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Exodus Protection Corp

The Exodus Protection Corp or commonly referred to as simply Exodus or EPC, is a system-wide private military and humanitarian aid corporation. Funded by members of the Iarta System Armed Alliance, investors and a plethora of humanitarian aid and scientific research corporations; the Exodus Protection Corp provide their services in return ranging from humanitarian aid, spearheading scientific research and armed military assistance.   Exodus was founded by Altis Lydar who originally conceived the group as private hire bodyguards in 5323. The group consisted of Altis as the team leader with five of his closest friends playing different designated roles within the group such as sharpshooter or grenadier. Altis soon recruited an additional seven members from associates of his closest friends to increase the strength of their growing organization and lessen the need for one of the previous five members to play multiple different combat roles. Altis and his group of mercenaries often frequented cantinas and marketplaces for their clientele. Clients consisted of debtors, former gang members, concerned shop owners and independent bounty hunters in need of backup.   The early Exodus group would continue this line of work for 8 years with no significant changes until Year 5331 when Altis was gifted a federal land grant by the United Scionia government for a former military base with an area of 188,000 acres along with funding to expand his organization. Using the plentiful amount of money, the organization had saved up throughout their 8 year service; Altis hired a construction company to demolish the remaining buildings left on the property and construct brand new, refitted buildings for his organization. Altis planned on expanding his small mercenary company into something much greater. Construction on the multitude of buildings lasted for 10 years ending in 5341. During that 10 year span of construction, Altis also purchased several hundreds of thousands of military vehicles ranging from armored transport to tanks to fighter jets. Additionally, Altis also changed the name of the group from Altis Hired Guns to a more fitting name, Exodus Protection Corp. Further recruitment began shortly after with the help of the United Scionia Armed Forces. Advertisement was posted out for recruitment and individuals soon began applying to serve in the future greatest private military organization.   Exodus had come a long way from it's humble beginning helping individual people and dangerous situations that have happened to them. Their shining moment arrived in the Year 5343 on the 23rd of Iartara when they announced to the entire Iarta System that they are Iarta System's Planetary Guard and will serve everyone in the system no matter where any of them lived. Leadership of Exodus would apply for the admission into the I.S.A.A's Collaboration for Peace Program (CfPP) which allowed them to work alongside standing armies to improve their reputation further, establish friendships with other countries and boost the skills of their personnel. This period of being enrolled under the CfPP saw the group establish several strong alliances with major I.S.A.A members such as Otrela, Esparia, Inkia and Stussia. Exodus continue to improve it's relations with not only their allied countries militaries but also their law enforcement and humanitarian aid organizations. 5359 was a big year for Exodus, their territory which consisted of the area of Fort Santuctuary was granted full territorial sovereignty from the country that granted them. Members of the I.S.A.A all unanimously voted in favor of granting full sovereignty to Exodus including United Scionia who weren't pleased that Exodus was gaining independence from them. Exodus's next big year came two years later when they were granted full I.S.A.A membership, putting them alongside other established countries despite only being a private military organization. Two years later in 5361, Exodus was officially accepted as a full member of the I.S.A.A. This acceptance into the Iarta system's military alliance was an incredibly important and celebatory event for their forces as the several years prior had been building up to this year. With their new membership acquired, this gave Exodus as much influential power as an entire country when it came to topics such as security issues, defense cooperation and democratic values. To this day, the Exodus Protection Corp continues to hold their place as a reputable, unbiased and reliable organization that does everything in their power to protect the Iarta system and it's citizens from harm. They continue to work alongside standing armies in their operations, assist law enforcement wherever help is needed and provide humanitarian when it is needed the most. While a vast majority of denizens residing in the system praise Exodus and welcome their efforts, there are a couple groups of people that sometimes see them as a threat. Many politicians resposibling for governing the country of United Scionia often see Exodus as a thorn in their side and until recent events, a threat to their democracy. One of the driving factors behind this would be the 11th Special Forces, better known as Team Space. The Melton Incident showcased to their entire system just how capable on certain member of the group was capable of. After that incident, it wasn't long before many people started spreading rumors about what powers the rest of Team Space held resulting in many countries holding briefing about them either to better understand them so they can cooperate accordingly or researching ways to counter them.



Exodus's organizational structure consist of nine seperate branches, seven of which are military and the remaning two being civilian. Each and every branch have their very own sub-organizations that utilize a wide variety of vehicles to accomplish their missions and operations. The purpose of the Exodus Protections Corp's mission is to act as the Iarta system's unbiased planetary guard, collabarating with allied militaries and agencies to ensure everyone in the solar system is safeguarded. Exodus is headed by it's founder and top general, Altis Lydar who has been commanding his private military organization since it's inception. Aiding Altis in his operations to improve conditions across the system is the Exodus High Command Council which consists of the highest ranking officers in the organization. Currently, they have over one million and six hundred service members employed across all of their branches with many more indivduals wanting to join into their ranks.


The entirety of the organization is composed of a plethora of high ranking officers, some who have been employed in the group since it's inception. The founder and top general of the organization. Altis Lydar remains the highest ranking official of the organization to this day. As his organization grew and more people wanted to be a part of what is considered to be the greatest private military company to grace the Iarta system, Altis needed other indivduals to subsidize and aid in operating the organization and it's various branches. These individuals became known as Exodus High Command or simply EHC for short. Many of Altis's friends who have been in the group since their gun for hire days are apart of this high command. The roles of Exodus High Command include orchestrating tasks, plans and missions, collaboration with other branches, militaries and agencies and allocating resources to their branches that are then utilized by service members within those branches. Below is a list of all current standing members of the Exodus High Command with their rank, position and service length date.

