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Kosi-Jin Augara

Kosi-Jin Augara or simply Kosi is a female Otolla Gungan born and raised in the small Gungan city of Otoh Nilu to Kus-Jin and Jinna Augara. Her older brother, Jun-Jin would leave their parent's farm in 5338 when she was only 2 years of age. For many years, she would grow up alongside her older sister, Jin-Jin until she left for a more adventurous life as a spacer in 5346. Kosi would pick up assisting her parents on their farm once Jin-Jin left. She would work on her parent's farm for the next several years until she was without warning seemingly teleported from her parent's farm onto a whole different existence in the year 5362.   Kosi found herself in a cave armed with only a hastily cobbled together bo-staff and almost immediately found herself facing a threat from a giant lumbering creature made of stone. She had to make a quick retreat after he only weapon unsurprisingly broke during her defense against the stone creature. She then discovered that she wasn't the only person in this cave as a young young human boy and a tall, muscular Trandoshan were also lurking in the same cave. The three of them introduced their selves before agreeing to stick together as this world was full of danger. They found an exit to the cave close by which led to a desert canyon where they would meet their next group member, a female Mon Calamari named Monia. The four of them would travel together through this plane of existence which could only be labeled as purgatory as they encountered nothing but danger. Kosi proved herself to be a capable member of the group, being able to take on every hostile creature that attacked with little to no trouble at all. She was deemed the second strongest of the group behind the Trandoshan, Bruzak thanks to her surprising strength and combat prowess.   After spending much time in this purgatory with her three group members, they managed to locate and exit back into reality. The human boy, Louis who was also a native to the planet was able to give her and the other two alien members of the group a rough idea where on the planet they were located. He even suggested they make their way to the nearest settlement so that they can get some help with finding a way off the planet. They travelled a short distance before finding themselves at one of the planet's few World Towers which were ominous stone towers which are said to hold the power to transverse from the planet's surface to the outer space. The area around the tower was set up as some sort of encampment from another faction that held the same goal as Kosi and her group. After talking with the leader of the camp they were tasked with heading to the nearby city of Reiss where they could possibly find a lead on how they could find a way off the planet's surface. Travelling to Reiss took several days and upon arriving they were able to find help at the local guild which pointed them north to the Astral Mountains where an ancient artifact that held the power to plane shift and transport them off the planet. Before leaving the guild, Kosi and her group hired an adventurer named Claire Arno to help retrieve the artifact as it was said that such a treasure would be dangerous to retrieve.   When Kosi and her friends tracked down the artifact deep within the Astral Mountain Caves, Claire decided to betray them and attempt to take the staff for herself. Louis challenged her to a fist fight which ended poorly for him as Claire transformed into a hidden form of hers and easily overpowered the boy, knocking him out cold. Despite her secondary form, she proved to be no match for the combined strength of Kosi and Bruzak who restrained her and throw her through an open portal to the Astral Plane. After the scuffle with Claire, Kosi and her group secured the artifact and left the cave back for the city of Reiss. Upon reaching Reiss, they stopped for the night to rest due to the exhausting travels they were enduring. She and Bruzak enjoyed a night of drinking which led to the two of them getting incredibly drunk. In the morning, she woke up with a terrible hangover which messed with her ability to fully function. Their travel time back to the world tower would be reduced instantly as they encountered a celestial being known as a Couatl that granted them a single wish. Their wish from the Couatl was to instantly arrive back at the world tower which was easily granted by the being.   