Chapter 1: Scene 1: Settling Dust

Plot points/Scenes

Scene: Now that the Dust has Settled

Midday has finally passed and Aidan, Kyle, Tychus, and Anesidora are getting some albeit a small amount of relief from the merciless heat. Ranon Djelk and his thugs have been defeated and the Mole Serpent's corpse lays baking under the sun.   In the distance, a rumbling can be heard.  

Listen Check vs. DC 15

  For those with sharp hearing, it is the familiar sound of a Sandcrawler along with something else. It can only be described as the Sandcrawler was plowing the sand like a farmer would plow the soil to prepare it for planting.  

Spot Check vs DC 10

  When it comes into view, it is what was to be expected and more. It is a Sandcrawler! Behind it, are long thick cables leading to the recognizable silhouette of your ship being dragged through the sand. When the Sandcrawler comes to a halt, the doors open and Jawas and droids of all shapes and sizes come streaming out. It looks like an army of ants rushing out from their hill after being poked with a stick. Half of the stream goes straight for the huge derelict ship, and the other half goes behind the Sandcrawler, start to remove the cables, and lift the ship out of the sand so that repairs can begin.   Empideera Kkek is the last one to exit the Sandcrawler and approaches the heroes. He points an accusing finger in their general direction as he stomps over. He is yelling in Jawa;   "I am so glad I didn't trust you! Look what you have done to my droid! How am I supposed to trade now?!"   He points to the droid that is in pieces by the derelict ship and then back towards the heroes. His chattering language sounds faster and higher than it did the last time you last spoke with him. You don't need to understand Jawa to figure out that Empideera Kkek is furious. Despite this, out of all the chattering and screeching one word comes out clear. Wuipipi. Is he demanding payment? Compensation?   Without the translation droid, it might prove difficult to understand what exactly he is trying to say.   What do you do?    

Scene Conclusion

With the dispute between Empideera Kkek and our heroes made into a clear (or unclear) resolution, there is simply the matter of getting of the Dune Sea and back into Mos Espa. With the ship still in shambles, and the Jawas working hard to get into working order, there are few things for our heroes to do. They can Rest, train, or help the Jawas by repairing or scavenging parts.



Encounter 1: One pissed Jawa

  Empideera Kkek is beyond furious with our heroes. They have destroyed his prized droid Deesee and he asks for compensation beyond the reasonable means of a Jedi and an unemployed Mandalorian. The only other option would be to repair the droid and return it to him in working order.   Anyone that does a repair check: DC 40   First fail: Upon further examination of its power core, you can see that the fusion rod is completely wrecked. The radioactive element is still safely contained within and none of it is leaking into the environment. The only thing you could possibly do to repair it is finding a new one.  

Encounter 2: Finding a solution

  While you wait for the Jawas to continue to rest, train and recuperate. The Jawas also have some goods to trade and will accept credits, but from what can be discerned from the conversation, they charge 3 times more for the same item in credits than in Wuipipi. Purchasing anything unnecessary from them would be a waste.   Over by the huge derelict ship, there is a loud sound of creaking metal and a huge crash.  

Spot Check vs 15

  Your attention to detail has brought your eye upon some Jawas who are using small torches to tear pieces of metal away from the ship. They have been using small sleds to stack and pull the metal across the sand to your ship, where more Jawas are working to repair the ship with the scraps. By the two Jawas that are tearing scraps away, you can see a hole. It is big enough for you to enter and explore the ship. Perhaps there are things of value inside?   What will you do?
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Chapter 1
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