

Ãkthithi is a vast coniferous forest north of Mare Orientalem. It stretches hundreds of miles in all directions, reaching all the way to the tundra of the extreme northwest.


Though settled by the Ãkthunic elves, most of the forest is wild. It is ancient beyond measure and most growth is old growth, except for regions where fires have raged. Beasts and monsters roam freely through the sylvan glades, and fey creatures are also more common here than anywhere else on Corvalis. Due to the long influence of Lîfidîth on these woods, dark things from the Shadowfell and the Abyss also inhabit the forest. These are hunted by agents of the Council of Yerkâs, but many times their rangers are not the equal of the things they face, and such work is dangerous in the extreme.


The Forest has stood since shortly after the sundering of the elves and the feywalkers in dimmest antiquity. It is home to Ãkthi, from which all calendars are counted on the continent. It was once the abode of the Lich Queen. Now, it stands liberated, in a way, under the sway of the Council of Yerukâs.
Alternative Name(s)
The Dark Wood, The Forest of the Dead Queen, Silva Lifidiae
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization


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