Once they arrived back at the world tower camp, to their horror they discovered that all the occupants of the camp had been brutally slaughtered. Near the base of the tower, Kosi spotted a single individual who was kneeling down by the tower. They approached the person and were immediately attacked by him without provocation. Kosi, along with Bruzak were the two primary defenders as Monia was being seamlessly choked despite not being physically touched by the man and Louis couldn't land a successful hit on him despite giving it his all. To make matters worse for them, the man was wielding a red lightsaber indicating to her, Bruzak and Monia that their foe was a user of the darkside of the force. The fight would end after Monia saved Bruzak's life with a magical full heal after he suffered a fatal piercing wound to the heart from their opponent's lightsaber. Bruzak would stand up after being healed and kill the man in a similar fashion to what would of killed him if he hadn't of been healed. Once the man had been slain, Kosi would help Monia in comforting Louis as he was really upset that he didn't land a single hit on the man even though they were in grave danger. Louis was eventually calmed down and the team would head inside the world tower and activate the plane walker staff using the pedestal in the middle of the tower floor.   When the tower was activated, Kosi and her team were teleported off the planet's surface onto what appeared to be a starship of some kind. Her and the team investigated further and would discover that they were actually on a space station that was orbiting above the planet they came from. The inhabitants of the station didn't take to kindly to their presence as they were very anxious of the possibility they were carrying diseases native to the planet below. The security team of the station detained Kosi and her friends and were placed in separate holding cells apart from each other. Her and Monia would be cleared of harboring possible diseases by the onboard medical & science team of the space station however Bruzak and Louis were discovered to be infected with a virus native to only Fundekein. Kosi and Monia were told that Louis is completely immune to any adverse effects from the virus due to him being a planetary native but Bruzak would have to be closely monitored since he wasn't a native. Kosi would remain on the space station for several months along with the rest her team. She would spend her time on the station building her strength in the onboard gym; lifting weights and sparing with willing residents of the station.   She would be called along with her friends to assist the station crew in pushing back an apparent threat that has entered the same space as the station. The officer in charge of recruiting their help gave them vague instructions on what they were supposed to do once they boarded the enemy's flagship. They were told to find a way to completely destroy the ship however this was a task they quickly realized was essentially a suicide mission as the four of them were taking on an entire flagship full of crew members ready to fight against them. To make matters more suspicious Elysium offered them no additonal reinforcements with their mission; almost as if they were expected to die. All four of them agreed to talk with the crew of the ship and uncover a different side of the story they were told. Kosi stayed silent throughout the entire chat with the crew of the flagship, the Creetis however clearly she could tell they were more non-hostile than what the Elysium had told them. The Captain of the Creetis ship informed Kosi and her crew that they were lied to by the Elysium. Elysium had been withholding vital information from them and were using them to further their research into a possible bioweapon they were wanting to invent. After hearing this, Kosi would switch sides just like the rest of her team and assist the Creetis in taking down the Elysium station. The battle was rough but once it ended, they were victorious.   Upon returning to the galaxy, Kosi would show interest in joining the Exodus Protection Corp as Monia was apart of the same group. Traveling alongside her friends for nearly half a year had seen her getting to know them closely, even viewing them as family. She couldn't simply leave their side and return to her regular everyday life on Naboo. Bruzak, Louis and her would all enlist at the same time which resulted in them being apart of the same recruit battalion, the 750th Exodus Recruit Training Battalion. However as part of Exodus Basic Training protocol, recruits were split up into smaller groups of five despite all being apart of the same recruit pool. Kosi would be assigned to 69th Recruitment Squad along with three male humans, a Trandoshan male and a female Rodian. Within a few days after training began, she proved herself to be the top of her group and would be put in charge of them as squad leader under the instructor. Being designated as the squad leader would be her first ever experience in a leadership role of any kind. Naturally, there were a few moments where she needed guidance from her instructor on how to handle certain situations when leading her group but nevertheless she was able to grasp everything relatively easy. She would graduate basic training as a First Class Private and immediately assigned under Monia's command.  

