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Session 10: A Deadly Game, Part VI

General Summary

The Initiates find themselves in the midst of a battle that is clearly not going their way. The Trandoshan had just run off after recovering his torn off arm and finishing off the attacking Coromon Headhunters. Two snipers had the heroes pinned down from inside abandoned ruins and were causing heavy damage.   Tomla decides to brave the sniper fire and runs forward into the open. Using the Force, but still afraid of her power after killing the headhunter earlier, she lifts up a rock and dangles it above one of the sniper's heads. However, her uncertainty causes her to lose her connection to the force dropping the rock before being able to aim it properly and it lands on the ground instead.   Rin, seeing the danger they are in, runs full speed up behind one of the snipers without him noticing. Giving a quick whistle, he startles the enemy into turning around before he shoots him directly in the face (crit). In a blind reaction, the sniper reacts by tossing out a stun grenade haphazardly, missing the mark entirely. Tomla, seeing Rin exposed, runs up to support him, yelling at him to get ready. Trying to distract the sniper with the Force, she tries to reach into his mind, but her connection is still too weak. Rin looks confused.   As all three continue to take on sniper fire, and Tomla's usually powerful connection to the Force wavering, she decides to take a huge gamble. Running into the blaster fire, the Ithorian takes a deep breath and uses her four throats to release a mighty bellow into the sniper's face. The enemy falls over, but Tomla nearly does as well, having all but incapacitated herself from the effort. Meanwhile, Rin sees Lem facing off against the other sniper who has her sights lined up on the failing padawan. Focusing his entire being on aiming his blaster at the sniper, Rin shoots her hand, causing her to drop her blaster and saving Lem from almost certain death. Lem lowers his lightsaber, walking toward the downed enemy in order to capture her alive. The remaining sniper, seeing his comrade about to be captured, lines up his sniper and shoots her directly between the eyes, killing her instantly.   Rin pulls out his lightsaber and charges the remaining sniper. With Rin and Tomla both next to him and defeat seeming certain, the sniper pulls out his last stun grenade and lets it explode in his hand, knocking himself and Tomla unconscious, and Rin on the brink of incapacitation. However, with the danger past, Tomla is able to wake up and the three padawans patch themselves up from their life-threatening wounds, as well as stabilizing the suicidal sniper. Meanwhile, the Trandoshan begins collecting teeth from the headhunters that he killed.   Investigating the bloody scene, Rin sees that the snipers were The Onyx Tigers and takes one of the sniper rifles and ties up the still unconscious enemy. The Trandoshan identifies himself as Sissk and thanks them for their assistance before heading off into the jungle with his arm in one hand and spear in the other. After considering their options and seeing that their comlinks and datapad have no signal this deep into the jungle, they pick up the downed sniper and head off into the jungle themselves. Unfortunately, all three of them have different ideas of which way to go. They finally agree to go in the direction Tomla chooses, but after and hour of exhaustingly trekking through the deep jungle, they all agree that they're headed in the wrong direction. Lem feels confident in which way to go, so they follow him, lugging the heavy sniper along. Another hour of hiking and a close call with a headhunter later, and they see that they are near the beach where the participants were dropped off for the Headhunter Hunt.   Now that they are out of the deep jungle, Tomla's comlink chirps as S19-A1 finally gets a signal to her. He lets them know that the ship was attacked by speeder bikes, but that he "took care of them". He also relays a message from Master Konur who says that he made it to Yavin IV and will likely be out of coms range for a while.   Walking south through the jungle in order to get back to the The Mynock's Wing without being detected by the holos recording the Hunt, they finally reach the ship. There are charred remains of three speeders and what are likely the pilots strewn about the beach. Rin locks the Onyx Tiger in a storage room on the ship while Tomla checks on Lyshea who was locked in her room by Salty. Rin then starts loading up the destroyed speeder bikes into the cargo bay to salvage for parts. Lem goes to the cockpit and sees that there is a recorded message from the hospital on Northwest Coromons where they left Hus Jot. Lem lets the others know and they all gather together to call the hospital, who informs them that Hus unfortunately passed away and the Onyx Tiger that Lem paralyzed was "picked up by his family".   Salty, annoyed at having yet another "meatbag" on the ship, and possibly suffering from some sort of droid bloodlust after killing the speeder pilots, goes to the cargo room and starts shocking the tied up Tiger. Removing Salty from the room, the party finds that the shock woke him up. Lem tells the others to leave as he's going to do whatever it takes to get information out of him. However, when the sniper fails to find the padawan intimidating, Lem lets Salty back into the room for some one-on-one shock time. When that doesn't work, Tomla takes a different approach and brings their captive some water and talks to him. Asking about Hus, she finds that the sniper knew of him and that he was trying to leave the Onyx Tigers, but that's all.   Locking their captive back up, Rin flies the ship back to The Dock and the three take a speeder to the hospital to see what happened to Hus and to recover from their own wounds. As Rin and Lem head to the morgue with one of the hospital staff to identify Hus' body, Rin makes up an excuse to go to the bathroom and looks around a bit. However, all he finds is some medpacs in a storage closet. After a lot of internal moral debate, he decides to steal one of them, seeing that the hospital seems well-stocked. Meanwhile, Lem checks out Hus' body and tries to get his medical records, but the hospital staff refuse to release them to anyone who is not family.   Tomla stays near the hospital entrance, rightfully assuming that her padawan colleagues would find someway to get into trouble. As she waits, she spots a guy taking biowaste out the front door of the hospital on a repulsor-lift sled, which strikes her as odd. She follows him to a secluded spot on the west side of the island where he meet another person in a speeder who helps him load the waste into a run-down speeder. Using the Force, she lifts the entire speeder, waste included, and starts moving it toward her hiding spot behind some trees as the bewildered thieves follow it, assuming some sort of mechanical malfunction. When the speeder reaches Tomla and the men see her, she tries to act like an innocent bystander, equally curious about the runaway speeder. However, her constant eye contact with the speeder gives her away, so she drops the speeder, causing the barrel to crack open on impact, leaking bacta onto the ground. As the thieves reach for their blasters, Tomla uses her Ithorian bellow to try to incapacitate them, but only results in drawing attention to the scuffle and bringing local authorities over to investigate. The thieves run off, leaving the speeder and bacta barrel behind as Tomla plays the role of innocent victim to the authorities.

Rewards Granted

Level up!

Character(s) interacted with

The Threat from Within
Rin Tos
Lem "Lemmy" Kolo
Tomla Niron
Report Date
28 Aug 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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