General of Exodus

Name: Altis Lydar
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 60
Nationality: Scionian
Rank: General of Exodus
Branch: All
Serving Since: 31 Vultolm 5323 (39 years)

Chief of Staff of Peacekeepers

Name: Terrence Grady
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 58
Nationality: Scionian
Rank: Master General
Branch: Exodus Peacekeeper Corp
Serving Since: 31 Vultolm 5323 (39 years)

Chief of Special Operations

Name: Yuri Salazar
Species: Trandoshan
Gender: Male
Age: 56
Nationality: Scionian
Rank: General
Branch: Exodus Special Operations
Serving Since: 31 Vultolm 5323 (39 years)

Chief of Internal Affairs

Name: Tsujihara Rinako
Species: Kaminoan
Gender: Female
Age: 42
Nationality: Inkian
Rank: Inspector General of Exodus
Branch: Exodus Internal Affairs
Serving Since: 36 Kre-Yen 5341 (21 years)

Chief of Maritime Operations

Name: Clementine Brousseau
Species: Otolla Gungan
Gender: Female
Age: 48
Nationality: Esparian
Rank: Maritime Fleet Admiral of Exodus
Branch: Exodus Maritime Navy
Serving Since: 6 Stoti 5348 (14 years)

Chief of Space Operations

Name: Devannis Schultz
Species: Harch
Gender: Male
Age: 57
Nationality: Scionian
Rank: Space Fleet Admiral of Exodus
Branch: Exodus Space Navy
Serving Since: 31 Vultolm 5323 (39 years)

Chief of Staff of the Air Force

Name: Vasily Yerokhin
Species: Shistavanen
Gender: Male
Age: 54
Nationality: Stussian
Rank: General
Branch: Exodus Air Force
Serving Since: 6 Stoti 5348 (14 years)

Chief of Shadow Recon & Intelligence

Name: Khan Gideon
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 55
Nationality: Scionian
Rank: Colonel
Branch: Shadow Recon & Intelligence
Serving Since: 31 Vultolm 5323 (39 years)

Chief of Law Enforcement Assistance

Name: Kylan Vinson
Species: Dathomiran
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Nationality: Scionian
Rank: Colonel
Branch: Exodus Peacekeeper Corp
Serving Since: 6 Stoti 5348 (14 years)

Chief of Humanitarian Aid

Name: Abrielle Sandoval
Species: Mirialan
Gender: Female
Age: 38
Nationality: Scionian
Rank: Head of Department
Branch: Exodus Humanitarian Aid
Serving Since: 1 Iartara 5350 (12 years)

Chief of Scientific Research

Name: Anahi Machukith
Species: Aleena
Gender: Female
Nationality: Aleenian
Age: 40
Rank: Head Researcher
Branch: Exodus Science Corp
Serving Since: 10 Sibesk 5355 (7 years)

Command Major Sergeant of Exodus (Peacekeeper Corp)

Name: Rowan Beckman
Species: Rosnae
Gender: Male
Nationality: Rosnian
Age: 42
Rank: Command Major Sergeant of Exodus
Branch: Exodus Peacekeeper Corp
Serving Since: 12 Kle-Yen 5343 (19 years)

Command Major Sergeant of Exodus (Special Operations)

Name: Sartoff Bickman
Species: Wookiee
Gender: Male
Nationality: Scionian
Age: 367
Rank: Command Major Sergeant
Branch: Exodus Special Operations
Serving Since: 12 Kle-Yen 5343 (19 years)

Command Major Sergeant of Exodus (Air Force)

Name: Lars Johannesson
Species: Zepa
Gender: Male
Nationality: Zepabian
Age: 46
Rank: Command Major Sergeant
Branch: Exodus Air Force
Serving Since: 12 Kle-Yen 5343 (19 years)

Command Major Sergeant of Exodus (SRI)

Name: Henrikki Mäkeläinen
Species: Bothan
Gender: Male
Nationality: Vaasish
Age: 46
Rank: Command Major Sergeant
Branch: Shadow Recon & Intelligence
Serving Since: 9 Gilu 5340 (22 years)

Chief Major Sergeant of Exodus

Name: Miyoshi Mitsuhide
Species: Chiss
Gender: Male
Nationality: Inkian
Age: 51
Rank: Chief Major Sergeant of Exodus
Branch: Exodus Space Navy
Serving Since: 35 Sibesk 5345 (17 years)

Master Naval Officer of Exodus

Name: Chester Atkinson
Species: Mon Calamari
Gender: Male
Nationality: North Damalayian
Age: 49
Rank: Master Naval Officer
Branch: Exodus Maritime Navy
Serving Since: 35 Sibesk 5345 (17 years)

Chief Staff Officer of Exodus

Name: Shaithis Diaconu
Species: Karkarodon
Gender: Male
Nationality: Drekarnian
Age: 50
Rank: Chief Staff Officer of Exodus
Branch: Exodus Internal Affairs
Serving Since: 36 Kre-Yen 5341 (21 years)


The Exodus Protection Corp favor the use of combined arms, a tactic in which all branches collaborate together to accomplish a mission within an area of operation. This tactic made it difficult for an enemy as they would have to defend against forces from both the ground, air and sometimes the sea. Encrypted radios and communicators are utlized to ensure effective and clear communications between operating forces. When they are cooperating with a fellow agency or miltary, the superiors commanding Exodus do everything in their power to ensure a clear line of communication is kept throughout the operation to prevent any friendly fire or danger close incidents.


