Session 00: But it's a rock

General Summary

Still not fully comfortable with their new circumstances working with each other, Kade and Roku head to the sector of Fool's Straits in the Outlands, where their mutual acquaintance Blake Solas is on the deep-space station known as Nyx. Their mission here is two-fold. The first is that Blake hired them to bring cancer medication to one of the residents of Nyx. The second is that Blake is a hunter who's been all over the place, so she might be able to help Roku figure out where to go next with regard to his mysterious Edenstone.   Immediately upon entering the system of Fool's Straits, however, the light of the local star makes its way through the window of the ship and lands upon the Edenstone as Roku is looking at it, revealing a ton of strange symbols and characters. Both Roku and Kade see different things when they look at it. Roku sees the promise of coordinates and a lead. Kade sees only one word, over and over again: sanctuary.   After docking at Nyx, Kade and Roku find Blake at the bar, where she's already drunk off her uncanny, cowardly ass. They give her the cancer medicine and then show her the rock. However, Blake insists that she can't see anything on it and sees only a common rock, which seems unlikely to both Roku and Kade, as it's impossible to miss the faintly glowing symbols.   Roku tells Blake the coordinates he's managed to find on the Edenstone and Blake scoffs, informing him that she knows the location and there's nothing out there, it's a meteor cloud. They've come all this way for nothing. Roku and Kade have a fight and Kade tells Roku he's chasing nonsense. Roku calls Kade on their shit and insists that he knows they saw something too. Roku pushes back against Kade and finally Kade admits that yes, she did see something in the rock, and fine, she vows to follow the coordinates wherever they go.   That's also when Kade realizes that Blake's calculations fail to account for gravitational shifts and that the coordinates are actually pointing to the settled planet of Summit.   At this point, Blake looks up from her apparent drunken stupor and says, "That's great, but they're taking your ship."   Kade and Roku turn and see out the window that Blake is right, Cygnus is once again being taken. Kade cries out "Motherfucker!" and runs out of the canteen toward the hangar.

Vibe Check

  Kade and Roku are still a little tense and unsure about each other. Kade is not-so-secretly resentful of Roku for purchasing their ship, as it means that Cygnus no longer belongs to them, though they are indisputably Cygnus' captain. Roku is definitely aware of Kade's antipathy toward him and dislikes how it keeps getting in the way of them working as a cohesive team. He recognizes that Kade is (supposedly) very capable but so far she's been too guarded around him to show in full the great skills he's quite sure she has.   At the beginning of the session, Kade regards Blake as an old friend whom she's not been in a lot of contact with lately and whom she knows to be unreliable, but Kade has no significant beef with Blake. That changes dramatically when Blake attempts to use Cygnus to settle her debts. Kade decides that this is the last straw and Blake is now dead to her.   Roku doesn't have as long of a history with Blake and while he's pissed that Blake attempted to sell off his ship, he's not as emotionally invested in Cygnus nor has Blake ever wronged him the past, so he's willing to look past Blake's actions in favor of focusing on the use she could still be to them on their journey.
In-Game Date
17 Aprion 212, 15:05 - 15:43
Report Date
10 Oct 2022
Primary Location
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