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Session 26: The Infinity Path, Part IV

General Summary

Day 10, Evening
With Vass Manduc unconcious from his injuries, Lem takes a moment to have his own injuries seen to by SQ-GE3, a.k.a. Squeegy. Afterward, he puts binder cuffs on Vass and puts him in his familiar closet on the ship. With the power out, the door doesn't lock, but it doesn't look like the Devaronian is waking up anytime soon. Afterward, he heads to New Bendu to check on Rin at the medical center. Dorsk 82 is there and they discuss Rin's condition. His hands are gone and it's going to take a week or more for him to recover even to the point of being able to walk. What he really needs is a bacta tank and cybernetic hand implants. The closest place where they can find something like that is Fresia.   Tomla checks on a distraught Lyshea and then set to assessing the damage to The Mynock's Wing. The hyperdrive is obliterated and needs to be replaced, and there are a number of new parts that are needed to fix the sublight engine. If they have any hope of salvaging Salty, they're also going to need to need a new astromech chassis, motor, and a few other parts. None of these things are going to be found on Selvaris, so it looks like there might be a few reasons to head back to Fresia. Tomla repairs what can be fixed immediately over the course of the night, keeping an eye on Vass' door.   Day 11, Morning
In the morning, Dal Konur contacts everyone and suggests that they meet in the medical center of New Bendu to discuss the situation. Tomla comms in from the ship so she can keep an eye on Vass. They all agree that they should use the Star Temple to go to Fresia to get Rin treated and the parts they need to fix the ship. During the discussion, the Yuuzhan Vong thud bug that has been slowly regrowing in Lem's robe pocket since he put it there a week ago, flies out and attacks Kyp Durron, who quickly slices it in half with his lightsaber. Demanding to know what that was, the Lem testily reminds them of the Vong threat and of his encounter on ViGureni. Intrigued and concerned about this threat, Kyp suggests that since they are going to Fresia anyway, he should check out the Vong camp to learn more about them. Lyshea chimes in as well, saying that with everything that's happened, she would really like to go back and visit her friends and former coworkers at The Resort. That leaves Dal and Dorsk 82 to stay on Selvaris to open the gate back up when they are ready to return.   Soon after, Ismar Tun and another of the colonists arrive at the Mynock's Wing to stand guard over Vass so that Tomla can meet the rest of the group at the Infinity Gate. The others all walk to the mountain entrance with Rin in tow, strapped to a repulsor table. Once they are all together, they try to think of someone on Fresia that they have all met and can concentrate on in order to open the gate. They realize that they all must have met the same dock master at The Dock, so they meditate on his face. Once the portal opens, they push Rin's repulsor table into the gate and walk through, appearing instantly in front of a shocked dock master who runs away, terrified.   For the first order of business, Lem and Kyp take Rin to the hospital in Northwest Coromon. They get him into a bacta tank and are told that he should be fully healed, less his hands, in a matter of hours. With Rin safely getting treatment, they can then head to the shopping island across the bridge to get the parts they need. Kyp says he knows just the place and leads Lem through a series of winding, narrow corridors and alleyways, each taking them to a seedier part of the complex. They finally arrive at a large junk pile where a Rodian starts to greet them from under a table. When he sees Kyp, he groans and the two engage in some spirited discussion that Lem, not speaking Rodian, doesn't full understand. It does seem clear that this Rodian, named Doomi, has had a less-than-pleasant encounter with Kyp before, and Kyp has some leverage over him that he has absolutely no problem exploiting. Kyp is able to get all of the engine and droid parts they need, save the hyperdrive. Lem confronts Kyp over his treatment of Doomi, but Kyp just shrugs it off, explaining that the Rodian had a chance to avoid the situation in the past and made some poor decisions.   Meanwhile, Tomla and Lyshea take a speeder to The Resort. The pilot initially is reluctant to take them since he explains that it is a holiday, Warrior Spirit Day, and The Resort is closed. Lyshea convinces him that she knows people there and they will let them in, and sure enough, when they land, Lyshea's old friend Jallo is there to greet them, happy to see the Zeltron. However, no sooner have the started to catch up on their walk toward the hotel complex when several large carrier starships descend on the island. As Jallo runs inside and locks the door, they see dozens of Mark 1 Assault Droids and human men wearing True and Loyals insignia on black uniforms pouring out. Lyshea takes Tomla by the hand and runs behind the building where the two hide in a storage container. From there, they hear what sounds like the few staff that are left on the island being rounded up and marched into the hotel. Tomla tries to reach Lem on the comlink, but the signal is being jammed.   After some time passes and it gets a little quieter outside, the two leave their container and sneak around the hotel, trying to assess the situation and figure out a way off the island. It becomes immediately clear that Lyshea is not practiced at being stealthy and almost gives away their position multiple times. When they make their way to the front, they see a large force of droids and soldiers in the central plaza, so they quickly duck into the nearest door to the hotel, which luckily is the empty food preparation area. The soldier on the terrace above them hears something and becomes suspicious, so Tomla uses the Force to toss some debris to the other side of the hotel to obfuscate their position. After some discussion, they decide to work their way back around the side of the building so that they can look into the dining room windows, where they think the hostages are being kept. Sure enough, there are nearly a dozen captives and several droids and soldiers. Tomla says that the next thing they should do is make their way to the treeline and see if they can get out of the range of whatever is blocking their comm signal so they can call for help. Lyshea wants to rally her friends and fight the trespassers directly, but sees the sense in Tomla's plan.   Still in search of a hyperdrive, Kyp suggests that they visit his old friend Kritia Haccor who could help them out. He comms her office and her secretary says that she's willing to see him. A quick speeder ride to Lesser Coromon and they are led into Kritia's office. However, the CEO of Incom Corporation is less than happy to see the ex-Jedi. She tears into him for misleading her into selling him a dozen starfighters on the Jedi Order's account, only to find out that he is no longer a Jedi and had no authorization to do so. Then, she sees Lem and her attitude changes entirely. To Kyp's complete shock, not only does Kritia know Lem, but she's thrilled to see him and happy to help him out however he needs. She promises him whatever hyperdrive they need will be waiting for them on Prime Coromon. She asks about the others and says she is very sorry to hear that Rin was so badly injured, and promised him the best care at the hospital.   After a few hours in the bacta tank, Rin comes to and the hospital staff bring him out. As they are discussing his cybernetic options, a staff member comes in a whispers something to the doctor. The doctor straightens up and informs Rin that his medical care and whatever cybernetic enhancements he desires will be covered by the CEO of Incom. Rin says he'll take the works, and the staff explain that it will take 8 hours or so to prepare the devices and customize them accordingly. While he waits, he tries to comm Tomla but only gets static back. He comms Lem and Lem fills him in on what has happened while he's been out. They agree that Tomla's comm not working is concerning, so Rin agrees to keep trying to reach her from the hospital. After being unsuccessful for a while, he then tries to contact The Resort directly, but gets an automated message that it is closed for the holiday. He decides to contact his old friend Jacob Jason to see if he can help. Major Jason says that he has some direct contacts on the island, so he'll see what he can do to get someone to find Lyshea on the island. With that taken care of, Lem asks Rin if he can go to Prime Coromon to secure the hyperdrive while he checks out the Vong camp on ViGureni with Kyp.
The Threat from Within
Rin Tos
Lem "Lemmy" Kolo
Tomla Niron
Report Date
05 Apr 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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