Recruitment / Prepatory Stage

Individuals who wish to join the Exodus Protection Corp can head to one of their bases to visit a designated recruiting center. When they reach the recruiting center and check in, they’ll wait a short period of time before being called back into one of the recruiters offices. Each Exodus recruiting center has around 10-12 recruiters between the ranks of S-5 through S-7. Once, the recruit and recruiter are one on one in the office, they’ll take the moment to get to know each other before the recruiter begins to give them a run-down on how the recruitment process works. The recruiter will give them a brief overview on what the EPC is before detailing the rest of the recruiting process. Once the overview is finished, the recruiter will begin the paperwork process. Recruits above the age of 18 will fill out what’s known as the Exodus Recruitment Applicant Form or “E-RAF”. The E-RAF is filled out over the computer that is in every recruiters office. The form has two sections, the top section is to be filled out by the recruiter which details things such as application number, the recruiter’s name and date of which the application is completed. The second section is to be filled out by the applicant which details their full name, date of birth, ID card number (either galactic or domestic), species, gender, education level and previous employment.   Recruits below the age of 18 between 14-17 will have a bit of a different process. Underage applicants must have a parental consent form signed which can be completed either over computer or through a physical paper form. Along with the paper form they must procure four or more vouches from those they know personally; these can be friends, family, school teachers or co-workers. Once, those two pieces are complete them they will begin filling out an E-RAF. For recruiters the parental consent and vouch form are attached to the E-RAF application file.   For applicants that hail from regions or planets of the galaxy in which they aren’t issued identification cards, their paperwork process stretches out a bit longer; even more so if they are underage. For these kind of applicants, they will need to fill what’s known as Identification Issuance Form (IIF for short). This form isn’t nothing to be intimidated by than what some recruits may think. The form has them fill out their full name, gender, species, date of birth, planet of birth and their place of birth along with what region their planet is from. Additionally, this form also requires the applicant to detail some physical characteristics of their body such as height, weight, hair color, skin color and any other additional features such as freckles, acne, horns, etc. When the IIF is complete the recruiter will run it through their system which will send it to the I.S.A.A’s admission center for processing. In the meantime, a temporary id card is issued. Underage applicants will need to fill out a IIF along with the parental consent, vouch form and E-RAF.   Once the paperwork process is complete, the recruiter will give their closing statements, asking the recruit if they have any comments or concerns. When they have answered or have none at all, the recruiter will inform them when they need to report to the Military Entrance Examination Center (MEEC) which will usually be a day or few days from the current time.

Military Entrance Examination Center (MEEC)

After the recruitment process, a recruit will have to report to their closest MEEC. The MEEC is where future recruits of Exodus and the United Scionian military go to finalize their enlistment process. The MMEC process usually takes two days. During those two days recruits will take the Military Service Vocational Aptitude Test (MSVAT) which is a multiple choice exam which helps determine what career within Exodus is best suited for the recruit. Questions that will appear on the test include, science, math, electrical knowledge, mechanical knowledge, language and more. The test lasts 3 hours and is used as one of the factors to determine which armed service specialty the recruit would be good at. The MSVAT can also be taken at the recruitment office if the recruiter offers it. If the recruit has taken the MSVAT before their visit to a MEEC then they will not be required to retake it.   The next stage of a recruit’s MEEC visit is the Physical Examination. First, they will be sat down in a room along with other recruits and fill out a medical history questionnaire which last for half an hour. Once, their medical history forms are complete, recruits will file in after one another and undergo the physical exam. MEECs have between 3-5 examination rooms in which the recruits will take standard blood, urine and flexibility tests as well as hearing and eye exams. The final stage of MEEC involves sitting down with a MEEC counselor and determining a career path. These counselors will take a recruit’s MSVAT results, wishes and prior experience in mind when helping them choose a career. For the United Scionian Armed Services, swearing in involves a whole traditional process of giving an oath. Exodus doesn’t do that instead an Exodus recruit is called back to the recruitment office where their recruiter tells them the day their basic training begins and where to report the day prior.