Physical Appearance

Kosi is a female Otolla Gungan, standing at a height of 6'4 and weighing around 165 pounds. Her skin is mostly sky blue in color with the medial section of her chest, throat, stomach, ends of her haillu and underside of her bill colored in white. Much like many Gungans on Naboo, Kosi's skin features the distinctive swirl patterns only found on Gungans. Her eyes are seafoam green in color which match her mother's. With all the hard farm work she's done in the past along with her current career as an operator within the Shadow Recon & Intelligence, she is in shape with a lean, toned body. Her height is above average compared to other female Gungans but this isn't a bother for her.   Often times, Kosi will tie her earflaps back to keep them from getting in her way. If and when she does this depends on the current situation she's in or if she knows that she may find herself in one where she'll need to tie them back. Regardless of how she displays her haillu, they don't bother her at all.


Since she has grown up in an area of Naboo that is populated by swamplands, Kosi prefers to wear clothing that shows off most of her skin. Tube tops, shorts, tank tops, and short sleeved vests are amongst her favorite kind of clothing. She is adaptable and can easily wear different types of clothing such as pants, cloaks, sweaters and jackets. The type of outfit she has on depends on her mood and what the current climate outside is. If it's hot and or humid, she'll wear lighter articles of clothing and if the weather outside is cold, she'll opt for heavier layer such as padded pants, jackets and gloves. Gungan culture sees many Gungans from walk around barefooted or  wear special open toed sandals for their feet. When she arrived in the Iarta system, she saw that clothing companies had manufactured closed shoes that would easily fit over her feet and since then she is often found to be wearing them. Though she still prefers to be barefooted as it's the most comfortable to her.  

Mental Characteristics & Attributes


Kosi is the quiet but watchful member of Team Space. She doesn't speak much as she prefers to listen from the sidelines but this allows her to focus more on what's going on around her and her friends. She maybe quiet most of the time but when the time calls for it or whenever she feels like it, she will speak up. Kosi is also an empathetic person; most of the time she is the one who is there to console her fellow teammates or any individual around her that needs it. Her empathy was very prevalent after the Siege of the Fortress when she comforted Yivu Srotha who was the wife of Colvatt Srotha after all the hardships she's been through finally came to an end when her husband was apprehended. She has also shown to be very brave when it comes to taking on hostile fighting forces and as such she is one of the four frontline fighters of her team.   Being a Gungan from the planet of Naboo, Kosi often speaks in the distinctive Gungan mannerisms. Words that she speaks that describe either herself or others will end with the -sa suffix and words ending in a constonant will end with -u. Kosi had taught herself how to speak in a fairly normal accent but will often times out of habit say typically Gunganese words such as yousa, mesa or wesa. 

Interests & Dislikes

Kosi is an advocate for staying healthy and active. She is often found exercising through the form on weightlifting, stretches or practicing her punches and kicks with a boxing bag. She also prefers to partake in physical activities such as sports and sparring. On of her favorite forms of sparring comes in the form of using bo-staffs and the one to knock the staff out of the others hand wins. Lastly, she also enjoys the simple farm life as she was raised on her family's farm for most of her life. She doesn't farm much in the present day thanks to her Exodus career but she would have no problems taking vacations back to Naboo and live the simple life back on the Augara Ranch.   Throughout most of her life, Kosi had never been interested in romantic partnerships. She also thought there were a hindrance back in her younger years as she was focusing on becoming stronger as of means to protect her family after her older sister and younger brother had left. Since females with lighter colored earflaps are considered more attractive, Kosi would often find herself getting hit on by Gungan men on Naboo. She showed no interest as she had other things to worry about at the time. Until recently, she actually developed a love interest towards her fellow teammate, a male Rodian named Shorask. Currently, she hasn't confessed to him as she's wanting to get to know him better and she doesn't want to appear intimidating towards him as he's less of a combatant of the group unlike her.    Things that irritate Kosi are things that would irritate everybody else. People being rude or disrespectful towards her or the people she knows will elicit a negative response from her, being a friend of hers and trashing on her with another person will evoke a negative response from her and being a creep or trying to steal anything from her will likely end in her dishing out a beat down. Kosi has prided herself on being open minded, friendly and polite; those who abuse that friendship with her will more than likely regret it as she is an excellent friend to have. One of the biggest things that will instantly anger Kosi is offensively making fun of her for being a Gungan such as mocking her for speaking with Gungan mannerisms or calling her a frog.    

