The Children of Judgement Organization in Stenneron | World Anvil
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The Children of Judgement

The Children of Judgement are a mercenary offshoot of the Children of Tyr. Contracted with many nations of the Tellayan Republic, Asirian Sultinate, Iboran League and the Empire of Kariz'Zar to maintain a prison on the continent of Audrath.



While acting as an administrator for the colonial aspects of the continent, the governor is also in charge of maintaining and administrating the prison system in the land. While managing prisoner transport is the main function of wardens and guards, the Governor also has the authority to mobilize guards as military units if necessary. In the event that another colonizing power mobilizes troops to assist the Governor in a military operation, the Governor has authority to issue orders to their commanders, however, the commanding officers have final say in whether or not those orders are carried out.
Lieutenant Governor
The Lt. Governor is the second in command, to take over the Governor's responsibilities if the Governor is ever off-shore, traveling, or otherwise incapacitated. When not acting as the Governor, the Lt. Governor oversees trade and transport within the colonies, whether that be the transporting of goods or people, prisoners and colonists alike.


The guild has 7 companies, each with 300-500 soldiers. The companies are named each with a specialty:
  • The Banded Wardens - Guard/Prison Company
  • The True Striders - Ranger Company
  • The Swift Devils - Shock Troop Company
  • The Eternal Riders - Cavalry Company
  • The Vengeful Ward - Defensive Company
  • The Execution Squad - Sniper/Distance Company
  • The Ceaseless Wave - Naval Company
The ranks below lay out the structure of the military branch of the guild.
The Major commands the might of the guild. While the Governor titles listed above are in charge of the goals and visions for the guild, the Major is the individual who implements the strategy and orders. The Major ultimately commands all companies if organized for military purposes. If not in active conflict, the Major is in charge of placement of troops, fortifications, training, and orders for all units.
Each company of the guild has one Captain. The captain's responsibility is to ensure that orders given by the Major are carried out to specifications and according to procedure. They manage the day-today of the company and issue orders to lower ranks to accomplish the orders from the Major. The Captain is often the longest serving member of a particular company.
Each company ha 1-5 lieutenants based on the number of soldiers in the company. The lieutenants are responsible for issuing orders to smaller units of soldiers and report to the company captain.
A company can have anywhere from 3-10 sergeants, depending on the needs of the company. Sergeants are often soldiers that have shown skills in administration and leadership, without necessarily having the greatest skills in combat, though that is always a trait the guild is looking for.
Lance Corporal
The first promotion rank offered to soldiers. A lance corporal is usually a soldier that has done well to follow orders, great at accomplishing tasks, and willing to step up if the XO is incapacitated.
The standard, entry-level ranking of soldiers and guards within the companies.


Wardens are the executives of the two prisons on Audrath, Fort Jemaira and Cthares Maximum Security Fortress.
Guards are stationed in both prisons as well as the larger cities and towns administrated by the guild. Requirements to become a guard are a willingness to do so and follow orders.

Public Agenda

The Children of Judgement strive to create a prison system that works for the greater good of civilization by removing troublesome criminals from the states.



Since they are paid well for keeping and managing prisoners, the guild has amassed a large amount of wealth that is held in assets throughout the world.

Ground Troops

The Children of judgement maintain 7 companies of 300-500 soldiers each, totaling in over 2,100 soldiers.

Naval Forces

The guild maintains one Naval Unit consisting of 1 flagship armed with 74 cannons and carries a crew of about 650 men. Additionally, this naval unit contains 2 frigates each with 300 men crews.

Buildings and Fortifications

  • Port Tebec
  • Fort Jemaira
  • Cthares Fortress


The Children of Tyr was a resistance group formed in the 1200s that fought for justice and the liberation of slaves in Eiferland. This campaign was successful, largely displacing and destroying the slave trade. As the Children of Tyr established new laws and rulers throughout Eiferland, many slave traders were taken as prisoners. Over the years, a branch was established that focused on capturing criminals and imprisoning them, taking the name The Children of Judgement as an homage to their roots. Over time, this group began implementing the symbols of Torog in addition to Tyr in an attempt to strike fear into those they pursued.

"Let Justice Be Served."

Founding Date
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title

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