Tri-City Settlement in Stacked Odds | World Anvil


Tri-City is an independent city-state that operates as the largest trade hub in Olo. People from all over come to this rapidly growing city in search of fortune.

It is a city of conflict and contradiction. While many who are winning view it as a Corpo paradise with no limits to how much money can be made, others struggle under the thumb of unregulated greed. It is the kind of city where there is a scam waiting for you around every corner.

There are plenty of places in the world to make money if you already have some wealth or an important family name. Other places have safe and stable investment. But to those with zero dollars in their pocket, Tri-City is the place to make it rich quick. Most fail and fall into the predatory system of debt and loan sharks. Many painters, comic book artists, writers, and musicians come to Tri-City with dreams of making a living on their art, but the city demands tribute. A hunger to corrupt anything that is pure pulses deep in the veins of the city.

The city is owned by the corporations, and sometimes it seems like there is no end to their catroonishly evil plans to monetize literally everything in life.

Despite the rampant corporate greed, or maybe as a response to it, Tri-City has developed a very strong community of people who watch out for each other. There is an abundance of community spaces, parks, open music nights, free dancing events, street vendors, and local shops that have been around longer than the city itself.

While some turn to their coworkers, churches, hobby groups, or sports to find community; others who don't quite fit in with society turn to organized crime. The Bronze Age syndicate is a powerful presence in Tri-City and uses means outside the law to take on the corporations, and make a nice profit from their efforts.

The plentiful public spaces and meetings within the community leads to many politically active groups. Unions are common and aren't afraid to take action to protect their workers. The people of Tri-City often take to the streets in protest when they feel the government is being unjust.

The almost monthly protests or riots define the nature of Tri-City more than anything else. It is as if the city is on a tipping point and if the people were to let their guard down for one second the Corpo consumerism might reach a point they can't return from.  
Tri City


  • Tri-City is more technologically advanced than the standard Technology of Olo. The first fully electic apartment building Electric Living Apartments secheduled to open later this year.
  • The city built more advanced plumbing systems after The Infrastructure Riots of 277. As a result every home in Tri-City has access to indoor plumbing (Either Keplan style of Likemind style Bathrooms, as the two technologies developed seperately).
  • Tri-City has many steam powered factories, while Bricktown and Little Keplar still have a few older water powered factories. Steam trains are a common sight in Tri-City as there are 3 train stations that allow you to travel to other districts of the city or internationally.
  • Some delivery drivers have motorized vehicles. Though donkeys, horses, and motorized vehicles are limited to work usage as Tri-City is a strictly walking city.
  • The city has 4 elementary schools, but further learning is all done at Tri-City High School where children from all districts can attend. TCCCC is the only university in the region.
Founding Date
Tri City - 240 CE
Bricktown - 0 CE
Alternative Name(s)
Formerly known as Bricktown
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
  • Salt
  • Wild Geese
  • Lumber
  • Bricks
  • Catfish
  • Potatoes
  • Raseberries
  • Alpaca Wool


Tri City is split into 5 districts.

The districts have been competing with each other since the founding of Tri-City and aren't about to stop anytime soon. Each district has its own fashion, food, and music and people will always claim their district has the best. The districts have their own colors and mascots they like to display at festivals and sporting events.

There are 3 trade districts. These trade districts were built by the 3 largest economic powers in the year 240 after the Raspberry War. Each of these districts is run by the corporations of their respective homeland. Trade Districts are responsible for their own police force and infrastructure. People who live in the trade districts retain the citizenship of their homeland and do not receive Tri-City Citizenship. When you move between one trade district and another you are subject to the customs laws and inspections of the nation who governs that district.

As a result there are many different Passports people in Tri-City have, and the color of your passport might subject you to having your bags searched or limit what items you can or cannot bring into other territories.

The three trade districts are:

Representing the Keplar Empire, this district is known for being more traditional and patriarchal than the others. They are known for wine, tomatoes, pasta, elegantly draped tunics, short haircuts, and outdated views on women. This district hosts most of Tri-Cities sporting events at the Doball Park. O'Malley's Music Shop and Ink & Iron comic book store are also located here. The large Public Baths are offered as a community service to keep the population clean.

Many Keplans between the ages of 20-30 have been moving to this District lately to get away from the Loneliness Tax back in Keplar Valley.

Made up of two circular networks of buildings with large towers in the middle, 90% of the Delts live in the East Tower. The West Tower is the primary commercial district, and most people take the ferry across the Tepid River to go back home to the East Tower after work. People who are not citizens of The Delta are generally not allowed in East Tower.

West Tower is known for selling fine silks and expensive robes. They sell a large amount of fruits and spices only available in the warmer southern regions.

