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Kuras Silvers


Kuras Silvers is a silver dragon and captain of the town guard in Tract, Kingdom of Kessin.


Aile Hallowatcher first encountered Silvers on an execution assignment from Kernil, wherein she was sent to execute three men sentenced to the block by orders of the kingdom. After deciding that she needed evidence enough to convince herself that the executions were just, she questioned Silvers, who gave her little information. Unsatisfied, she detained Silvers in his human form and questioned the prisoners, much to the captain's consternation. After determining that only two of prisoners would die by her sword, Aile returned to Kernil and word of her actions from Silvers reached her commanding officer, who fired her for her conduct.   Shortly after her firing, Aile joined Lou Freshblood and Martin Holmes on their journey to Saccharine—which led them back to Tract, where they encountered Silvers again. Angered by his previous treatment and the disrespect shown to him, Silvers demanded that Aile be punished for her actions, which led to a confrontation between him and Lou. Once his loyalty to the realm and his protections were questioned, Silvers was pushed into revealing his true form and challenged the party as a fully grown silver dragon. Upon seeing his true form, Aile knelt and apologized for her conduct, asking for time to fulfill her quest; afterwhich she'd submit herself to Silver's whims. Silvers accepted the offer and gave Aile three months to return and make good on her promise.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1259 173 Years old


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