Alverton Settlement in Stenneron | World Anvil
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Mostly human settlement, but many others have moved in over the last year.


Alverton's mayor has the final say, but does have to pay taxes from the settlement to the Governor of Audrath. There is a town council that advises the mayor. There is a Sheriff appointed by the Governor usually nominated by the Mayor.


Little to none. Most citizens are armed for self defense.

Industry & Trade

Due to the desert location of Alverton, there is little trade here. Many of the shepherds and farmers will make their way into town to do bits of trade for materials. Miners also trade in town. There is one saloon and inn. Much of Alverton's trade comes from livestock.


There is not much for established infrastructure within the settlement.

Guilds and Factions

There are several factions that have set up in Alverton. Most notably, The Thrillslayers have set up a recruitment center and The Wayfarer's Guild have an agent in the town recruiting as well.


In 1488, Philippa Alver made her way through the desert in order to maintain control over one of the oasis locations. With a spring of fresh water available that flows out to a small stream, many have found Alverton to be a peaceful place to conduct trade and small amounts of livestock are raised outside of town.


Some recreational hunters and fishers make their way to Alverton to stay and have some more relaxing small game hunts.


Much more of a plains environment, it borders the desert.

Natural Resources

Sheep and cattle can be found grazing the plains North of Alverton. Most importantly, Alverton controls much of the water resources in the immediate area.

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