Bruzak Gor'Mul Character in Star Wars: Iarta System | World Anvil
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Bruzak Gor'Mul

Bruzak Gor'Mul,
known as Mask to some on Trandosha, is a male Trandoshan born on 18 Kle-Yen 5334 in the village of Hskel where he would spend some of his life before moving with his parents to the city of Forak. Like many Trandoshans, Bruzak hatched from an egg clutch. He was the first to hatch from his clutch followed by his siblings, Ferasha, Harssk and Blyrk. His parents Savo and Shelska Gor'Mul would teach them everything they needed to know about how to survive in the world. His father was a commissioned infantry officer in the army and his mother was a renowned huntress. Growing up Bruzak and his sister Ferasha would follow their parents advice; beginning a career of becoming a renowned hunter.   Bruzak spent the next several years racking up as many jagannath points as he possibly could at such a young age; being a young lizard there wasn't much he could hunt besides small to medium sized wildlife. While his mother taught him to core values to being a hunter as well as informing him of all the essentials, his father taught him how to be an effective leader and how to create a strategy for every situation he comes across. These teaching from his parents followed Bruzak into maturity in 5349 when he enlisted in the Trandosha Army as an infantryman. Bruzak's reason for joining the army is for one he wanted to take up after his father and two he heard that the army gave it's soldiers the opportunity to hunt large game which is what his mother wanted to see him do. Bruzak would prove himself quite worthy during his time in the army, quickly rising through the ranks before ending at the rank of master sergeant. Bruzak would retire from the military in the year 5357. When he retired, Bruzak linked back up with some of his old friends to begin a hunting guild together.   The guild formed by him and his best friend, Krysst Hskea was known as the Root Snappers, a group that would hunt just about every creature in the galaxy. The two of them invited more of their friends to join in and make the budding group a formidable one. The group would roam around Trandosha as as the moon of Wasskah and nearby Kashyyyk for creatures to hunt. Bruzak would actively take part in these hunting excursions, never missing a single one unless he had a valid reason to. However, Bruzak's desire to hunt with the group fell off when two of his closest friends in the group were captured and executed by a Wookiee tribe. This act would lead Bruzak to carrying out a brutal one man assault on the village responsible for the execution of his closest friends; an attack that spared nobody and left almost no survivors. After the attack, Bruzak would stick to himself and his family; choosing to focus on them instead of the guild he formed. He stopped visiting as frequent as he did, stopping in at least twice a week compared to going there nearly every day. His reason for not wanting to hang out at the guild is he was suspicious that one of his fellow group members gave away the whereabouts of his two friends even though they covered their tracks very well. He also felt the rest of the group would press on about the whole situation which would only aggravate Bruzak even more.   Bruzak carried out his life for the next couple of years, focusing more on his family and less on the group that he is almost certain has a traitor in the ranks. The year 5362 would see Bruzak's life change permanently. While cleaning up his house, Bruzak was seemingly whisked away from there in the blink of an eye and left in a cave system. This confused him as he was standing in his home literally a second ago. His instincts had him begin walking to find a way out of the cave. During his walk through the cave, he happened to spot a young boy walking through the cave a good distance away from him. The cave was dark and the boy hadn't noticed him so Bruzak figured he'd trick the young kid before offering to lead him out of the cave. Bruzak began to stalk the young boy from the shadows to watch how he reacted. He was quite surprised that the boy showed emotions of bravery such as calling out into the darkness asking whatever is out there to show themselves. Bruzak continued to follow the kid a bit more before the two of them found themselves in a large open area of the cave. For Bruzak, who had been following the kid from the shadows above him on a stable rocky ledge had to descend to the same level as the kid. Once he had descended, the boy had froze in place perhaps from hearing the lizard's soft landing behind him. Bruzak began to approach