West Tower features the best coffee in all of Tri-City in Automaton Park, a park full off mechanical automaton artwork.

This settlement is home to people from Federation of Like Minded States. Unlike the other two world powers, the Federation is made up of very distinct city states that don't always like each other. It is common to hear people referred to as Fossans or Notaporters or Thistlers as opposed to the Likemind demonym associated with the Federation.

Fedora is generally the most industrialized of the 3 trade districts and features TCCCC and a large Cereal Factory with a speakeasy hidden underneath. This is because it is illegal to sell booze in Fedora and West Tower.

  North of the 3 trade districts is the oldest part of Tri-City. The Bricktown district has been around for at least 300 years and holds that status of an independent city state. Along with the newer Corpo Playground district across the river, these two districts are home to Tri-City citizens, also known as Triangles, that hold the yellow Tri-City Passport.

Bricktown was here long before anyone had ever dreamed up the idea of Tri-City. At least 300 years. When the corporations started taking over the city in the 240s, a lot of the original residents of Bricktown felt like they were being taken advantage of. The Bronze Age crime syndicate eventually unified the people of this district and turned it into a productive industrial district.

The largest employer in Bricktown is the Conveys shoe factory, but many people work in smuggling or money laundering. Folklore Fish Fry is a popular community spot for fried catfish, drinks, live music, entertainment, and community meetings.

All the most wealthy citizens come to this part of town to live and evade taxes. Half of the richest people in the world live in this district, and they never pay taxes back in their home country. The fatcats living on Billionaire Boulevard wanted easy access to the train station, but didn't like the noise, so a large row of trees were transplanted to give them their privacy at the top of the hill.

Floor Street, the Fashion Square Mall, and the Tri-City Ballroom are all located in this very expensive part of town. Or if you want some high stakes gambling you can try The Rising Sun, where even millionaires have found themselves as indentured servants after some poor decision making.


Tri-City Board of Directors

The Tri-City Board of Directors is made up of one director from each of the 3 trade districts, Fedora, The Towers, and Little Keplar. People who own stock in the corporations operating in that respective district have the right to vote on the director at the yearly shareholder's meeting.

The current directors are:
However the Board of Director's seat for Fedora is facing growing competition from Cornelius Gates of Hardpot, a fierce political rival of Harris.

Tri-City Mayor

The mayor of Tri-City is voted on by anyone who owns land or a business in Tri-City. They don't discriminate based on who you are or where you came from, as long as you aren't a poor.

Unlike the Board, the Mayor is only elected every 6 years. The Board primarily makes the laws and corporate regulations for Tri-City while the Mayor deals with the implementation and enforcement of said laws and regulations, as well as general infrastructure for the people.

The Mayor can veto laws passed by the Board unless the Board has a 3-0 veto-proof majority.

The mayor of Tri-City for the past 10 years is Mayor Vanderfeller of Tri-City Trading. He will be up for re-election in two years.

The Crime Syndicate

The Bronze Age crime syndicate has just as much presence in Tri-City as any of the Corpo leaders. If Seraph, the syndicate's leader, wants to sit in on a Tri-City Board of Directors meeting there is nobody that is going to stop him.

Police and private security from the other districts generally don't enter Bricktown because of Bronze Age. The people of Bricktown have mostly positive opinions of Seraph and the crime syndicate. Actions by Bronze Age generally prevent the Corpos from coming into Bricktown and tearing down the family homes to build luxury Corpo condos. Bronze Age even built a school for Bricktown (Richard Oscar Shae Elementary School)

As much as Bronze Age loves to steal from the Corpos, they aren't helping the people of Bricktown out as a form of charity. Controlling the territory on the west bank of the Tepid River is very important to their smuggling business. Having healthy businesses in Bricktown helps their money laundering schemes. The Information Brokers in the crime syndicate rely on the people of Bricktown to collect important data.  


Tri-City was founded in the year 240 by Fae Norine and Richard Oscar Shae. Shae went on to become the first mayor of Tri-City, so he often gets more credit than his co-founder.

Long before it was ever called Tri-City, however, it was just Bricktown, one of the 5 independent city-states in the northwest region. Bricktown was a common stopping point for trade between Keplar, the Delta, and the other 4 city-states.

The Coalition of Likeminded States was formed by the 5 city-states when the Keplar Empire started expanding its territory ever closer to their farmland. When the Keplan Army took over an important raspberry farm near Tri-City, the 3 month long Raspberry War began.
When the Coalition army eventually retreated to Bricktown, The Delta navy had sailed up the river to back them up. The final battle of the war caused major destruction to Tri-City, but the Coalition was able to hold the city. When the King of Keplar heard news of the loss he flew off into a rage as is normal for him and ended up having a brain aneurysm. His son who had always opposed the war immediately ended it.