The Processing Phase or Reception is an Exodus recruits first step towards the transition from civilian to military life. Fort Sanctuary has only one large Adjutant General Reception Battalion (1st AG) and isn’t the start of basic training but the precursor to it. Upon arrival are lined up and filed into the main building where 4-8 drill instructors will give have the 50-100 recruits line up in organized columns before giving them a rundown of what’s to happen. Once the short briefing is over, the lead drill instructors will have the recruits file into the building one column after another. Recruits are taken to a large atrium where they are given a small tray containing a juice box, fruit cup and protein bar before being sat down on the rows of benches in front of a large screen where they will be given a presentation by the drill instructors. They will go over the code of conduct, and watch a short film on the history of the Exodus Protection Corp.   After the short film, recruits are taken to receive haircuts. This stage of processing typically applies to humans and near-human species with hair. Exodus male recruits do not have to have their hair fully shaved off but can opt to have it trimmed down to short. They will be lead to the Amnesty Room where they are given one last chance to discard any contraband they may have. Once that process is down they will be taken to the Fitting Rooms where they will be issued and fitted for their gear. Gear include boots, rucksack, ACU, patrol cap, nametag, rank patch (if applicable), PT uniform, reflector belt, canteen, toiletries, etc.   Recruits will be required to change into their uniform before leaving the room but just before leaving, they will be given immunizations by the qualified medical professionals stationed at the 1st AG. After receiving their gear, they ate taken to the room where they will have their picture taken for the Iarta Armed Service Card (IASC). They will have picture taken with their patrol cap on and off. The photographers have a machine that will instant create an IASC card. Recruits who had to fill out the IIF will receive their id here. Once their picture is taken, they will be taken back to the auditorium and be sat down and issued a small booklet that details everything there is about Exodus. The history, rank structure, and basic military knowledge. It is here where recruits will be called up one by one to turn in their MEEC paperwork and create direct deposits for bank accounts. Recruits will be tasked with reading their book until this process is down.   Processing takes between 5 days to a whole week. The first 48 hours are the things listed above. The remaining time will be spent in temporary barracks where recruits will wait for their cycle before beginning basic training. They will spend the remaining time doing PT and getting prepared for the real deal.

Phase 1

Phase 1 also known as the Physical Training Phase is the first phase recruits will go through. At the start of this phase, cadets will receive a general orientation, meet their drill instructor, meet their fellow cadets, and receive their cadet uniform. Throughout this phase, cadets will primarily undergo physical training exercises every day. Cadets will also take part in basic first aid classes, confidence building courses, and team building courses.

Phase 2

Phase 2 will introduce the fundamentals of combat to cadets. Cadets will learn basic rifle marksmanship and maintenance using Exodus’s standard issue rifle. Cadets will also take part in hand-to-hand training, basic peacekeeping exercises and how to combat the use of chemical, biological and radioactive weapons. Phase 2 is also the introduction of basic combat drills. Cadets will learn how to engage targets at various distances, how to prioritize multiple targets at once. In addition to battle drills and marksman training, cadets will continue their physical fitness training and will be able to rappel from a variety of structures of varying heights.

Phase 3

Phase 3, also known as the Security Phase; cadets will begin learning the basics of being a mercenary. Cadets will recap on basic peacekeeping exercises, undergo more advanced peacekeeping exercises, learn about humanitarian operations and take part in a variety of bodyguarding scenarios.

Phase 4

The final phase of Basic Training. Phase 4 builds on everything cadets have learned throughout the previous phases and is the final stepping stone before becoming a soldier of Exodus. During this phase, cadets will take part in advanced marksman training, and various maneuvering tactics. Cadets will also engage targets as a team, taking part in various convoy missions, and as well as locating and disabling improvised explosive devices. Additionally, cadets will also be able to train and familiarize themselves on the variety of weapons used by Exodus and take part in throwing live grenades. As a final rite of passage, cadets will undergo a multi-day land navigation course to test their survival, fitness and rifleman skills. At the end of this phase, once cadets have passed their final challenges, they will graduate as fully fledged soldiers of Exodus. After their graduation they will be briefed on the Further Position Training.

Further Position Training (FPT)

After completing their Basic Training, individuals will be headed off to one of the Further Position Training Schools where they will learn the skills to perform their role within the Exodus Protection Corp. These schools will provide each individual with hands-on and field training to make sure that they can perform their duties with excellence. FPT times vary depending on occupation usually between 4-52 weeks.

Unit Assignment

Once FPT is completed, service members will be assigned to one of the many units based on what occupation they selected. When they arrive at their unit they’ll have the opportunity to meet their commanding officer, their sergeant and maybe a few of their fellow soldiers as well as be issued their standard issue firearm. After their orientation and settling into their unit, individuals will begin their line of work within Exodus.


The branches of Exodus have their own ranking system much like any standard military. This hiearchical system has been used for centuries and ensures an order of authority and resposiblity. It's principles and structure can also highlight, narrow down and eliminate complications on certain levels so individual commander and leaders can avoid uncessary headaches. This chain of command is an essential component for an organized collective effort for bringing a balance to all the problems within the Iarta system.   Exodus uniforms have specific areas on the fabric that are used to place and denote an indivudal service member's rank. Each rank has a unique look and is used to distinguish leadership from those who aren't. Ranks also indicate pay scale and heightened resposibilties; the higher the rank, the higher the pay and duties. Below is a table of all ranks with the organization. Most of the ranks shown are from the military branches of Exodus with the exception of the Science Corp which has their own rank system due to them being a civilian branch. Service members apart of ground forces and air force who hold the rank of specalist have slightly less pay than a corporal as they do not hold the same command authority as a corporal despite both ranks having the same pay scale grade. The Humanitarian Aid branch do not have their own ranking system as it's be deemed unnecessary due to their sole priority being providing aid across the system. The table lists each rank starting by it's full title, abbreviation and pay scale grade. Pilots within Exodus are mostly commissioned officers with a few exceptions. Additionally, pilots have titles that they can acquire depending on the skills they demostrate on the job. These titles are used to denote how skilled an individual pilot is and even grants them additonal payment boosts on their monthly checks.

