
Former artist for Ink & Iron

Famous comicbook artist, writer and illustrator of Greed and the 6 Not So Deadly Sins and My Tactless Angel

Worked on Whimsy Whiskers TTRPG

Owner of Cosplay Comics

Zoe Zuri Zane was one of the original artists working on the Ink and Iron tabletop RPG. She worked as an illustrator on the card games and the comic book.

She was a fan favorite until International Investments Incorporated, the owning corporation, started taking away creative control from the artists and instead focusing on 'design committees' based around market research.

As a result, Zoe left Ink and Iron and made the comic book My Tactless Angel which grew her a new following but still kept her Ink and Iron fans happy.

Her follow up to 'My Tactless Angel' was a comic book series called Greed and the 6 Not So Deadly Sins. This comic was seperated into 6 books, each focusing on one of the 6 Not So Deadly Sins.

The comic was innitially well recieved by all until 'Book #4 - Lust was released. This is when the Ink and Iron Bros said she was trying to put 'feminist messages' into the story and she was a traitor to the fans.

To escape the drama around Greed and the 6 Not So Deadly Sins, Zoe Zuri Zane decided opens up a shop selling cosplay of her favorite comic book characters. She wanted to get away from the comics for a while and just sew.   When cosplay alone wasn't selling, she reluctantly decided to start carrying her own comic books and the Ink & Iron media she worked on. The store became a quick success and the media brought in a lot more interest for the cosplay.

International Investments Incorporated did not like this and proceeded with a lawsuit. In the end Zoe was no longer allowed to sell Ink and Iron material at her shop.

Zoe started working with other comicbook artists around Tri-City and foreign cities to fill her shelves with new material. She started carrying the The Final Moon TTRPG, but it never sold as much as Ink and Iron. Zoe hit her big break when she was contacted by executives from the one and only Whimsy Chorus Company.

Whimsy Chorus is a company started by the famous Clive Jinzo. The company is run by Parave, a bird like people who are credited with inventing modern colored printing techniques. Whimsy Chorus is the best selling comic book in Olo by a wide margin.

Zoe wanted to sell their products in her store. Whimsy Chorus however had bigger ideas. Whimsy Chorus wanted to break into the tabletop RPG market and they wanted to colaborate with Zoe. The idea would be a combination of My Tactless Angel and Greed and the 6 Not So Deadly Sins characters stuck in the world of Whimsy Chorus. Zoe would be the one to design a protagonist / mascot character.

The Catgirl

Back in the early days of Whimsy Chorus the Parave wanted to introduce a human character. Lead artist Clive Jinzo was a shut-in however and had only met humans a few times in his life. Most of Clive's knowledge of mammals came from his pet cat.

This old design, that has since been removed because of negative reception among human customers, is what Zoe wanted to use for the main character of this new tabletop RPG. This human with cat like mannerisms and features would be on the front cover of Whimsy Whiskers TTRPG.

The Catgirl class in the RPG became a fan favorite, and Zoe made a good amount of money selling cat ear headbands and related cosplay. Cat ears soon became a staple of Fantasian fashion.

This didn't come without criticism however. When fans of Whimsy Whiskers tried to roleplay as Catgirls at an Ink and Iron event they were verbally berated and kicked out of the event. The tension between the Ink and Iron crowd and the fans of Zoe Zuri Zane soon boiled over into what is known as Whiskergate.

The crowd that left Ink and Iron because of the toxic Whiskergate behavior have turned Cosplay Comics into a hub of Fantasian culture.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

298 - present   296 - Whimsy Whiskers Released - Whiskergate starts   293 - 296 - Time Spent working at Whimsy Chorus   288 - Cosplay Comics opens   286 - Greed Volume 1-4 are released   282 - My Tactless Angel is released   277 - Zoe leaves Ink and Iron   267 - Ink and Iron is released   250 - Whiskers is removed from the Comics   245 - Clive Jinzo makes his first human character 'Whiskers'   240 - Zoe is born   230 - First Whimsy Chorus Comic Book written by Clive Jinzo   220 - Comic Books become popular among Parave   210 - Clive Jinzo is born
Ruled Locations


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