Mental Trauma

She has never experienced any traumatic event that really effects her today. The closest event in her life that truly came close to seeding any mental abnormalities would be when her brother, Jun was about to practically sacrifice his life and try to locate his master after hearing about Clones turning on their Jedi Commanders. Kosi ran after her brother, managing to catch up with him on the outskirts of Otoh Nilu and broke down crying, begging him not to just throw his life away. She did manage to convince her brother to leave his Jedi way of life and return to the life on Naboo, back with his family. Kosi fears losing family members and those very close to her. She won't hesitate to throw herself in the eyes of danger if it means protecting those close to her heart.   

Knowledge & Skills


Kosi would attend primary school and secondary school in Otoh Nilu. Her grades in school were above average and she never gave the staff members a hard time. She never if she did her parents would not take kindly to that kind of behavior from her. For a while, she did attend primary school alongside her older brother, Jun before the Jedi Order discovered him and took him to be taught at their temple in Coruscant. Many years later, she would enlist in the Exodus Protection Corp and partake in their basic training. She proved herself incredibly well and was deemed the squad leader of her group, second under the instructor. 

Blaster Skills

Kosi is fairly good with a blaster to say the least. She prefers using melee weapons since she is far more skilled with that range of weaponry but she has no quarrels using a blaster in combat whether it be a rifle, scattergun or pistol. The blaster she is currently the most familiar with is the Blastech T-21/Legends light repeating blaster that she often uses as a support weapon.

Driving Skills

Kosi recently learned how to drive a wide range of vehicles thanks to Exodus's training. Back on Naboo since everything was within walking distance, many citizens preferred to either walk or ride their Kaadu to their destination. Kosi was one of them and has been comfortable doing so for much of her life. Driving is a bit different for her and she's still trying to grasp the finer details but she thinks driving cars has it's uses, especially in the Iarta system where personal transport is more favored.  

Firearm Skills 

Much like driving, Kosi's introduction to firearms was given by the Exodus Basic Training. She was taught how to properly load, fire, strip and maintain a wide range of firearms used by the military group. Her skills with a firearm are average so to say. She came from a world wear their armies preferred using melee weapons in combat with the only ranged weapons being booma catapults and atlatls which were maces that doubled as a portable booma thrower.  

Melee Skills

Melee weapons are Kosi's favorite and preferred form of combat. Being a Gungan from Naboo she was taught how to use and handle traditonal Gungan weapons such as the atlatl, cesta and the distinct personal energy shields wielded by the militiagungs. She is knowable and fully capable of using any Gungan weaponry and would utilize it to it's fullest potential with no trouble at all. Her time spent on the planet of Fundekein would interest her to a weapon type she never knew she was missing out on, the sword. The swords is the most widespread weapon on the planet and her team would end up finding a handful of them to use in their adventures. One of these swords became Kosi's personal weapon that she never keeps out of her reach, her frost enchanted saber. She keeps this sword in a sheath on her left hip nearly all the time. This sword's blade freezes like an icicle when left out of it's sheath for too long and is her go-to weapon for close quarters combat. Many creatures had been slain by Kosi wielding this sword. 

Unarmed Skills

Kosi is no stranger when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. Her father and a the local gym owner in Otoh Nilu would lay the ground work for her unarmed combat skills and since it's introduction to her she has massively improved it. Many who don't know her closely and see her skills may think she is a professional fighter with how skilled and heavy her hits can be. It amuses Kosi when she sees their reaction after telling them she isn't a professional fighter. Her fighting style incorporates the use of acrobatic maneuvers that could help her achieve the upper hand over her opponent.

Personal Info

Current Age
Date of Birth
37 Vraxo 5336
Naboo Gungan
Place of Birth
Otoh Nilu, Naboo


Otolla Gungan
172 Ibs
Skin Color
Sky blue & white
Eye Color
Seafoam green
Body Type

Military Service

Exodus Protection Corp
Shadow Recon & Intelligence
Team Space
Years of Service
First Class Private
Siege of the Fortress

Character Portrait image: by Nicholas Ducote


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