Peacekeeper Corp / Special Operations / Air Force / SRI

Cadet / CA / S-1
Private / PVT / S-2
First Class Private / FCP / S-3
Specialist / SPC / S-4
Corporal / CPL / S-4
Sergeant / SGT / S-5
Senior Sergeant / SSG / S-6
Master Sergeant / MSG / S-7
First Sergeant / 1SG / S-8
Major Sergeant / MJS / S-9
Command Major Sergeant / CMS / S-10
Command Major Sergeant of Exodus / MSE / Senior Enlisted Advisor (SEA)
  Special Officers
Junior Special Officer / JSO / SO-1
Special Officer / SOF / SO-2
Senior Special Officer / SSO / SO-3
Master Special Officer / MSO / SO-4
Chief Special Officer / CSO / SO-5
  Commissioned Officers
Officer Cadet / OCA / O-1
Junior Lieutenant / JLT / O-2
Lieutenant / LT / O-3
Senior Lieutenant / SLT / O-4
Captain / CPT / O-5
Commander / CDR / O-6
Colonel / COL / O-7
Lieutenant General / LTG / O-8
General / GEN / O-9
Master General / MGN / O-10
General of Exodus / GOE / Special

Space Navy

Cadet / CA / S-1 Specialist / MPC / S-2
First Class Specialist / FCS / S-3
Corporal / CPL / S-4
Sergeant / SGT / S-5
Senior Sergeant / SSG / S-6
Master Sergeant / MSG / S-7
Chief Sergeant / CSG / S-8
Major Sergeant / MJS / S-9
Chief Major Sergeant / CMJS / S-10
Chief Major Sergeant of Exodus / CMJSE / SEA
  Special Officers
Junior Special Officer / JSO / SO-1
Special Officer / SOF / SO-2
Senior Special Officer / SSO / SO-3
Master Special Officer / MSO / SO-4
Chief Special Officer / CSO / SO-5
  Commissioned Officers
Officer Cadet / OCA / O-1
Ensign / ENS / O-2
Lieutenant / LT / O-3
Senior Lieutenant / O-4
Captain / CPT / O-5
Lieutenant Commander / LCDR / O-6
Commander / CDR / O-7
Commodore / CDE / O-8
Rear Admiral / RADM / O-9
Vice Admiral / VADM / O-9
Admiral / ADM / O-10
Space Fleet Admiral of Exodus / SFADM / O-11

Maritime Navy

Seaman Cadet / SA / S-1
Seaman Novice / SN / S-2
Seaman / SM /S-3
Naval Officer Third Class / NO3 / S-4
Naval Officer Second Class / NO2 / S-5
Naval Officer First Class / NO1 / S-6
Senior Naval Officer / SNO / S-7
Chief Naval Officer / CNO / S-8
Master Naval Officer / MNO / S-9
Fleet Master Naval Officer / FMNO / S-10
Master Naval Officer of Exodus / MNOE / SEA
  Special Officers
Junior Special Officer / JSO / SO-1
Special Officer / SOF / SO-2
Senior Special Officer / SSO / SO-3
Master Special Officer / MSO / SO-4
Chief Special Officer / CSO / SO-5
  Commissioned Officers
Officer Cadet / OCA / O-1
Ensign / ENS / O-2
Lieutenant / LT / O-3
Senior Lieutenant / O-4
Captain / CPT / O-5
Lieutenant Commander / LCDR / O-6
Commander / CDR / O-7
Commodore / CDE / O-8
Rear Admiral / RADM / O-9
Vice Admiral / VADM / O-9
Admiral / ADM / O-10
Maritime Fleet Admiral of Exodus / MFADM / O-11

Internal Affairs

Cadet / CA / S-1
Private / PVT / S-2
First Class Private / S-3
Corporal / CPL / S-4
Sergeant / SGT / S-5
Staff Officer / SFO / S-6
Senior Staff Officer / SSFO / S-7
Master Staff Officer / MSFO / S-8
Chief Staff Officer / CSFO / S-9
Chief Staff Officer of Exodus / CSFOE / SEA
  Special Ranks
Agent / AGT / S-5
Senior Agent / SAGT / S-6
Investigator / IVG / SO-2
  Commissioned Officers
Officer Cadet / OCA / O-1
Junior Lieutenant / JLT / O-2
Lieutenant / LT / O-3
Senior Lieutenant / SLT / O-4
Affairs Commander / ACDR / O-5
Inspector / INS / O-6
Senior Inspector / SINS / O-7
Chief Inspector / CINS / O-8
Inspector General / ING / O-9
Inspector General of Exodus / INGE / O-11

Science Corp

Trainee / TRN / R-1
Junior Researcher / JRN / R-2
Researcher / RN / R-3
Senior Researcher / SRN / R-4
Chief Researcher / CRN / R-5
Head Researcher / HRN / R-6

Pilot Titles

Rookie / RKE / P-1
Junior Pilot / JPL / P-2
Pilot / PL / P-3
First Class Pilot / FCPL / P-4
Senior Pilot / SRPL / P-5
Ace Pilot / Ace / P-6

Pay Scale

All personnel working under the organization are all paid for their hard work and dedication. The amount each service member is depends on their standing rank or position if they are working in any of the two civilan branches. Service members working in militarized branches of the Exodus Protection Corp are paid a flat rate twice a month; the fifteenth and thirty-fifth days of the month are the two days personnel are paid. Personnel working in the two civilian branches are paid an hourly salary every day with their pay days falling on the same days as the military service members. Pilots already receive a flat rate payment depending on their rank however their title grants them an additonal set amount of pay for their experience in the field. Soldiers also have the oppurtunity of earning raises as a bonus for their years of experience or showing outstanding integrity in their work. All personnel are paid in the Iarta system's interplanetary currency, the Araa (Ѧ).   Altis Lydar, the leader of Exodus makes an excurbirate amount of money from his organizarion however most of the money he makes gets funneled back into his group to pay for equipment, maitenance, and of course his personnel. In additon, Altis has permitted himself to only receving one paycheck every month.   The list below will be divided up by each branch and will note how much each personnel position or rank is paid.