the boy from behind but when he was approximately an arm length away from him, the boy takes off running. The boy didn't get far as the Trandoshan turned the corner to see the boy on the ground, having tripped over a rock. Bruzak seized his opportunity to absolutely scare the kid to his core and approached the kid, raising his bat in a manner that made the kid think he was about to be killed. The kid screamed and Bruzak chuckled before helping the kid up. However, things quickly escalated as the kid began yelling at him for doing scaring him like that. Bruzak scoffed before responding the the kid before beginning to walk away. Whatever Bruzak said wasn't taken kindly by the kid who ran up and punched Bruzak in the back. The attack barely phased the lizard who turned around and confronted the boy on what he did; Bruzak was trying to intimidate the boy into backing down since he in no way wanted to fight him. A brief fight soon began as the short, angered boy was serious about taking the towering lizard on. Bruzak unsurprisingly won as he outclassed in kid in every aspect. After their brawl, Bruzak would try and leave the area by himself however the human boy followed him, begging the lizard to let him tag along. Another small argument unfolded as the kid was trying his best to convince him to bring him along his travels. As they walked, a large bone tyrant appeared and was immediately agitated with their presence. The two of them set aside their differences to put down the bone tyrant which would work out in their favor however Bruzak would fall unconscious due to poisoning received from the tyrant after it had slashed him with it's claws. Upon waking up, Bruzak would see the boy who he had beaten into submission a mere several minutes tending to his wounds. He would be told by this boy that if he hadn't of wrapped up his wounds, he certainly would of bleed out. After that fight, the Trandoshan allowed the boy who he now learned was named Louis to accompany him.   Both Bruzak and Louis continued traversing through liminal spaces together; Bruzak ended up getting saved by Louis a second time which frustrated the lizard even more than the first time but he couldn't help but feel rather relieved that he had company. The two of them eventually stumbled across another person who would join them in their. From a species Bruzak recognized, Kosi-Jin Augara would join the two on the travels to find their way back home. Kosi was shortly followed by another female, a Mon Calamari named Monia Rullen. The four of them encountered danger after danger in these liminal spaces before they managed to discover an escape back into the mortal plane. They found themselves in the vicinity of a World Tower which was an ominous tower that was rumored to hold plane shifting properties. Around the base of the tower was an encampment inhabited by people who were outsiders much like Bruzak. The encampment's inhabitants recruited their help in finding a way off the planet and pointed to nearest settlement. Bruzak and his team began their walk to the city where things wouldn't get much safer until they reached the distant city of Reiss where they inquired about finding a way off the planet. The local guild pointed them towards the Astral Mountains a ways north of Reiss where they could find an artifact capable of potentially transporting them of the planet. They even recruited the help of a local adventurer named Claire Arno to help them retrieve the treasure.   They were able to retrieve the artifact however Claire would betray them after revealing that she had plans to take the artifact for herself. She would end up being challenged by Louis in a fist fight that she would end up winning after transforming into a different form however she didn't get far as Bruzak and Kosi both wrestled her into a portal created by the very artifact she wanted to steal. They sealed her away and headed back to Reiss where they would rest before beginning their travel back to the tower encampment. Their trip time would be instantly relieved as they encountered a celestial being who would grant them a single wish to which Bruzak's team all agreed that they should be transported back to the World Tower which ended up eliminating their travel time entirely. Things weren't so great as upon entering the camp, Bruzak and his team discovered that every inhabitant of the camp had been slaughtered. Near the base of the camp was an individual who they found out was the one responsible for the massacre. As they confronted the man, they were immediately met with malice as the guy had no intention to talk things out. Both Bruzak and Kosi would be the primary defenders