Damitar IV Geographic Location in Star Trek 2370 | World Anvil
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Damitar IV


Deep within the beta quadrant, Damitar IV is an M-class world of some renown. The Damitarians who inhabit the world are human-like in appearance except for prominant birth markings around their foreheads. This species is early warp-capable, marking the beginning of their introduction to the wider galaxy. However, due to geopolitical turmoil, the Damitarians have little resources for exploration and interstellar trade. In Federation space, Damitar IV is most well known for the Incident of Stardate 100310.77 where the senior staff of the U.S.S. Electra was killed, caught in the midst of civil war.  


Damitar IV is similar in many ways to Earth. The global average temperature is 12 degrees celcius, with highs in the equatorial desert lowlands exceeding 52 degrees in the summer, and lows in the polar regions subceeding -90 degrees in the winter. The planetary geographical terrain was produced as a result of subterrainian techtonic activity, resulting in a myriad of features like oceas, mountains, lowlands, plateuas, etc. In the space above Damitar IV, an anomalous wormhole of questionable stability could deliver one to the beta quadrant. U.S.S. Electra sensor data shows that the wormhole translated with the motion of Damitar IV, always remaining in orbit. It is unclear if the back-end of the wormhole remains fixed.  


Damitarian culture is still greatly a mystery to the Federation as the only Starfleet officers who experienced the culture were killed. It is known that the two major factions (the Democratic Peoples Republic of Galoth and The Confederate States of Menoth) have a tense relationship resulting from a bloody history. Additionally, both factions appeared to purport the existance of a "God-Child", a Damitarian who embodied their deity, who was vitally important to their cultural traditions and relations.  

Fauna / Flora

Lieutenant Nilish Jaleso commented in her personal log that Damitar IV was home to a remarkably bitter, chrimson fruit that the locals called a daca, noting that it was quite flavourful when steamed.  


Little is known about the strategic resources of Damitar IV. However, it is inferred that they posess a cache of weapons grade nuclear material due to the nuclear war which broke out on the surface.

Damitar IV

Classification: Planet
Subclassification: M-Class
Noteable Events: Incident of Stardate 100310.77
Geopolitical: Binary nation states
Terrain: Earth-like; Oceans, deserts, etc.
Space: Sizeable wormhole of questionable stability to <66728.9, 707542.2>
Species: Damitarian
Factions: Democratic Peoples Republic of Galoth; The Confederate States of Menoth
Fauna / Flora
No Information Known
Inferred Weapons grade radioactive material

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