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Religions of Stenneron

There are many deities worshipped in the lands of Stenneron. Many cultures can have different names for the same gods, and other cultures worship different gods entirely. Stenneron's pantheon origins can be traced back to the Dawn War, a conflict between gods, titans, and primordial.

The Dawn War

The Dawn War began when the mad god Tharizdun marshaled the primordials against the gods in a bid for universal domination after becoming corrupted by the obyriths. After Tharizdun was imprisoned in the Abyss, the primordials were led by a tanar'ri known as Miska the Wolf-Spider. A primordial named Nehushta constructed the fortress of Glaur in the planet of Abeir-Toril to serve as one of the main fronts in the war. Shar and Selûne both moved to defend the newly born worlds of Realmspace against the primordial threat. Other gods were born from the conflict or were summoned from other universes, such as the world of Nerath, also ravaged by the conflicts of the war, to aid the native gods in their struggles against the primordials and their servants.   In one of the most violent battles of the war, the dragon god Io, in his arrogance, faced alone a primordial called Erek-Hus, the King of Terror, and was killed when the primordial cleaved him in two with his adamantine axe. The same legend told that Bahamut and Tiamat were born from the two halves of the god, and joined forces to kill the primordial before they began to fight against each other. Only when Tiamat fled the battle did both dragon gods aid the other gods in the war, though they preferred to work alone. Some dragonborn believed their race was born in that battle, when the first dragonborn arose from Io's blood.   At some point during this conflict, the goddess Auril killed the primordial Dur-baagal.   The primordial Rorn, unable to control his temper, killed many gods and even other primordials during the conflict, earning the enmity of both factions.   Eons passed, and the Blue Age became the Shadow Epoch after the sun was devoured by the primordial known as Dendar the Night Serpent. During this phase of the war, Ouroboros the World Serpent was the major force leading the armies of the gods.   An obyrith known as the Queen of Chaos allied herself with Miska the Wolf-Spider, who gave her his allegiance in exchange for her aid in destroying the gods. All seemed lost until the Wind Dukes of Aaqa defeated Miska at the Battle of Pesh on the world of Oerth, which shattered the armies of Chaos, and the Queen of Chaos retreated with her armies back into the Abyss.   Finally, the primordial Ubtao turned against his kin and aided the gods in imprisoning many of his former allies. In the aftermath, the sun was recreated and the oceans thawed. This ended the Dawn War.

Major Deities

Minor Deities



  • Dargas the Wolflord
  • Nosferatu
  • Keeper of the Seven Keys

The Church of Erathis

During the first interactions of Elves and humanity, it was clear to the Elves that humanity lacked the guidance needed to create settled civilizations. The Elves saw something in humans and wished to introduce them to Erathis, the Goddess of Law and Civilization. As humanity reaped the benefits of civil organization advancing rapidly in terms of agriculture and technology, an organized order of devotees began traveling to spread the gifts of Erathis. Establishing the central church in what is now known as Ageranthum, faith in Erathis spread as law clerics began establishing temples and monasteries around Tel'Laya.

St. Primus

One priest dedicated to Erathis became legendary in his own time. [The Legend of St. Primus tells of Kiran Alten, a hero from Mt. Kiranstar who became divinely touched by nearly every deity on his journey. He was posthumously given the title "Saint Primus," derived from the old language meaning "First Among Mankind." He is credited with establishing Ageranthum as a capital city, expanding the Church of Erathis as well as developing many of the laws, values, and rules followed by humanity. Additionally, he is credited with creating the Prime Calendar, the major unit of measuring time.

The Descent into Avernus and Redemption of Zariel

Around the year 1200 PC, four adventurers witnessed the city of Ankyun be moved from its location in the deserts of Zamantia into Avernus, the first of the Nine Hells. There they learned of Zariel, an angel that once defended humanity against the threats of hell, but who became trapped in Avernus and slowly turned to evil. Eventually, Zariel became the Archduke of Avernus, serving Asmodeus. The adventurers traversed the hellscape and located the Sword of Zariel which returned her to her original state, allowing her, Ankyun, and the adventurers to escape Avernus.    Upon Zariel's return to the material plane, many flocked to worship her as the returned protector. Worship of Zariel continues to this day.

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