against the man as Monia was being choked seemingly out of thin air and Louis couldn't even get close to the man. Near the end of the fight Bruzak would suffer a puncture wound to the heart, a wound that nearly killed him. Bruzak was saved by Monia who was able to overpower her choking and cast a healing spell which instantly healed his fatal wound. Bruzak stood back up and began fighting the man who had no way to heal himself back up after taking a beating from Kosi and him. Ironically, Bruzak would land the final blow on the man who almost killed him; striking him down in the same manner he almost died from. With the vicious man put down and the team taking a few minutes to rest after that egregious fight, they headed into the World Tower and activated the plane walker staff's power.   Bruzak and his friends ended up getting beamed from Fundekein's surface onto a space station. They made contact with the crew a short later and discovered that they were apparently researching diseases present on Fundekein's surface. They had to be locked away and tested for any present diseases. Kosi and Monia were cleared however Bruzak and Louis being infected. They would spend several months aboard this ship which was an incredibly boring time for Bruzak and Louis as they had to stay cooped up in their cells. They were eventually called for a meeting with one of the officers of the station who then asked them for help. From what was told to them a hostile ship had entered the station's vicinity and needed to be destroyed. Seeing as they were living on the station until they could be provided with a method of getting back to the wider galaxy, Bruzak's team felt obligated to help them out. They were launched from an escape pod into the hull of this apparently hostile ship. Stepping out, the team stopped to chat with each other about the suspicious behavior of the Elysium crew. Throughout their stay on the station they noticed many rather odd behaviors from the crew members including unwillingness to give them more information even if it's vital for their mission and lack of requisitioning even though their helping them out. Bruzak would agree with Monia after she mentioned that they should make contact with the crew of this "hostile" ship to hear their side of the story. Upon making contact with the crew of the ship, they discovered that their suspicions were true; this space ship's crew meant no harm at all. The captain of the ship even gave Bruzak's group more information that was being withheld by the Elysium such as researching a bioweapon that could be used against people. Hearing this news instantly made Bruzak and his team cut their ties with the Elysium and ally themselves with the Creetis who were the crew of this ship that they were told was filled with hostiles.   Bruzak would join along with his friends in collaborating with the Creetis on laying siege to the Elysium and stopping their chances of fully developing their bioweapon and freeing the civilian populous aboard. The assault would see them battle the demon, Kushala who was allied with the Elysium along with the crew members and soldiers on the station. Their fight would end in a victory for them and the Creetis after killing the commander of the station, Marloo on the bridge. Marloo in an attempt to wipe out everyone aboard the station, disabled the station's orbital course computer shortly before his demise which caused the station to slowly plummet to the planet's surface. Bruzak left the bridge along with Louis, Kosi and the two Creetis who accompanied them on the mission, Netero Faanjj and Fallacha Estauve back to their ship in the cargo hold while Monia stayed behind to try and restore the orbital computer. Her attempts to restore the computer were futile and she had to retreat back to the ship. Although they were bummed out about being unable to save the civilians aboard the station they learned that a vast majority of them ended up being slaughtered by the multitude of deadly creatures from Fundekein's surface that had been captured by the station's crew. Returning to the Creetis flagship which had been damaged in the battle, they were met with praise from them and would always be welcomed back on their ship. Bruzak and his team were preparing for their departure on their ship that was loaned to them by Elysium when they were asked by Netero if they would let him join them in their adventures across the galaxy. All of the immediately agreed that Netero should join their team as he and Fallacha proved themselves worthy allies during the siege.   