
The Ruzh people are the descendants of those Xrug tribespeople who settled along the coast of Mare Orientalem. They are the founders of Zhækhtu and Vvathaf, and can also be found in lesser numbers in Savbath. In addition to these larger settlements, hundreds of smaller Ruzh towns and villages can be found along the eastern shore of the Mare. Despite their shared roots, the Ruzh are quite ethnically dissimilar to their cousins among the neighboring Krun tribes. They speak their own language (Ruzhtag), they build with stone, are more likely to settle permanently and build large settlements, and they worship a completely different pantheon.


Shared customary codes and values

  • The hearth is paramount. Wander only where you must, then establish roots as quickly as you can.
  • Family is more important than clan.
  • Gain what you need by trade, not violence.
Parent ethnicities


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