Military Branches

S-1 / Ѧ1000
S-2 / Ѧ1138
S-3 / Ѧ1359-1634
S-4 (Specalist) / Ѧ1465-1620
S-4 (Corporal) / Ѧ1693-2205
S-5 / Ѧ1910-3004
S-6 / Ѧ2149-3713
S-7 / Ѧ2594-4475
S-8 / Ѧ4039-5006
S-9 / Ѧ5089-5777
S-10 / Ѧ6189-6804
SEA / Ѧ7289-7904
  Special Officers
SO-1 / Ѧ1650-4125
SO-2 / Ѧ2124-4714
SO-3 / Ѧ2628-5928
SO-4 / Ѧ3043-7177
SO-5 / Ѧ6772-9400
  Commissioned Officers
O-1 / Ѧ1200
O-2 / Ѧ1729-3267
O-3 / Ѧ2359-5266
O-4 / Ѧ2996-6528
O-5 / Ѧ3835-8107
O-6 / Ѧ5055-10702
O-7 / Ѧ7391-12168
O-8 / Ѧ9358-14497
O-9 / Ѧ14167-14697
O-10 / Ѧ14697
O-11 / Ѧ14697
General of Exodus / Special / Ѧ14697

Science Corp

Receptionist / Ѧ8-15.50 per hour
Mail Clerk / Ѧ6.60-10.80 per hour
Office Executive Director / Ѧ13.15-19.74 per hour
Office Supervisor / Ѧ10.35-18.80 per hour
Executive Office Assistant / Ѧ12-17.50 per hour
Account Manager / Ѧ9.50-17.86 per hour
Data Analyst / Ѧ13.15-16.74 per hour
Human Relations Clerk / Ѧ6-9.50 per hour
Desk Clerk / Ѧ4.70-8.46 per hour
Janitor / Ѧ4.70-7.05 per hour
Lead Janitor / Ѧ7.05-10.35 per hour
Hazardous Material Cleanup Specialist / Ѧ9.50-16 per hour
Lead Hazardous Material Cleanup Specialist / Ѧ16-25 per hour
Electrical Lineman / Ѧ7.50-17.86 per hour
Maintenance Specialist / Ѧ8-13 per hour
Maintenance Supervisor / Ѧ13-24 per hour
Maintenance Operations Director / Ѧ24-30.55 per hour
R-1 / Ѧ5.65-7.50 per hour
R-2 / Ѧ7.50-10.35 per hour
R-3 / Ѧ10.35-15.05 per hour
R-4 / Ѧ15.05-19.75 per hour
R-5 / Ѧ19.75-23.5 per hour

Humanitarian Aid

Chief of Humanitarian Aid / Ѧ19.75-23.5 per hour
Project Director / Ѧ13-20 per hour
Data Analyst / Ѧ13.15-16.74 per hour
Mail Clerk / Ѧ6.60-10.80 per hour
Desk Clerk / Ѧ4.70-8.46 per hour
Receptionist / Ѧ8-15.50 per hour
Laborer / Ѧ6-11.75 per hour
Supervisor / Ѧ11.75-21.15 per hour
Team Trainer / Ѧ12.50-20 per hour
Heavy Equipment Operator / Ѧ7.50-16.45 per hour
Commercial Driver / Ѧ9.50-15.05 per hour
Crane Operator / Ѧ10-15.05 per hour
Electrical Lineman / Ѧ7.50-17.86 per hour
Railroad Train Operator / Ѧ9.50-15.05 per hour
Civilian Maritime/Space Cargo Ship Pilot / Ѧ9.50-23.50 per hour
Physician / Ѧ28-51 per hour
General Practioner / Ѧ30-55 per hour
Nurse Practioner / Ѧ21-37 per hour
Psychiatirst / Ѧ37-58 per hour
Radiologist / Ѧ58-70 per hour
Surgeon / Ѧ51-140 per hour
Surgical Technologist / Ѧ19.75-35.50 per hour
Paramedic / Ѧ9.50-14.50 per hour
Pharmacist / Ѧ28-40 per hour
Assitant Pharmaceutical Technician / Ѧ7-11.75 per hour
Medical Trascriptionist / Ѧ10.35-16.45 per hour