Their travels to the wider galaxy would last three months as the ship they had gotten from the Elysium lacked a hyperdrive however they managed to make their way back after a short encounter with the Galactic Empire. Before they were taken back to the planetary system that Monia considered her home, they had to make a quick stop on Tatooine as Monia had left her actual spaceship there before she was beamed to Fundekein. Their stay on the desert planet was brief, lasting only two hours before they left the planet and headed to the Iarta system which is where Monia was currently living. Monia would introduce him, Kosi and Louis to the Exodus Protection Corp which was the group Monia was working with. The three of them expressed desires to join as the private military company carried out missions that were for the civilian populations of the countries in the Iarta system which was something they enjoyed doing. Bruzak before he could join had to travel back to his home planet of Trandosha to collect some of his belongings. Louis would tag along with him and the two who stay a week on Trandosha visiting Bruzak's family and rekindling with his old hunting guild. Things wouldn't turn over well between Bruzak and his old friends in the guild as due to his long absence, he was no longer second in command of the group. This wouldn't bother Bruzak as he was deemed second in command of his group with Monia however what did bother him was his former friends in the guild were planning to carry out a heist against the Galactic Empire. Both Bruzak and Louis would collaborate with the Forak Police Force in putting a stop to their plans and carrying out a raid on the old mansion that was his former group's base of operations.   The next few months would prove to be rather chaotic for both Bruzak and the rest of the team. Louis had been invited to accompany an envoy mission to one of Exodus's close allies to see how the group conducts themselves. While Louis went off on their mission, Bruzak and the rest of Team Space were tasked with infiltrating deep into Galactic Empire and digging up information about their top secret Project Harvester. Bruzak would end up recruiting two new team members from a remote ice planet, the two newest editions to the team were a Rodian named Shorask and a Twi'lek named Pavlov. They carried the mission with moderate success; rescuing a woman who's son went missing during his stay at the Empire's Officer School. The team would travel to Naboo so Kosi can visit her family after not seeing them for so long. Their second night on Naboo saw the Rip Current, Monia's ship, get attacked by a group of bounty hunters looking for Shorask. Bruzak fought and slayed the Wookiee hunter who was after his Rodian teammate and went to check up on Netero who said he was under attack. Upon making it to Netero's quarters of the ship, he saw his unconscious about to be executed by an unknown soldier wearing mysterious armor. Bruzak was able to thwart the man before he escorted him away. Once the dust had settled, Pavlov turned up missing. The team used a strange beacon that was given to the Trandoshan by the mysterious soldier which lead them to a remote planet in an uncharted corner of the Unknown Regions. Upon exploring the planet and finding the remains of an underground lab, it was discovered that Pavlov was the mysterious soldier. After a short scuffle with him and eventually talking it out, Bruzak and his team cut ties with Pavlov. Things didn't stop there as news came through that the ship belonging to the envoy that Louis was apart of had been shot down. This news devastated the lizard as part of Trandoshan culture, Louis was Bruzak's ghrakhowsk after saving his life twice. Bruzak and the rest of the team would carry out a mission to look for any survivors of the envoy at one of the crash sites located in South Damalay on the planet of Kaiyn. This search would prove unsuccessful in tracking down Louis however one crew member of the envoy was recovered along with the remains of a second. This mission also saw the recruitment of Dalda, a member of the Adrann species who would be their newest addition to the team. Despite the minor sucess of the mission and the recruitment of a new teammate Bruzak couldn't help but feel unfulfilled. He wasn't with Louis who needed him at this time and because of this he became incredibly stressed out doing this time. A couple months would roll by and Louis would eventually turn up alive and join back up with his friends on the planet of a Naboo.   Bruzak along with Louis, Kosi, Shorask and Dalda would all return to Fort Sanctuary to undergo Exodus Basic Training. All of them would pass with flying colors and join Monia's team as officials soldiers of the Exodus Protection Corp.  

