Roesones State of the Barony 1651

A fair day to you, my lord baron! I am the Lord Seneschal, Gaered Biersen, and as tradition dictates, it is my privilege to report to you the state of the barony, the people, and the enterprises of the crown. It was your predecessor's custom to receive the seneschal's report on the final day of each year, but I have taken the liberty of preparing this briefing on the occasion of your coronation.
Despite the earthquake, Roesone stands strong this day, my lady, and your subjects are satisfied with your rule. Your father has delivered to you a land wealthier and stronger than his father delivered to him. Lands which once had fallen wild are now farmed by your subjects, and prosperous towns have grown where empty woodlands once stood.
In the three generations since Daen Roesone forged this land from lawless brigands and rebellious lordlings, Roesone has grown into a power recognized by all the Kingdom of Avonlae. Your domain stretches from the waters of Tael Sum-Nar to your northern border with Ghoere, and stands from the dark Spiderfell  to the border of Aerenwae. Only a century ago these were empty lands claimed by Diemed  and Aerenwae but your great-grandfather's sword arm, charisma, and sheer determination made a kingdom where none had stood before.