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History of the World

Part I


100000 BPC 7902 BPC

  • The First War
    The Dawn War
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A war fought between gods and primordials for control over the multiverse.

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  • Circa 8000 BPC
    Creation of Stenneron
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After the calming of the Dawn War, the gods travel the cosmos creating worlds, Stenneron being one of them.

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The Age of Dragons

7900 BPC 5501 BPC

  • Circa 7900 BPC
    The First Dragons Arrive
    Population Migration / Travel

    The First Dragons emerge on Stenneron, said to be brought from other worlds by Bahamut and Tiamat.

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  • Circa 7900 BPC
    Reign of the Worldshapers
    Era beginning/end

    A council of dragons known as the Worldshapers rule over Stenneron and establish their territories around the world.

  • 7875 BPC

    Origin of the Dragonborn
    Life, Birth

    The Worldshapers convince Moradin to provide subjects in the form of Dragonborn.

  • 7700 BPC

    1 Correlon's Awakening

    The First Elves Arrive
    Population Migration / Travel

    The first of the Elves arrive from the Feywild under Corellon's leadership to assist the Worldshapers in establishing life on Stenneron.

  • 7600 BPC

    The First Dwarves Are Born
    Life, Birth

    The Worldshapers petition the gods for skilled craftsfolk to create great works from the earthstone itself. Moradin obliges and creates the Dwarves to live alongside the Elves and Dragonborn.

  • 7500 BPC

    The Tears of the Gods Fall on Stenneron
    Life, Birth

    Corellon and his wife Sehanine shed tears of joy at the beauty of the creation of Stenneron. With Elves, Dwarves, and the Dragonborn living in harmony, the tears fall upon the land giving rise to several other lifeforms: Grung, Locatha, Loxodon, Minotaur, Tortle, Tabaxi, Lizardfolk, Kenku, Aarakocra, and Leonin. These folk had their first taste of life outside of animalistic nature and spread to many corners of the world, refusing to be subject to the Worldshapers.

  • 7400 BPC

    Tiamat gifts Kobolds to the Worldshapers
    Life, Birth

    Tiamat gifts the Worldshapers the Kobolds as servants and subjects.

  • 7200 BPC

    Annam the All-Father brings Giants to Stenneron
    Population Migration / Travel

    It is not known where they were brought from, but Giants arrived on Stenneron and became the opposition for the Worldshapers.

  • 7100 BPC

    Birth of the Giantfolk
    Life, Birth

    At some point, birthed from the Giants came Firbolgs and Goliaths who made their homes and served in honor of the Giant Lords.

  • 7050 BPC

    The First Gnomes Arrive
    Population Migration / Travel

    Though no records exist, around this time it seems the gnomes emerged from the feywild onto Stenneron.

  • 6800 BPC

    The Uplifting of the Human Tribes
    Cultural event

    Humans had been present for quite some time, however tended to live in primitive hunter/gatherer tribes with little culture or usefulness to the Worldshapers. The Elves saw them as a potential resource and introduced them to many of the teachings of the gods, uplifting human culture much closer to the Elves.

  • 6500 BPC

    21 Correlon's Revelry
    6250 BPC

    14 Sehanine's Moon

    The War of Enlightenment
    Military action

    Elven leadership disagreed about uplifting the human tribes, and those who were against the decision to do so split into a faction known as the Preservers and declared war against the Enlighteners. The Enlighteners utilized human warriors and after 250 years of conflict, the Preservers decided to migrate back to the Feywild.

  • Circa 6000 BPC
    Departure of the Gods
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The gods depart Stenneron to continue their cosmic purpose.

  • 5900 BPC

    5650 BPC

    The Jotun-Wyrm War
    Military action

    The Giant Lords began a campaign to push the Worldshapers out of power. They were largely successful and the Worldshapers diappeared from Stenneron. The Giant Lords then broke down in petty fights between each other, leading Stenneron to no longer be united under a single rule.

