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Aizen Kaîno

Aizen Șrigiu Kaîno is a human male that was born on 30 Vutolm 5333 in the village of Zarnotín where he lived for a few years of his early childhood before moving to the city of Loxțon with his parents. His family were avid supporters and allies with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, strongly opposing the Galactic Republic and many of their corrupt faults. Both his father and mother held seats on the Separatist Parliament, even applying on a few occasions to be granted seats on the Separatist Council. However, his family's opinions on the Separatist government drastically shifted when they were still asked by the Separatist Council to help the CIS expand operations into the Iarta System even after the council denied them seats on the council. While his parents would often return home from their Separatist occupations to spend time with him until they had to return, there would be periods where he would go weeks without seeing them. His father not wanting Aizen to be all alone, reprogrammed an OOM-series battle droid who acted as his personal advisor, bodyguard and parental figure when his parents weren't home. Aizen lived a relatively normal life, attending school and having a fun home life despite not seeing his parents as often as other kids his age. 5348 would be the year his life dramatically changed as his parents mysteriously disappeared without a word. This struck him odd as they no longer had positions within in the CIS as the were dissolved and they always inform him when their going somewhere out of the foundry grounds. Their disappearance grinded operations of the family business to a near halt. Operations of the business were taken over by the Foundry Council, a council of three super tactical droids and six T-series tactical droids; they would keep the business afloat for the many years to come. Cresta, the OOM droid that acted as his personal bodyguard stepped in as his acting parental figure and would offer guidance to the boy as he grieving during this rough time for him.   Aizen would graduate high school with excellent marks; following his graduation he would begin the search for his missing parents with the help of his army of repurposed separatist battle droids and the connections his family has. He was so committed to tracking down and bringing his parents home that he even declined offers to enroll in prestigious universities across Stunaveen just to dedicate himself to finding them. This mission of his would span a total of two years from his graduating year of 5351 before coming to a close in 5353 when he reunited with his parents who had been kidnapped by a hostile separatist holdout that was located in the neighboring country of Stussia. During those two years, Aizen would become a protégé to Foundry Council who began teaching how to run his family's business as he was grown enough to do so. Along with learning how to operate the family business, he also assisted his circle of friends in their day to day problems and even saved a woman who would become his future wife from death after she had been shot by insurgents.   Once he had spent time with his parents after bringing them home and having the woman he saved two years ago confess their love for him, Aizen made plans to enlist in the National Skevtollen Army. He had heard from one of his connections that Skevtolla along with Stussia, Drekarmina and the Exodus Protection Corp were joining forces to rid Stunaveen of separatist holdout insurgency once and for all. His service lasted from 5354 to 5358 with two and half of those years spend in active combat. He would honorably discharge from the national army after his contract was complete, returning to his home in Loxțon to continue running his family's business along with proposing to his Gungan girlfriend a few months after his return. The following years up to the present day would see Aizen's life flourish for many more years to come. In 5361, his business debuted their new R-series heavy duty truck platform at the yearly motor show in Stussia which would go on to be the Kaîno Family Foundries best selling truck of all time and kickstart the comeback of his business as a whole. This would also be the same year he and Jin-Jin would adopt two children, Jacen and Tula, a human boy of age nine and a gungan girl of age five.   To this day, Aizen lives an incredibly happy, active life with his wife and two children. He still operates his family's business as the current standing chief executive along with his wife who assists him in operations. Regularly, he'll take time off with his family to visit his spouse's family on the planet of Naboo usually staying between one to two weeks. During his younger years especially when his parents were missing, he was always aloof, mostly anti-social and almost always stayed inside the factory compound that double as his residence but now he's past all of those shortcomings; he's sociable, upbeat, active and prepared for what's to come next.  

Physical Appearance

"I would often cover up my scar before leaving my house but she's taught me that there's no need to hide it for it shields my inner beauty."
― Aizen to Kus-Jin on Jin-Jin giving him confidence involving his facial scar
Aizen is a short human man, standing at a height of 5'5 and weighing in around 147 pounds. His skin is of a fair complexion with brown hair that is usually styled in a center part with green eyes. The most recognizable feature on his body is his forehead scar that stretches from a bit under his right eyebrow to his hairline. This scar was received from a sharp chunk of rebar that fly at his face after a rocket propelled grenade impact near him during an attack on his compound by CIS Insurgents. During the two years after he received the scar, he often covered up the scar with a bandana or hat as he wasn't confident showing it off to others since it resulted in them asking questions. His wife, Jin-Jin helped restore confidence in his image; no longer does he cover up his scar and if he does it's because he wants to wear a hat. His body is well built with lean muscle thanks to his enlistment in the Skevtollen National Army. Aizen dresses pretty average and modest considering his wealth status. He primarily wears t-shirt, button-up shirts, pants and sneakers during warm months in his country, changing over to jackets and padded pants and traditonal Skevtollen winter hats during colder months.

Mental Characteristics & Attributes


As of present day, Aizen is an optimistic, well spoken, respectful and trustworthy man. He can always be counted on to deliver honest and devout dedication to those who need it. He's also regarded as a charitable and humble man who uses his wealth and connections to help make the Iarta system a better place to be for everyone; being the fourth most richest man in the Iarta system, he certainly has the power to do so. Even though he is an incredibly wealthy man, he hates showing it off and often frowns upon others who arrogantly flaunt their wealth. He doesn't dress in designer clothes, drive expensive vehicles or eat out at the fanciest restaurants every single night, he much prefers to spend his money on his family, donating to reputable charities across the Iarta system and improving operations of his business.   What many people don't know is that Aizen use to never be this cheerful. During the years of 5348 all the way to 5353, Aizen was a completely different man. The disappearance of his parents had an impact on him that if people he knew from today went back in time to talk with his past self, they would wonder if they were speaking to the same person. The Aizen of those years was anti-social, distant, quiet and uninvolved with the world outside of his business compound. Even his close friend group at the time had to convince him days or advance or physically drag him out to participate in activities with them. He even lost two of his friends out of the six friends in his circle due to his behavior. When he was told off by those friends for the way he was acting, he didn't really care much about it at the time but when things began getting better for him, he realized his wrong doings. He would eventually rekindle his friendship between those two friends he lost in 5358 shortly after he returned from his enlistment in the army.

