New New Fossan

'New New Fossan' style is also known as 'Flashy Corpo' in parts of Tri-City and Keplar.   New New Fossan, despite what the name might suggest is actually a style born in Tri-City and not New Fossa.

Old Fossan style was born in New Fossa, but the split between the two style is credited to Richard Oscar Shae. Richard was born in New Fossa and worked as a tailor, but moved to the area outside of Bricktown a few years before it officially became Tri-City. He moved to the area in search of quality wool and beaver felt, which wasn't available in New Fossa. Eventually Richard became known as one of the founders of Tri-City and his Bespoke Fedoras store is a staple of the community.

And though the Bespoke Fedoras store is credited as the birthplace of New New Fossa style, it is not actually considered New New Fossan. The changes Richard made to the forms and sewing patterns of Old Fossan style are at the heart of New New Fossan Style, and his break from the materials and colors associated with Old Fossan (light colored linens) inspired the New New Fossan movement. However, the style continued to evolve to use colors and materials far beyond what Richard ever designed.

So Bespoke Fedoras is certainly New New Fossan in form but not in material.

The forms that define New New Fossan from Old Fossan would be button down or pin collars, raglan sleeves Richard was well known for, fedora hats, trench coats, pants that covered the ankle,

New New Fossan style is defined by the creative and flashy use of new materials. Bright colors and an overboard amount of screen printing has earned the style a reputation for being over the top. Materials that mimic the look of gold or silver are popular in this style of dress. Brand names or logos are often found all over clothing of this style, often as a way to seek prestige... But really it is just a sign of poor people wearing expensive clothes they can't afford to try to look rich.

Lanford Shae, the grandson of Richard Shae and current owner of Bespoke Fedoras has described New New Fossan as...  
These New New Fossan designers took my grandfathers ideas and then fabricated them out of garbage, vommited a bunch of brand labels on them, and then sold them for an excessive price for corpos to buy.


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