Pleiades Solace | World Anvil

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Pleiades Solace

Cowardly but intelligent, her only goal in life is to live peacefully. Has a tendency to run away from uncomfortable situations, including any social interactions.

Campaign & Party

USS Electra Lower Decks

Sorra Marley Tatiana Pleiades
Run by Elisa R
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Sat 12th Aug 2023 06:37

Cadet's Log Stardate 194873.4

by Pleiades Solace

On our way back to federation space, we were to go through the Lokrian Nebula, a celestial object so large that it can be seen even from the alpha quadrant. While the crew prepared to pass through the nebula, the Electra came across a fleet of ships carrying roughly 7000 alien species called the Parums, a species that can change their forms depending on the jobs they wish to excel at. When I reported for my shift, I noticed that Doctor Connors was not in medbay, and so I contacted both him and Captain to be informed of the situation. Under their order, I grabbed a couple of extra medical supplies and beamed over to the flotilla's lead ship where Doctor Connors was treating the sick. After running a couple of failed tricorder reading, the doctor sent me to the bridge meeting with Captain and the leader of the Parum, which I tried to convince him to go to himself before being shut down. I beamed back onto the Electra to attend the meeting, which turned slightly sour when the Parums became suspicious of us, so the Captain took the leader of the Parum along with a couple more personnel of theirs in the hopes of clearing up any misunderstandings.
After the Captain left, I spoke with another Parum who attended the meeting named Bern Gehring. After having a small conversation, I asked him to come over to medbay with me as we were low on staffs. We started doing small tasks such as filling up hyposprays and replacing the biofilms when the ship started to shake violently. As it turned out, the shielding of the Electra were turned off momentarily in the hopes of putting it back up to encompass the floatilla with it. A Kremda fighter that was hiding saw this as an opportunity to attack us. Both me and Mister Berlin- Bern, watched the fight unfold on the other side of the window until commander Passinissi called medbay, telling us that the casualties the Electra took from the Kremda fighter led to critical injuries of two crewmens. The emergency transporter had been damaged during the battle, but Mister Bern was able to focus the transporter on the two crewman to beam them to medbay, at which point we started patching them up. Eventually the Electra won the battle against the Kremda fighter.
We continued our preparation to pass through the nebula, at which point, multiple personnels from the Parum ships came to assist the Electra. I decided to start running a couple of tests on Mister Bern to learn of the Parum's dietary restrictions as well as any other information I could find. I learned that the Parums were not affected by chlorine, which is usually a deadly toxin to other species.
A few hours after we started passing the nebula, we were attacked once again, and the proceeding battle had seemed to cause the ship's shield to go down yet again. I decided to walk over to engineering with Mister Bern to see if there were anything we could help with to put the shields back up. Unfortunately, one of the Kremda ships latched onto the Electra on Deck 7, which was where we were working at. I suggested filling the hallways with chlorine gas to stop the intruders, who we knew were coming up towards Engineering with deadly forces, however I was not able to get through the computer's safety protocols to release chlorine onto our hallways, and thus were forced to engage in combat with the Kremda intruder. We managed to kill all but one which survived, though unconscious. At this point, the spores used by the mutineers were released into the air by captain and I was knocked unconscious.
I managed to wake back up and started dragging Mister Bern to medbay and gave him a hypospray that woke him up. At this point, the captain ask us to to join the rescue party to save doctor Connors and the other medical personnel who stayed behind on the lead ship. Me, Mister Bern, Ensign... Vash and Crewman... Al... Farabi, all met up on the shuttle on our way to the lead ship. I was to act as the lead medical officer for this mission. We latched onto the lead ship and managed to meet up with Hala'ee, the leader of the Parum. The ship was 40% taken over by the Kremda by the time we got there. After realizing that the only non-Parums aboard the ship were us and the medical personnels, who were taken hostage in the ship's engineering room, I came up with a plan.
Two Parums who had experience in piloting as well as a couple Parums on the priority list for evacuation (mostly children) would aboard the shuttle with the rescue team, we would then fly over to the airlock that were the closest to where we believed the hostages were held at as we give the control of the shuttle to the two pilots. While the rescue team goes to collect our medical team, the shuttle will go back to the Electra to drop off the refugees and pile as many chlorine gas tanks as they possibly can onto the shuttle. The shuttle will then pick us and the medical team up by the airlock and we will reconvene with Hala'ee and give them the chlorine gas to fill their ships with. The rescue team and the medical personnels will evacuate the ship, killing only the Kremda and none of the Parum aboard the ship. Hala'ee would try to negotiate with the Kremda for the release of the hostages to distract them, and on the off chance that they somehow succeed, they would sound an alarm that would alert us to abort the mission.
Hala'ee agreed to the plan and the four of us were dropped off by the airlock, and we made our way over towards where the hostages were held. Along our way, we came across 2 Kremda marines who initially mistook us as one of their own, which we were forced to kill due to the threat of them exposing us. Mister Bern, with his knowledge of the ship, were able to sneak through the engineering room and the cargo hold to find 4 Kremda marine in the engineering room, 5 in the cargo hold, and roughly 35 hostages being held in the middle of the cargo hold, 4 of them being our medical staffs. We all decided to do a surprise attack on the 4 marines in the engineering room before tackling on the cargo hold to make sure the 5 marines in the cargo hold could not ask for their reinforcements later on. We managed to kill 2 of the marines, and the remaining 2 we stunned after threatening them to drop their weapons.
As we were about to ambush the cargo hold, Engin Vash came up with the plan where we lure some of the marines by acting as their own and calling for their help. Me and Mister Bern went into engineering, where Mister Bern proceeded to call for help due to invaders. 2 Kremda marines came out, which Ensign Vash and Crewmen Al Farabi managed to surprise attack and kill. We all decided that the best way to take on the remaining 3 marines were to also to surprise attack them while one of us acted as a distraction. I offered to be the distraction as I had the least amount of combat abilities out of the 4 of us. I slammed open the door on one side of the cargo hold which took attention away from the other as the marines shot at me. Mister Bern, Ensign Vash, and Crewmen Al Farabi managed to kill the 3 guards. We reconvened with our 4 medical personnel as we also explained the situation to the remaining hostages, and rushed back to the shuttle, who were waiting for us by the airlock.
We returned back to Hala'ee with the chlorine gas, and we managed to convince her to first try to negotiate with the Kremda before releasing the chlorine gas on them. Although she seemed hesitant, she agreed, and the 8 of us returned back to the Electra. Later, we were told that the negotiation succeeded, and that the chlorine gas was never used as the Kremda surrendered. The total casualties of this battle were roughly 400 Parums and one of their ships.
Afterwards, we continued on our way through the nebular while repairing our damaged ships, and once we all got to the other side of the nebula safely, the Parum ships and the Electra parted ways. Although roughly 40 of them stayed with the Electra to go to Federation, one of them being Mister Bern.

Pleiades's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Pleiades's history, from the beginning to today.

Go on a mission with the others they said! It'll be fun they said! I hope I don't ever have to interact with them ever again...

04:55 pm - 10.11.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Pleiades.

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