Physical Appearance

"S-sorry....please don't...kill me, Mister Lizardfolk man."
"Lizardfolk? Is that suppose to be a native species here or some kind of derogatory term to describe me, kid?"
"Y-yeah! I swear it's not an offensive term, sir! The lizardfolk are a native species on this plane. W-wait from your tone are you saying you're not a lizardfolk? You look so much like one."
"I'm a Trandoshan not this lizardfolk you mention, boy."
― Bruzak getting mistaken for a lizardfolk by Louis
Standing at a height of 6'8, weighing in at around 353 pounds and having an incredibly muscular body, it's no surprise many are intimidated around this lizard. Like all Trandoshans, Bruzak has scales with his being a two-tone green with stripes on his body that are of a two-tone color as well. Most of Bruzak's scales are of a medium shade of green color while his brow ridge, throat, chest and stomach have scales that are a darker shade of green. The stripes that line Bruzak's body run along both sides of his face parallel to his eyes and stretch behind his head , more stripes run below his eye going down the side of his face and stretch to his shoulders which then break off into multiple paths that line his back and stomach. Additionally he has more stripes that line his legs however surprisingly his arms are free of any scaly stripe patterns. The color of his stripes are two tone as well composing of a very light green interior and outlined in yellow scales. Two long sharp horns protrude from his head that double as another one of his body's natural weapons alongside his sharp reptile teeth and claws. His eyes are both green in color with his pupils being vertical slits. On both sides of his particularly in the ramus section of his jaw, there are seven spines that protrude from his face. Three of those spines are more prominent than the other four as they are the same color as his horns; the four lesser spines are a medium shade of green much like most of his body's scales. There are also two small spines that are the same color as his chest and stomach that protrude from his chin parallel to one another. His body is incredibly muscular as a result of a high protein diet and plenty of constant exercise; his time in the Trandoshan military also aided in him bulking up his body.


Bruzak prefers to wear loose fitting attire that is comfortable for his big, bulky muscular body. A lot of his wardrobe consist of regular tank tops, muscle cut tank tops, fitting t-shirts, dolphin shorts, athletic shorts and fitting pants that are either baggy or of the cargo variety. Being a Trandoshan, Bruzak wears no shoes prefer to walk around barefooted. Also since he is from a planet that is nearly hot and humid almost all year, he owns no cold weather gear. Due to the nature of his species, he often mixes up his clothing; wearing a even blend of cloth garb and armor.   Due to his nature, Bruzak also owns three armor sets. One of those armor sets which was recently requisitioned to him by the Exodus Protection Corp after graduating basic training is a custom made suit of high quality ballistic and blaster resistant armor that covers him head to toe. His second armor set was crafted by a custom armorer on Trandosha and although it doesn't provide the same level of protection as the Exodus armor set does, it's offers an incredibly great level of protection that is only slightly less than the Exodus set. His last armor set, even though it's level of protection is significantly far less than the last two, it happens to be his favorite. Dubbed as Hskel Warrior's Armor, it features a sleeveless leather top with a single spiked shoulder guard that is typically mounted on the right side, baggy pants made of animal hide, wrist bracers, toeless pelted heel socks that have bracings to secure kneepads and a groin guard. Bruzak often completes this look with a custom made heavy ceramic mask that he often wears in combat or during hunts. This mask is usually worn to strike fear in his enemies and is also how he earned his nickname, Mask.  

Mental Characteristics & Attributes


Bruzak's personality today is nothing like the personality he displayed in his younger years. His current personality goes against any stereotypes that others may have against Trandoshans. He is honest, calm, level headed and willing to talk confrontation out through diplomacy. Many people upon meeting him are often caught off guard with how good tempered he acts despite his intimidating appearance that scares most away from approaching him or even speaking to him from a distance. His personality has distanced itself as far away from the typical Trandoshan stereotype of the aggressive, bloodthirsty hunter who doesn't seem to show any other desire besides the thirst for hunting. With how far he's strayed from the typical Trandoshans across the galaxy, some may speculate if Bruzak even gets angry. Make no mistake if someone presses him, he will get agitated and depending on what is done towards him will decide what sort of reaction Bruzak gives. Acting aggressively or harming those close to him are the worst actions you could do around them as Bruzak is very protective over those who are close to him. People who harm those close to him and try to flee might as well begin a timer before Bruzak catches up with them and puts them in the ground for their decisions.    During his younger years, Bruzak was a totally different reptile. As a young lizard growing up in Hskel, Bruzak was violent, undiplomatic, reckless and unforgiving. He was prone to fighting anybody if they so much as looked at him the for too long. His behavior would sometimes land him into trouble with the village guards and elder where his parents would have to come fetch him. The only thing Bruzak really cared about during these years of his life were hunting, his family and refraining from disrespecting Hskel's Elder. He would eventually shape up his attitude a year and a half before enlisting in the army. But even after switching up his behavior, he still remained aggressive and thirsty for a hunt. This wouldn't be the last personality change as he's undergone three personality shifts throughout his entire life. His personality would see it's first drastic shift after his rampage against the Wookiee village that executed two of his closest friends; after the whole incident Bruzak began to focus almost exclusively on his family, almost entirely dropping his overly aggressive demeanor. His latest shift happened after having his life saved not once but twice by the human teenager, Louis van Noven. Being saved by a person who he considered inferior sparked something inside him that made him change how he conducted himself.   

