Bronze Age

Bronze Age is a crime organization in Tri-City run by the rather infamous Seraph.

The Bricktown region of Tri-City has been around long before the city itself was ever dreamt up. Families can trace their roots to the area for as far back as recorded history goes. However, when the corporations from the 3 biggest economic powers in Olo started moving into Tri-City, it was Bricktown that started getting pushed around.

People from Bricktown were suddenly being removed from their homes, fields, fishing spots, and business locations. As the displeasure of the Bricktown people grew, crime and violence began to break out it Tri-City.   A man named Seraph came to Tri-City in the early 250s and began to bring order to the chaos. He put a mission behind the civil unrest and gave purpose to the Bricktowners who no longer had a place to fit in.   The quickly developing corporate nature of Tri-City was scary or unwelcoming to some, and these were the people Seraph brought hope and a community.   Seraph and 'Bronze Age' openly defied the corporations and the Tri-City government (made up of CEOs from said corporations.) They made it very clear that the territory of 'Bricktown' between the Requinto River and the Tepid River was the territory of the people. No corporations or Corpo private security was welcome without the approval of Seraph.  

Building the Community

  Bronze Age has brought in a lot of services that improve the lives of the people in Bricktown. After The Infrastructure Riots of 277 they built an elementary school for the community. They used the placement of Richard Oscar Shae Elementary School to modify the zoning of Bricktown, as a previously established law in Tri-City prevented commercial businesses from building next to elementary schools. This meant that companies like Tri-City Trading could not buy the land and push out the native residents.

Bronze Age also helps maintain the docks, bridges, and even plumbing that goes to Bricktown homes.

Bronze Age relies on a healthy Bricktown community and small businesses in order to operate their money laundering, smuggling, and information broker services.

Bronze Age's medic, Eeva offers medical care to the community while working as the school nurse for organization's elementary school. She also happens to be Seraph's daughter and is treated as the unofficial princess of Bricktown.  

The Business

  Bronze Age has its hands in a diverse collection of businesses. With Tri-City being the border between major world power governments it is is common for Bronze Age to take jobs smuggling goods across national borders. When people need to enter or escape from one nation, Bronze Age can assist at sneaking them over as well. Sometimes, however, it is just the money or assets someone wants transferred under the radar, and part of what you pay Bronze Age for is not asking questions about where the money or goods comes from.

They do however ask questions when transporting people. Human trafficking is not a business they want to be associated with. The only humans they smuggle are people who want to be smuggled.

Bronze Age uses the legitimate businesses under their protection in Bricktown to aid in the laundering of money. Sometimes they are helping Corpos embezzle from their own companies, and sometimes it is people in trouble with the law in their home country. Why would an anti-Corpo group be helping out Corpo embezzlers? Favors and information are the most important currency in this line of business. Corpos who are in trouble are quick to spill valuable information and easy to blackmail into giving Bronze Age access inside.

With the Prohibition of alcohol in the Federation of Like Minded States Bronze Age began making a lot of money on the sales of illegal booze. They took over an old shoe factory and were using shoe sales as a way to smuggle the booze to people. This ended up turning into the invention of Conveys athletic shoes, which now makes more legitimate money than the organizations criminal activity.

Views on Violence

Seraph has been very clear from the beginning that violence is not ideal for doing business. Lethal force is used at an absolute minimum, as dead bodies create way too many enemies and bring a great deal of unwanted attention. Wars between rival criminal organizations or criminals and the law are incredibly costly.

Violence is bad for business, and Seraph expect his businesses to run smoothly.
Founding Date
Illicit, Syndicate
Alternative Names
Bricktown Mafia
Notable Members
Related Plots

The Boss

  Bronze Age is built around the vision and ego of one man. There isn't much chain of command or structure beyond simply doing what Seraph says. Nobody in the organization is ever fully aware of the big picture of what the boss is doing.

Seraph is a mysterious and controversial figure in Bricktown. He generally has a large overcoat and an oversized hat to hide his face. He is known to use body doubles. Nobody has any idea how old he is. He has been running Bronze Age for 49 years, but he certainly doesn't look that old. Many rumors say that there have been multiple Seraphs, and that the name is more of a title than an actual man's name.

But beyond the rumors the one thing everyone does know is that Seraph has connections. If he wants to sit in on a Tri-City Board of Directors meeting, nobody is going to stop him. If he wants to meet with JP Blooman, JP clears his schedule. Seraph can even meet with the Kings, Queens, and Presidents of world powers when he wants to.

Relation with Tri-City

To most people, Bronze Age is informally recognized as the government of Tri-Cities 5th district. There are many, like the Tri-City Squaring Committee however that want Bricktown to be absorbed into the Corpo Playground and fall under the governance of Tri-City Trading.


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