee was 10 years old, during the plot of Grow Kaylee entered a painting competition and gained the attention of a famous art professor. Kaylee received a scholarship to the Avidin School of Art, one of the best schools in the land. She stayed at school for 5 years and had great grades during that time.


Kaylee is currently employed by the Bronze Age mafia. Her main role is bodyguard for Eeva, the Mafia boss's daughter. She also does jobs that involve espionage, breaking and entering, or even assassination in emergency situations. It is here keen observation skills, her ability to move silently, and her climbing skills that make her an asset to the mafia.
Kaylee still however has nightmares from the times she was called on to kill people (3 in total). As a result she has a strong dislike of the dark, not because of whats in the dark, the only monster she know in the dark is herself.
When Eeva goes to university in Keplar Valley, she doesn't want to have a big scary mafia dude following her around for protection, so she chooses Kaylee to be her new bodyguard. She certainly doesn't have the size and strength one would expect from a bodyguard, but unlike most members of the mafia she can stay by Eeva's side without anyone noticing she is anything more than just another girl. Kaylee is very good at seeing trouble before anyone else and quickly coming up with a plan to get Eeva to safety in dangerous situations.
Outside of her job with the mafia, Kaylee is an aspiring comic book artist with a new serial she is working on called The Blue Bandit.

Morality & Philosophy

Kaylee is very much against the establishment and feels like the world is rigged against those who are most defenseless. When she sees things that are unfair she has a hard time controlling her emotions and staying silent about it.

Growing up in The Silent Coast, Kaylee came to hate both the corrupt government of her homeland as well as the many governments that came to the Silent Coast looking for low wage plantation workers to exploit and abuse. There is no government that Kaylee trusts, and her only loyalty is to the mafia.

Kaylee is so anti-establishment that she chooses not to take a paycheck or carry money. She prefers to barter or just steal the things she needs. She hates the idea of being a pawn in the consumerism that drives the corporate greed of the world.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Kaylee's favorite food is fish.
She is often seen eating strawberries, cupcakes, or cereal straight out of the box.
She likes listening to guitar music, but she would never let Cal know that.
She both reads and writes comics and prefers making comic art to traditional painting.
She like fluffy animals a lot and is good at communicating with animals.

Kaylee is suspicious of milk products.
She hates it when people are too nice, who can trust people like that?
She hates all the world governments, corporations, and the very concept of money.
She can't stand seeing the defenseless taken advantage of.

Vices & Personality flaws

With both of her parents being alcoholics, Kaylee is very aware that she should stay very far away from alcohol. She never, ever touches the stuff.   Eeva also tells Kaylee she can't have coffee, because she gets to high strung and emotional with all the caffine.   Kaylee sometimes overeats and makes herself sick when she sees delicious food or cute looking cupcakes.   She is very bad about taking care of her messes and keeping up with her chores.

Personality Quirks

Kaylee does not like entering places through the front door, as it would be easy for someone to set up a trap.

She is known to enter places through windows.

When in a room Kaylee is always counting the number of exit routes and does not like being in a situation where people stand in between her (or Eeva) and a clear exit.

Kaylee likes to be on the high ground in a room, and in known to sit ontop of counters or other furniture.

She can been seen playing with a yoyo when sitting and waiting.

She often eats cereal straight from the box, sometimes in places where people shouldn't be eating.
Current Status
Bodyguard for the mafia boss's daughter
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
12th of Second Summer
Year of Birth
273 CE 25 Years old
Current Residence
Long, Red
155 cm
54 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"That... that's not fair... We have to do something!"

"I'm not sulking..."

"I don't think it's a big deal."

"Shut up Cal, nobody asked you."
Aligned Organization


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