The Empire of the Yv'Alkir

5500 BPC 2501 BPC

  • Circa 5500 BPC
    Founding of the Empire of the Yv'Alkir

    The Empire of the Yv'Alkir begins its reign across the entirety of Stenneron enslaving all humanoids.

    Additional timelines
  • 2501 BPC

    The Fall of the Yv'Alkir

    The subjugation of humanoids at the hands of the Yv'Alkir had ended as the Gods returned in force with an army of Aasimar, Tieflings, Orcs, Hobgoblins, Bugbears, who settled on Stenneron once the Yv'Alkar were defeated.

    Additional timelines

The Age of Ascendents

2500 BPC 1 BPC

  • -2499

    15 Pelor's Awakening

    Arrival of the Celestial Stone
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A large piece of stone from the Dark Beyond crashed onto the surface of Stenneron. Seeing it as a gift from the gods, mortals built a temple around where it landed. Many found that they're prayers were answered if they touched the stone while reciting them. This made the stone very valuable and fought over by many.

  • -2445

    12 The Raven Queen's Awakening

    Founding of the Fae'Phyra Empire

    Elven King of Fae'Phyra, Andanian Laraethious, declared himself Grand Emperor after a successful political revolution, declaring the Celestial Stone his birthright due to celestial heritage. Many fanatical followers joined his cause as he began a campaign to seize the Celestial Stone from those who guarded it.

  • -2401

    25 Sehanine's Moon

    Cayden Cailean Ascends to Godhood
    Life, Supernatural
  • -2324

    17 Sehanine's Pass

    The Destruction of the Grand Celestial Temple
    Military action

    Grand Emperor Andanian Laraethious successfully sieged the city of Ezea where the Celestial Stone was held, taking it for himself. Though it is not known exactly what he used it for, he used whatever power he gained to completely raze the city and the location is now lost.

  • -1977

    14 Correlon's Inspiration

    3 Pelor's Light

    The Great Cleanse
    Disaster / Destruction

    Grand Emperor Andanian Laraethious used his powers gained from the Celestial Stone to cleanse the world of peoples he saw as lesser than his followers. This ended up destroying many of the most advanced human settlements sending them back into a bronze age, and forcing elves, dwarves, and others into seclusion for their own protection.

  • -1065

    10 Sehanine's Awakening

    The Defeat of Grand Emperor Andanian Laraethious

    Grand Emperor Andanian Laraethious was defeated at the hands of Stenneron's Mightiest Warriors and Mages. These heroes earned much favor from the Gods for this great achievement and were rewarded with immortality and great power as they became Gods, Exarchs, and Demigods.

  • -120

    17 Correlon's Revelry

    Founding of the Church of Erathis

    The organized church of Erathis is founded and begins spreading civilization among the disparate human tribes.

  • -86

    12 Correlon's Revelry

    Founding of the Asirian Sultinate

    The people of the Zamanti desert gathered in great numbers to follow the great hero Abadar into prosperity. Before Abadar left for the Astral Plane, he put his close confidant Orhan the title of Sultan and the dynasty has ruled since.

  • -31

    The Birth of St. Primus
    Life, Birth

    A human, born under the unassuming name of Kiran Alten. Kiran lived most of his life not knowing what great power he held within him. While he originally began his older years as a devoted Cleric of Erathis, he slowly gained favor from nearly every God known to humankind at the time. Legends say he accomplished great tasks and achieved greatness by doing favors and quests for the Gods. It is said that even evil deities such as Gruumsh and Vecna held no ill will against him. Being the primary champion of the Gods, he gained favor with nearly every kingdom. Eventually, taking the name Primus, meaning "First Among Mankind."