Pilot Titles

P-1 / Ѧ65
P-2 / Ѧ120
P-3 / Ѧ160
P-4 / Ѧ225
P-5 / Ѧ350


Equipment that is used by the Exodus Protection Corp originates from many defense companies located in the many countries across the Iarta system. One key difference that sets Exodus apart from an established country's standing military is that Exodus will regularly replace or update their equipment. Equipment replacements tend to happen every ten years once a piece of equipment or vehicle has been operating for that long. Updates to preexisting equipment will tend to happen once a specific manufacturer releases a new improvement kit.   The fate of older equipment once they are retired and replaced depends on the condition of said item. Exodus will generally do one of two things when they have retired and replaced equipment. The first thing they will do is list the item up for sale either on the civilian or military market. The protocol exercised when selling these military grade items depended on which market they were being sold to. For example, vehicles had to be demilitarized which involved stripping the vehicle of any weapons, armor additions and communication equipment. Tanks and armored personal carriers could also be sold to civilian markets however if they possessed a main gun, it had to be made inoperable. The protocol revolving around these armored vehicles being sold into the military market is much more beneficial as they will be able to retain all the necessary components that make them a military vehicle. When Exodus sells or gives away armored vehicles, they will retain their armored plating, offensive and defensive capabilities. Mounted machine gun turrets and communication equipment are the only two types of items that are stripped from vehicles when they are sold to other militaries. Surplus firearms and ammunition are also often sold off once they have reached their replacement date. Protocols are put in place similar to vehicle sales to ensure someone doesn't acquire something they shoudn't have. They primarily apply to sales revolving in the civilian market as Exodus wouldn't want a civilian or criminal in disguise getting their hands on a piece of military grade equipment. Machine guns, explosive weapons, and explosive ordinance are categories of surplus equipment civilians are barred from purchasing. Other militaries on the contrary are permitted to purchase these prohibited items from Exodus.