The resulting peace treaty had all 3 involved parties make efforts to help repair the devastated Bricktown. However, this act of aid however soon turned into a competition of which nation could show off the most with their architecture and design.

Norine and Shae completed the Armistice Bridge in the year 240. When Shae was elected mayor later that year, he put into place the current 3 districts system, giving the 3 world powers almost full autonomy in their respective districts.

After the first railroad connected all the City-States, the Coalition of Likeminded States adopted a federal level democratic government and the Federation of Like Minded States was born. Tri-City did not join the other 4 city-states because of political differences involving taxes and the right to own guns. Federation citizens in Tri-City are still allowed to vote in the elections, however, so Tri-City still wields some sway over FLMS politics.

Over the next 50 years the new railroad helped grow Tri-City into one of the most successful cities in all of Olo.    

Industry and Trade

There are five major corporations that have reached dominance in Tri-City.

Tri-City Trading is run by JP Blooman, the richest man in the world. It is the only major corporation 100% based out of Tri-City. TCT has 4 Walmart style stores in Tri-City as well as many more cities and towns across the land. But if there isn't a TCT near you, don't worry, they have an extensive catalogue you can order from. If you are signed up for TCT Prime you can get 'next month' shipping straight to your doorstep at no extra cost. TCT also bought the moon and renamed it Tri-City Trading Presents: Moon, but they have no way to get there.

International Investments Incorporated and Delta Private Equity are both private equity companies that are competing to buy up all the small businesses and gut them.   International Investments Incorporated is based out of the Keplar Empire and they own the widely successful Corpo Bank, Defoball Sporting Goods along with the trademark to the sport itself, a vast amount of rental properties / apartments, fashion companies, tea, fast food, a copper mine, a large amount of vineyards, and even a talent management agency called Inc Entertainment that has many world renown clients like Sturgis O'Malley's Beatroot Gang and Bellona.

Delta Private Equity is one of the largest private investment companies in The Delta and Tri-City. Well known for buying out competitors as a way to control prices across an entire industry, DPE is a name many smaller companies are warry of. DPE owns Brassworks, Worldwide Liquor, the incredibly popular clothing company Turn of Times, a newspaper, and a rival talent agency to Inc³ called DPE Talent Management. Their clients include the most successful jazz singer of all time Sally King and the Delta's own Kamari Kito.

Hardpot Industrial is the largest manufacturer of metal goods in the world. Headquartered in the Frontier Economic Zone of the Federation of Like Minded States, Hardpot has an enormous company town and workforce. They leverage the abundance of coal and iron in the south to create a monopoly on steel production. In Tri-City, Hardpot has been moving to open factories specializing in brass and copper goods. Hardpot also has two popular clothing lines Hi! Fashion and Hi! Sport.

50 years ago Coalition started operating the first passenger and freight railroad in Federation of Like Minded States. Ever since they have been able to keep their designs secret and become exceedingly wealthy operating all the railroads across Olo. When people started robbing trains, Coalition Risk Assessment was formed. The CRA eventually became the private police force for the Fedora region of Tri-City and an overall formidable private security force for Corpos. In recent years Coalition has been funding more and more political campaigns which has put them at odds with fellow Federation corporation, Hardpot.

Laws in Tri-City

  • Tri-City accepts Federation Coal ¢ as the primary currency, but people are allowed to trade in other currencies for non-government business.

  • You cannot buy, sell, or transport alcohol in the Fedora or West Tower districts.

  • Any crime with financial damages over ¢1,000,000 can be considered a violent crime. This means it can fall under self-defense if you harm someone who is scamming over ¢1,000,000.

  • Copyrights, Trademarks, and Patents expire after 6 years of not being used. If a book for examples doesn't print any sequels in 6 years, the intellectual property becomes open source.

  • You must refer the the second moon as TCT Presents - Moon and not by its original name.

  • It is illegal to earn less than ¢800 a month. If you earn less than that, you can be fined ¢100.

  • It is illegal to post a job opening that requires any years of experience for an 'entry level job'. Jobs that require any amount of education and experience have to payed accordingly or the job posting is illegal and the company will be fined substantially.

  • It is illegal to have guns in Tri-City. Only a very select few experienced police officers have access to guns, and they rarely touch them.

  • The 3 trade districts have to provide their own police forces. The Federation police are not allowed in Fedora however, because of the above gun law. As a result Coalition Risk Assessment is paid to patrol both Fedora and Corpo Playground.

  • Cults are illegal in Tri-City. In Tri-City law a cult is defined as such - a 'church' becomes a 'cult' when they start using some means of 'punishment' to prevent members from leaving. This punishment could be financial, physical, or some form of social isolation such as being shunned by ones own family and friends.