Prime Calendar

1 PC and beyond

  • The First Year, Beginning of the Prime Order
    The Founding of Ageranthum
    Era beginning/end

    Ageranthum was founded by Primus. He began building the city with the help of followers from nearly every lawful deity. Ageranthum served as a beacon of hope on a chaotic continent, striving for order in a world that had not had it for many generations. Declaring Ageranthum eternally neutral, his hopes were to keep Ageranthum the center of commerce and peace on Tellaya. During his first year as Enlightened King, he proclaimed a new calendar to manage time and be used for all laws and legal necessities within Ageranthum. He reigned as Enlightened King for several years before stepping down and proclaiming that no one else may rule Ageranthum as long as it stands. He created the position of Paragon as head of the church of Erathis.

  • 393 PC

    14 Sehanine's Moon

    The Covenant of Annam the All-Father and Moradin the Creator.
    Cultural event

    Barizmul Giantheart was chosen by Moradin himself to represent in an attempt at peace with the Giants. Fearing the journey alone, he brought his friend and bodyguard Nargulim Brighthammer. On the journey, the dwarves' bond grew even deeper. Barizmul was slain in a battle that broke out with some hill giants on the way to Annam's Eye, the spot where the Covenant was to be created. Knowing the importance of this covenant, Nargulim continued the journey and became the vessel for the covenant, placing the Brighthammer clan at the forefront of giant relations.

  • 602 PC

    The Adamantine Contract is Singed
    Diplomatic action

    The Dwarven Goldhammer clan negotiated with the other ruling dwarven clans on Tellaya and formed the Adamantine Consortium, a united Dwarven trade and military alliance.

  • 1065 PC

    Bloodaxe Invasion
    Military action

    Unbeknown to a majority of civilized Tellaya, the savage cultures of the southern desert had been amassing armies south of the mountain pass that leads to the Everlasting Expanse. Othrod Bloodaxe rallied troops of Orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Bugbears, Ogres, and Trolls to his cause of conquering civilized society. Building supplies by raiding human, dwarven, and elven sites in the desert, they began their march northward, nearly making it to Sommerset before getting driven back by an emboldened Knights of Erathis. Erathis herself belssed the warriors as they drove the savages back. Led from Ageranthium, leaders of the church called crusaders from all over Tellaya to join the battle. Dwarven reinforcements from the Consortium bolstered the armies and drove the Bloodaxe Horde back into the desert. Eventually, mercenaries were hired to patrol the pass, and Mount Kiranstar was founded as a guard post against another invasion.

  • 1072 PC

    6 Sehanine's Pass

    Founding of the Erathian Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    An alliance is forged in the aftermath of the Bloodaxe invasion.

  • 1197 PC

    Kordenhall Expels Heretics
    Religious event

    The Church of Kord elected a new leader, Letholdus the Battle-Blessed, a human of Ageranthum. Letholdus claimed several groups operating out of Kordenhall cowardly heretics fighting for the wrong reasons, weakening the church. With much support from locals., many were driven out. Some warriors attempted to oust Letholdus, but were ultimately crushed by Letholdus's warriros.

  • 1201 PC

    1 Correlon's Awakening

    Founding of the Erathian Republic

    Imperitor Magnus Quenton I united many kingdoms to elevate the Erathian Alliance to a full-fledged Republic by drafting and ratifying The Articles of Virtues and The Articles of Blessings.

    More reading
    The Articles of Virtues
  • 1202 PC

    18 Pelor's Retreat
    1202 PC

    22 Sehanine's Awakening

    Ankyun sinks to the Nine Hells
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The city of Ankyun within the Asirian Sultanate disappears into Avernus. It is returned over a month later and there were thousands of casualties.

  • 1203 PC

    15 Sehanine's Pass

    The Great Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    Following a negotiation led by the heroes who rescued Ankyun, The Tellayan Republic, Asirian Sultinate, and the Iboran League allow for free travel between their borders for Orcs and other southern populations.

  • 1462 PC

    21 Sehanine's Moon

    Discovery of Audrath
    Discovery, Exploration
    Additional timelines