The Military Combat Uniform (MCU) is what all members within the military branches of Exodus wear when they are working or on deployment. Every MCU consist of five necessary components that make one whole uniform; jacket, trousers, headgear, t-shirt and footwear. Each article of clothing issued to service members is specially designed to be both comfortable and durable in the line of duty. Additionally, with how diverse Exodus's service members are, those who do not fit into standarized equipment due to racial bodily features will have articles of clothing specifically tailored to fit them. Superiors within the organization make it their mission to ensure each of their soldiers are equipped for their duties. The organization has even made it easy to order new uniforms pieces in case members want a spare on hand. Members can speak with their commanding officer or sergeant from which they will be resposible for ordering the soldier's uniform pieces through filling out a requistion form. These forms are then submitted to the on base supply corp who will packaged and send the requested pieces back. This process of receiving equipment can be a bit lengthy due to other units requesting equipment as well; usually taking between a few days to a week for a unit to receive requested equipment. If a person needs a piece of clothing immediately, they can head down to one of the few surplus stores set up around Exodus bases to purchase uniform pieces for a price. When a service member retires, all articles of their uniform are to be returned to Exodus before their retiring unless they were purchased then they can be retained by the retiring soldier.   Camoflauge patterns are present on Exodus military uniforms, a common practice for every country's militaries in the system since the early days of colonization. These blends of colors and patterns on uniforms aid in helping a soldier blend in with their surrounding enviroment to avoid detection against an opposing force. Many different camoflauge patterns across the system were trialed before Exodus officials settled on adopting the moecktarn pattern used by the Otrelan military. This specific pattern was chosen for it's significantly higher effectiveness when masking the wearer's presence from observation. Exodus utilizes five different variants of the moecktarn pattern depending on the branch that is using them; each seperate variant is tagged as Moecktarn A through E. Peacekeepers, the air force and all cadets wear the Moecktarn-A, which is a five color scheme pattern composed of colors typically found in a temperate forest such as light green, olive, dark green, brown and black. This pattern is the most common of the variants and is also in use by the Otrelan and Tiusian militaries. Moecktarn-B is a three color scheme designed to blend in with desertous and arid enviroments. It consists of the colors khaki tan, medium brown and dark green spots. It is used by members of the peacekeepers and air force stationed in arid countries such as Lezamon, Ibriva, Kibelistan and Situla. Moecktarn-C is another three color scheme pattern that is more suitable for urban applications as the colors used are light gray, dark gray and white. Since this camoflauge pattern has almost no effectiveness in a forest or arid climate, it is used primarily by the space navy branch and military police stationed in non-combat zones. Pattern D is yet another three color scheme that uses the colors of teal, white and deep blue. This pattern is used exclusively by the maritime navy branch while out on open waters. Service members of the maritime branch are also issued Pattern A uniforms to wear while on duty inshore. For service members stationed in areas with a more arid climate, Pattern B uniforms become the issued inshore uniform as both A and D patterns do not blend in with the desertous enviroment. And the last variant of Exodus camoflauage patterns is Pattern E, a 6 color scheme pattern designated for exclusive use by their special forces branches. Pattern E incoporates the colors of grey, dark olive, medium olive, lichen green and sand. These colors when applied and blended togther on the moecktarn layout form a camoflauge that is both highly effective and ready for use in multiple enviroments. These two reasons alone are why this pattern is the prime option for members of the Special Operations and Shadow Recon Intelligence branches. Due to the 6 colors presented, this pattern has a distinct appearance inside the organization; soldiers from other branches can easily distinguish who is involved with Exodus special forces just from the uniform, at least at a close distance.   As previously stated, the Military Combat Uniform is divided into different sections that make up the whole uniform. Each article of the MCU is measured and if applicable tailored to fit it's wearer. The jacket and trousers are what is going to be presently visible much of the time. Both of them are designed with one of the five camoflauge patterns and have a special material sewn within the fabric that make it harder to for both night vision and thermal optic systems to spot the wearer. The jacket utilizes hook and loop fasteners to secure various attachments such as insignia, name tapes, shoulder patches, and tabs. Additonally, recognition devices such as the Exodus flag, I.S.A.A patch and infared tabs are displayed on the jacket to not only showcase who they serve but to prevent friendly fire incidents in a combat zone. The Exodus flag is presented on the right shoulder sleeve pocket with the I.S.A.A patch above the flag. On the opposite side of the uniform, the unit patch is displayed on the left shoulder sleeve pocket. Name tapes are placed and displayed above the right breast pocket while the branch tape is placed above the left breast pocket. These breast pockets are secured using zippers and are meant for small notepads, comlink devices, a phone or pens. The rank insignia is placed in the center between these pockets with some ranks particularly officers also having to display rank on their collars. The trousers of the MCU have four pockets, two rather spacious pockets on the thighs and two smaller pockets near the end of each pant leg. The two primary pockets of the pants are secured with both zipper and hook loop fastners however the small ones are only held shut by hook loop fastners. The material of these pieces of clothing were designed to durable as they were going to be worn in not only heavy work zones but areas of combat.   Headgear is worn frequently throughout the organization especially for those working or strolling around outside. There are six different types of headwear that those operating in the military branches of Exodus are permitted to wear depending on the situation. The most common and widely worn type would be the patrol cap; every single soldier of Exodus is issued a patrol cap. From cadets all the way up to Altis himself has a patrol cap. They are to be worn by service members while they are working or milling about outside, or in the field. They aren't required to be worn indoors so often service members will take them off before entering a building and will put them back on when exiting. Berets are the second most common category of headgear worn as they are worn by officers and members of special forces branches. Unlike other militaries that have multiple beret colors to distinguish branches, Exodus kept things simple by only having two colors, black and maroon. Black berets are worn by officers of non-special forces branches while maroon berets are exclusively worn by members of the SRI and Special Operations branches. During harshier winter seasons or in areas of colder climate, knit caps and Stussian made Exodus issued mekhopkas are permitted to be worn. Both the knit cap and mekhopka are issued in basic training where cadets are given the choice between choosing either as their winter hat. Boonie hats are a wide brimmed sun hat that could possibly be issued to service members serving in places with either a hot tropical or arid climate. They are great for keeping the sun out of the wearer's eyes, keep their head cool with the vent holes and can even store small items in the loops sewn around the crown such as spare ammunition, animal teeth or a snack. Ball caps aren't a standard issue item in the organization however a variety of these hats with regulation obeying colors are sold. Working in the field in a non-combat zone, motorpool or onboard a maritime vessel are among the most common places to spot an Exodus service member wearing a regulation ball cap. The last and most protective piece of headgear in a Exodus soldier's equipment list is their ESI-1H3 combat protective helmet. This helmet is issued to all cadets during the processing phase and is one of the most essential components of their armor as it protects their head from incoming projectiles and objects. The ESI-1H3 helmet series is designed, tested and produced in-house for their own use. Materials such as armorweave and aeroknit are the primary components to the construction of these helmets with added padding on the interior to provide a comfortable wear for the user. These helmets are constructed to withstand both physical projectiles such as bullets and arrows but are also rated to provide protection blaster bolts and even concussive shockwaves. Mounting rails are present on the standard version of the helmet which allows for night vison, thermal optics, and cameras to be mounted for use by the wearer. The upgraded variant, 1H3a ditches the mounting rail in favor of a heavy duty damage resistant visor that provides all three optic systems as stated above but combined into one system for ergonomics. For use only by Exodus personnel who are apart of the I.S.A.A's Super Soldier Program, the 1H3b looks nearly identical to the previous variation used by both special forces branches except uparmored to provide additonal protection. 1H3b helmets are built and rated to withstand multiple high caliber bullets and heavy blaster bolts becuase of this smaller caliber rounds tend to bounce off of them.   When it comes to the choice of clothing that is worn underneath a person's uniform jacket and trousers, there are a few available options. Tan or olive green colored t-shirts are a main staple of undershirts with a vast majority of service members owning multiple of them. Recently, Exodus released a flame resistant combat shirt made from breathable moisture wicking fabrics. This shirt became quickly popular amongst soldiers within the organization due to it's comfortable wear. Those working in motorpools, vehicle crews, aviators and around fuel were permitted to wear these without their jacket. They were comfortable to wear underneath both the uniform and combat armor even in warm and hot weather conditions. The combat shirt only had one flaw which was there was a little strain on arm mobility due to the shirt having ballistic protection on the upper thorax, lower neck and upper sleeve areas.   The final addition of an Exodus soldier's uniform would be their ESI-2 series modular body armor. The ESI-2 modular body armor is lighter and provides more protection against blaster and ballistic rounds compared to other armor systems Exodus has had in the past. It features a four tier configuration system allowing for customizable protection depending on the current mission or the threat level in the area. Additionally, the armor also comes availible in any of the five patterns of the moecktarn camoflauge.

Basic Info

Organization Type
Hired Guns (formerly)
Private Military Company
Altis Lydar
Altis Lydar
Khan Gideon
  • Exodus Peacekeepers
  • Exodus Space Navy
  • Exodus Maritime Guard
  • Exodus Intelligence Division
  • Exodus Department of Research & Development
  • Headquarters
    Fort Sanctuary, Exodus Sovereign Territory
    Throughout the Iarta System


    Date Founded
    31 Vutolm 5323

    Other Info

  • Galactic Republic (formerly)
  • Jedi Order (formerly)
  • Law Enforcement of the Iarta System
  • Iarta System Armed Alliance
  • Alliance to Restore the Republic

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