Interests & Dislikes

Bruzak much like many Trandoshans loves hunting. Whether it be hunting wildlife or a dangerous criminal, Bruzak enjoys an exciting hunt that gets the adrenaline flowing. Hunting isn't Bruzak's only past time, there are other hobbies that he takes great enjoyment in such as exercising, target shooting and tinkering with vehicles. Throughout each and every day for a total of three hours, Bruzak will exercise to keep himself healthy and in shape. He typically wakes up early in the morning to prepare himself breakfast before beginning his first workout session. His sessions consist of a mix of strength and cardio exercises usually with equipment such as dumbbells and gravity treadmill. His sessions last for a total of an hour and he repeats this process two more times later in the day before going to sleep. Along with maintaining a healthy exercise schedule, the second thing Bruzak never fails to miss out on is maintaining his excellent marksmanship. He is a crack shot with both blasters and firearms and ensures that his accuracy does not deteriorate. Maintaining accuracy is one important factor he continues but maintenance is another important task that he never falls behind on. Bruzak regularly cleans his weapons and inspects them for wear and tear. If one of his weapons shows signs of wear, he will decommission the weapon until it's damaged is repaired; if the damage cannot be repaired them the weapon is scrapped and replaced.   Recently, Bruzak has developed love interests that weren't present before. Strong, muscular men much like himself are Bruzak's type as they have proven themselves to others that they can go beyond when it comes to improving themselves instead of doing the bare minimum. Men who aren't muscular but have a great, enjoyable personality are Bruzak's secondary type. As of right now there are two guys that Bruzak currently has his eyes set on, his two comrades, Dalda and Netero. Currently, Bruzak hasn't given them any hints at his attraction towards them as he's never really harbored romantic feelings for anybody until now.    There are a few things this Trandoshan dislikes. His most hated thing are people who betray his trust. A primary example of this is Krysst Hskea, a fellow Trandoshan who Bruzak considered to be one of his closest friends until he discovered that it was Krysst who gave up the locations of his two other closest friends to a Wookiee village for a sum of credits. Criminal organizations who primarily target innocent civilians are second on his list as preying on a population who just wants to live out their lives is viewed as unethical and just downright deplorable. Tyrannical governments such a Galactic Empire fall in close to criminal organizations as both prey on the innocent populations for their own gain. Last on his list are individuals who are just outright rude and disrespectful for no reason that to be a prick. Bruzak will often brush these kind of people off unless they take their hate out on his close companions. As for activities, Bruzak doesn't really hate or dislike any of them as long as nobody innocent is getting killed or hurt.   

Mental Trauma

The fear of losing those who are the closest to him is what plagues this Trandoshan the most. The event responsible for these thoughts is the loss of his two closest friends, Seyv Rak and Vehssk Junsi. Standing by, unable to do anything except watch as his two closest friends were brutally tortured before being executed set off a raging, inextinguishable fire inside Bruzak. Despite words from Krysst trying to convince Bruzak not to retaliate, Bruzak armed himself to the teeth before traveling to Kashyyyk where he would carry out a mass shooting against the village Wookiees that killed his friends. This attack left very little survivors as Bruzak showed no mercy, opening fire on anybody he had eyes on, torching houses and utlizing explosives against his targets. Ever since that event, Bruzak has been afraid of losing everybody else he was close to. Thankfully for him, he wouldn't lose anybody else who was considered family to him. He would have a scare in the month of Gilu in 5362 after the ship belonging to a diplomatic envoy was shot down. This wouldn't of bothered Bruzak much except his ghrakhowsk, Louis was onboard that ship. He would spend the next month and a half worried every single day that he may learn the news that the boy who considered him to be a father figure would turn up deceased. It absolutely stressed him out that there wasn't a thing he could even though he was more than willing to get out there and track him down.   