Interests & Dislikes

Aizen's number one interest is preserving as many separatist battle droids as he possibly can. His family due to their involvement with the CIS, were given their own private army of battle droids; everything from the mass produced B1 to the deadly but capable magnaguard. Aizen along with the rest of his side of the family are firm believers that droids deserve more than just be treated as lesser than people. They especially point out that the separatist battle droids are vastly misunderstood and only committed their acts in the Clone Wars is because they were commanded to not because they wanted to. The Kaîno Family are the biggest supporters of the Droid's Rights Movement of Iarta, being their primary financial backer. Aizen has dedicated some free time in his off days to scour local and international scrapyards for old battle droid parts or whole droids that are destine for the smelter and give them another chance at a life. He even browses listings on the holonet for people selling decommissioned battle droids or parts, often purchasing them without hesitation.   The second thing that Aizen enjoys doing is running his family's business, manufacturing and selling heavy duty / military grade vehicles. His family has been in this business since 5274 and is still going strong with Aizen continuing their legacy. Their most recent truck release, the Revolution platform or R-series, became their newest and best selling truck platform with several standing militaries and logistics companies adopting it into their fleets. This truck was designed by Aizen himself during the years his parents were missing, he even produced a few prototypes in these years wanting to craft the truck to pay homage to the truck his father designed years prior, the D-series.

Mental Trauma

Aizen has never been diagnosed or assumed to have any mental health problems even during the years of his parents being missing. He had been screened by a psychiatrist on a few occasions during those years and nothing turned up except for his anti-social behavior. His parents turning up missing that it set a fire inside of him. A fire that he mustn't wait for nobody as they would only slow him down in getting a step closer to tracking down his parents. This behavior ended up costing him two of his friends in his only friend group to which he couldn't be bothered to care. He is a perfectly healthy man both physically and mentally but he would rather not think back on these years as he wasn't the same man.  

Knowledge & Skills


He was a exemplar student during his high school days; always showing up to class on time and earning excellent marks. This mindset resulted in him receiving offers after his graduation to enroll in prestigious universities across Stunaveen. However, he accepted none of them as he only had one thing on his mind which was track down his parents to bring them home. Even if he decided against pursuing further education after high school, he is an incredibly intelligent man. He's able to solve simple to advanced math off the top of his head, he's incredibly knowledgably in history and can speak a litany of languages fluently. The languages he's able to speak with ease are his native tongue of Drekarnin, Stussian, Galactic Basic, Huttese and Gunganese. Aizen after spending countless hours in his compound stripping certain vehicles down for repairs or part outs, he can confidently take apart any vehicle and put it back together with no help needed. Lastly, Aizen know how the world around him works and will gladly give those he trusts the knowledge to survive in the world themselves; even holding a list of the many sketchy organizations and groups including all their wrongdoings to use wherever needed.

Blaster Skills

Aizen, being around the thousands of battle droids in his compound has practically mastered the skills of wielding and maintaining a blaster. He prefers using a firearm over a blaster as they are cheaper and far more common on his world, he loves going out to his private and firing off blaster bolts at targets. He's even modified several separatist E-5 blasters to be more comfortable to wield by regular people.

Driving Skills

He is an exceptionally great driver; having driven large heavy-duty trucks around for most of his life transfers over to driving his family around in their suv. Aizen possesses a regular Skevtollen driver's license as well as a commercial driver's license. When driving any of the large trucks that his company manufactures for personal use, he takes care to always check his surroundings, obey the speed limit and drive safely. These habits would transfer over to when he's driving his wife and children on a road trip as he wouldn't want reckless driving caused by him to harm them.

Firearm Skills

At a young age, Aizen was taught the fundamentals of safely using a firearm. He would gradually learn more and more about how they work, techniques to improve his aim and how to mitigate recoil across a variety of calibers. Firearms are illegal for citizens of Skevtolla to purchase and own unless they have a special license to do so, Aizen along with the rest of his family have that special permission. He's by no means a professional shot shooter but he's got enough skill to put rounds on target and end a threat that's coming for him or those he cares about.

Melee Skills

Aizen is decently skilled with melee weapons. He's first choice of a melee weapon would be his extendable baton which he carries on his hip at all times along with his pistol. He knows all the techniques there is to know about defending himself and others with a baton and as such that's what he uses. He's also exceptionally with a blade having spar with a few of his BX-series commando droids and magna guards with training sabers and daggers. 

Unarmed Skills

Much like his firearm skills, Aizen is also capable of throwing some serious fists at a target. His fighting style is akin to professional boxing with him primarily using his fists in a fight. He would much rather avoid conflict that instigate but if he's unable to resolve a conflict peacefully, he can certainly put a threat on the ground with his fists.

Personal Info

Date of Birth
30 Vutolm 5333
Current Age
Place of Birth
Zarnotín, Skevtolla FSR, Iarta Socialist Republic
Jin-Jin Augara
2 (both adopted)


147 Ibs
Skin Color
Hair Color
Eye Color
Body Type

Military Service

Republic of Skevtolla
Skevtollen National Army
Years of Service
Lower Sergeant
Battles & Wars
Operation Pest Control


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