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History of Star Wars: Edge of Destiny

  • 34000 BTC

    21547 BTC

    Infinite Empire

    The Infinite Empire, also known as the Rakatan Empire, was an interstellar empire in the galaxy ruled by the Rakata.

  • 24000 BTC

    21900 BTC

    Azure Imperium

    The Azure Imperium was a government that predated the Galactic Republic.

  • 21550 BTC

    11350 BTC

    Hutt Empire

    The Hutt Empire was an interstellar empire in the galaxy founded and ruled by the Hutt species before the rise of the Republic.

  • 21400 BTC

    Founding of the Republic

    Details of the founding have largely been lost to time.

  • 306 BTC

    303 BTC

    Jedi Civil War
    Military: War

    The reason the Jedi Civil War was named such, was because few in the galaxy can recognize the difference between the Sith and the Jedi. To them, they are both Jedi. ―Mical

  • 28 BTC

    1 BTC

    Great Galactic War
    Military: War

    Also known as the 1st Great War, and the Republic-Sith War, this was the last great conflict of the Old Republic Era.

  • 0 BTC

    The Signing of The Treaty of Coruscant
    Era beginning/end

    The Treaty of Coruscant was signed at the end of the 1st Great Galactic War. Modern scholars accept it as the endpoint of the Old Republic Era.

  • 1 ATC

    11 ATC

    Cold War
    Military action

    The Cold War was an intense, eleven-year standoff between the reconstituted Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic after the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant.

  • 11 ATC

    50 ATC

    2nd Great War
    Military: War

    Also known as The Galactic War, this marked the resumption of hostilities between the Republic and the Sith Empire. Note: This is where EoD timeline begins to diverge from SWTOR canon.

  • 15 ATC

    Truce at Makeb
    Criminal Activity

    The Rise of the Hutt Cartel marked the beginning of a brief truce between the Republic and the Sith. Both groups realized that they had become weakened enough to be vulnerable to other organizations in the galaxy.

  • 16 ATC

    Revanite Crisis
    Military action

    After barely a year of peace, the war was reignited by the Revanite Crisis.

  • 48 ATC

    The Grand Machination
    Diplomatic action

    The Jedi orchestrated neutrality agreement between The Galactic Republic and The Chiss Ascendancy

  • 50 ATC

    The Final Solution
    Military action

    The means by which the Republic finally destroyed the Sith Empire and ended the 2nd Great War.