  • It is illegal to preach any sort of ideas about gold and/or money being the root of all evil. It is illegal to spread 'propaganda' such as "you can't eat money" to convince people other things in life matter more than cash.




Popular Shops

With consumerism being part of the core identity of Tri-City, the Triangle culture is certainly shaped by its shops. At the same times the shops are shaped by both the diversity of the city and the conflict that runs deep within the city's personality. You can buy goods from all over Olo and there are many shops that showcase goods from far away cities and cultures. This has shaped the local Tri-City brands to have a melting pot of ideas. At the same time, however, there is a conflict between the small businesses and the large corporate chains that are trying to take over. Simply by choosing to shop at a family run store as opposed to a corporate chain is almost like casting your vote for one kind of future over the other. There are many people in Tri-City who will judge you one way or the other, and there is no way to make everyone happy.


Folklore Fish Fry
  Paladin Pizza
  Let Them Eat Cake


Bespoke Fedoras: The oldest clothing store in Tri-City, this store specializes in high quality hats, overcoats, suits, and anything you could need to impersonate a 1930s Noir Detective. With strong community ties, Bespoke Fedoras stands against large chain stores and the corporations.
Conveys: This company based out of Bricktown revolutionized the shoe industry with its use of canvas and rubber over the traditional leather. Popular both among athletes and the youth, Conveys is the accidental 'golden goose' of the Tri-City mafia. Originally it was just a front for smuggling and money laundering until sales of legit shoes overshadowed the illegal activities.
Hi! Fashion/Hi! Sport: Two stores opened by Hardpot Industrial, they focus on simple clothing that uses a minimal amount of fabric and is easy to sew. They cut these corners for the sake of corporate profits, but with clever marketing they have started a cultural movement in the Federation that pushes back against more conservative fashion rules.
Classic Tunics: A popular brand in Keplar, Classic Tunics is now available in Tri-City as well. They sell traditional tunics, belts, and other accessories for both men and women. If you aren't a fan of pants you might want to try out this store.
DoBall Sporting Goods: A Corpo attempt to cash in on the activewear trend, DoBall Sporting Goods sells all the latest team licensed merchandise as well as gear to go out and play a variety of sports. If you need protected from blunt trauma while doing activities legal or illegal, this is the best place to shop.
Tri-City Sock Exchange: A shop that wouldn't even exist if it weren't for the sloppy handwriting on a check, the Tri-City Sock Exchange is very small business in the middle of the busy financial district. Soft socks made of alpaca wool and other cute merchandise are sold by two girls and an alpaca. The boss has mysteriously vanished.  
Turn of Times: A Delta brand that sells fast-fashion-fusion based on clothing from many different cultures. Turn of Times is known for bright colors and fresh new ideas. The clientele tends to be be very young, with many older residents of Tri-City complaining about the loud styles.  

General Goods

Tri-City Trading
  The Bunny Hut   Furniture Store


Hobbies and Sports

Sportsball / Defoball
Tri-City Swing Free Weekly Dances
Live Music: Paladin Pizza Folklore Fish Fry O'Malley's Folk Music Shop Automaton Park
Tabletop Roleplaying Games and Card Games: Ink and Iron Cosplay Comics


Climate and Geography

  Tri-City sits in the middle of the The Wine and Coal Road that connects the major world powers of the Keplar Empire and the Federation of Like Minded States.

The Tepid River runs through Tri-City giving it easy river access to The Delta and ocean trade routes.

This easy access to the roads, rail, and rivers makes Tri-City the most valuable trading location in the world.   Tri-City has a rather cold climate most of the year, with mild summers. Many tributaries running into the Tepid River give the city plenty of water and fish, as well as fertile soil for farms outside the main city.

Trade slows down during the winter as many roads to the city are frozen over. The railroad to Keplar is not accessible at all for the Month of Pondering because the Northwinds Pass route is closed due to extreme snow.

Tri-City nights get very long in the winter, while there is considerably more daylight during the summer.

Tri-City Hours of Daylight by Month
  Gold: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Cyan: 7:00am - 8:00pm
Blue:6:00am - 9:00pm
Red: 5:00am - 10:00pm
Magenta: 6:00am - 9:00pm
Green: 7:00am - 8:00pm
Orange: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Purple: 9:00am - 6:00pm


Tri City uses the 8 month Ajaxian Calendar like most of Olo. Each month is 24 days with 6 day weeks (there are no Thursdays on the planet Olo).

The festivals and holidays of certain months like the Month of Preparation and the Month of Pondering are extra relevant to Tri-City as a result of the city losing most access to trade in the frozen over winter.

Many festivals will have their main events held in particular districts of the city, all depending on the cultural relation to that festival.

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