Knowledge & Skills


Bruzak attended the Hskel Village School during his entire time growing up there. He would graduate from the school before enlisting in the Hsskhor Army. The military would teach Bruzak several key elements that would shape his life including marksmanship. leadership. comradery and the vast number of hunting techniques. The basic training of the Trandoshan Army helped Bruzak build up his pain tolerance and strength as it was overwhelmingly rigorous and brutal. Bruzak enlisted as a regular infantry grunt and proved himself to be a worthy soldier. He worked his way from a lowly private to the much more distinguished rank of master sergeant; even being placed in charge of his own squad of soldiers.

Blaster Skills

He is no stranger to blasters. Having constantly used them throughout his service in the Trandoshan military has made him quite familiar with them. He's able to safely disassemble and reassemble just about every blaster due to his experience in the army. Additionally, he can perform basic troubleshooting if he or someone else is having difficulties with their blaster. His accuracy with blasters are almost pinpoint accurate due to the lack of powerful recoil from them and his body's great strength. 

Driving Skills

His driving skills are average to say the least. He's no professional race car driver but he's certainly no idiot when it comes to getting behind the wheel of a speeder or car. Exodus Basic Training helped him improve his driving skills further, introducing him to maneuvers that can get him out of a risky situations and handling vehicles of varying sizes. 

Firearm Skills

When asked for his preference on blasters or firearms, Bruzak will instantly rule in favor of firearms. His firearm skills are excellent to say the least, even better than his blaster prowess. Bruzak can easily field strip and reassemble many differing firearm types, he can handle the recoil of almost any gun easily due to his bodily strength and his accuracy when using firearms is scary accurate. His reason for preferring firearms over blasters is due to the huge variety of types, attachments, ammunition and as well as their versatility.

Melee Skills

Bruzak's melee skills are simply scary and vicious. Being raised in a tribal village has left Bruzak with a litany of techniques when is comes to wielding and striking down opponents using melee weapons. His favorite type of melee weapons happen to be swords specifically two handed swords. He's able to wield swords that are typically held in two hands with only one because of his strength. His time on the planet of Fundekein has granted him with magically enhanced weapons that are twice as powerful as weapons in the galaxy. Using weapons that can seemingly damage someone with their blade and an additional jolt of electricity is something he would gladly accept.

Unarmed Skills

With a big, bulky, muscular body like his, he's capable of delivering a powerful smackdown to anybody who asks for it. Bruzak's fighting style consist of dealing powerful punches, kicks and knees to his opponent's vital areas such as their nose, jaw, stomach, and knees. Bruzak for the most part has little to no difficulty when dealing with opponents in unarmed conflict however agile opponents can prove a bit tough to manage as they can zip around him easier due to his height and weight difference. Not typically used in offensive his horns and teeth can also be used as weapons due to their sharpness.

Personal Info

Hatch Date
18 Kle-Yen 5334
Current Age
Place of Birth
Hskel, Forak Prefecture


353 pounds
Scales Color
Medium/dark green with yellow stripes
Scales Pattern
Eye Color
Pupil Type
Vertical slit
Body Type

Military Service

Government of Trandosha
Exodus Protection Corp
Hsskhor Army
Shadow Recon & Intelligence
41st Infantry Brigade
Team Space
Years of Service
5349 - 5357
5362 - present
Master Sergeant
Senior Sergeant
Trandosha's Insurgency Campaign
Siege of the Fortress


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