House Roesone

Ruling family of the Barony of Roesone, currently ruled by Baroness Marlae Roesone. She was installed after the death of her father, Teried Roesone in the Earthquake of 1551 MA.  
The baron's line is descended from Daen Roesone, the Black Baron. Daen Roesone built a kingdom with his courage and his wits, and lived to pass it on to his heirs—one of the rarest and most difficult feats of statesmanship.
The House Roesone now consists of anyone directly descended from Daen Roesone. The direct descendent of Roesone's oldest child is the baron by virtue of senior rank; all other members of the house are lords or ladies.
The Family Today: The oldest Roesone living today is Darliene Bellamie, the Black Baron's daughter who was married to the Bellamie family. She is a spry 78 years of age; she inherited some part of her father's indomitable will and carefully watches over her son Sedrie Bellamie's management of the county of Bellam 
Raederic Roesone, the brother of Teried Roesone, and his wife Marsiye are the uncle and aunt of Marlae Roesone.
If something should happen to both the baron and the baron's brother Daenal, Raederic is third in line for the throne. Raederic lives comfortably on a spacious ranch in central Edlin; he appears to have no aspirations to the throne.
His daughter is Shielin Roesone, cousin to the baron. She is a beautiful young woman with a crusader's fire, constantly involving herself in issue after issue.
The black sheep of the Roesone line is the bastard son of Raemel Roesone, the Black Baron's first son. His mother is not known, but it is suspected that she was a servant in Raemel's household. Arvour is a seasoned adventurer who has had to fend for himself for many years; his father was murdered when he was only five years old, and no Roesone was anxious to look after Raemel's indiscretion. Arvuor currently holds the title of Lord of Cariemas, one of Raemel's old titles that he assumed without challenge.
Last but not least, Marlae Roesone has a younger brother by the name of Daenal Roesone  who is the heir apparent until the reigning baron produces a legitimate child. Daenal is an excitable fellow with a short attention span; he likes to travel and often disappears from sight for weeks at a time. His title, Lord of Highglen, is reserved for the heir apparent.

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