
The Ehnju are nomadic humans who roam the Ronic Plain.


Shared customary codes and values

The good of the band is paramount. An individual is expected to act in the best interests of the band at all times. Individuality are encouraged, but only where they contribute to the good of the community.

Average technological level

The Ehnju are competent workers of iron and copper alloys. They lack the means to control the carbon content when making steel, so often they use iron for their wagons and other implements, but revert to bronze for weaponry and other applications requiring ductility.

Common Etiquette rules

  • When arriving at the camp of another band, it is expected that the traveler dismount, place their weapons on the ground in front of them, and kneel until recognized. Ritually, this can sometimes take several hours, depending on the relationship between the traveler and the band that is encamped.
  • During formal discussions, it is expected that the adult women, from oldest to youngest, will speak first, then the men from oldest to youngest. Rebuttals, then take the opposite order (youngest to oldest adult male, then youngest to oldest adult female).

Common Dress code

Ehnju typically either wear clothing made from hides, or trade with the Relgu-se for plain, but functional garments. They almost always wear Relgu-se'an shoes, as they consider them superior. Often, they decorate their clothing with elaborate beadwork fashioned from small semi-precious stones.

Art & Architecture

As noted above, the Ehnju decorate their clothing in beadwork, and these designs are highly sought after in the Se'an realms, though they are rarely traded. In addition, they make exquisite painted carts and wagons, as well as pottery. They trade their pottery freely, and have been known to built carts and wagons for outsiders on request, though this is far less common.
Parent ethnicities


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