
Around seven thousand years ago, the Xrug culture split. Some chose to create permanent settlements along the coast and became the Ruzh. Those who eschewed permanent settlement became the Krun and the Ehnju.   The Krun have proven to be resilient as a culture. Though three descendant groups have split from them (Ehfann and Inhiriti), a distinctly and identifiably core of this ancient culture remains in the northeastern interior of the Ronic Plain. They are particularly noted as adept horsemen. They are nomadic and survive by herding goats, hunting and gathering fruits, legumes, and vegetables from what grows in the wild on the Ronic Plain.

Naming Traditions

Family names

The Krun have no family names. They are organized on a clan system, and the clans are usually named for animals (Duck, Otter, Ram, Eagle, Badger, etc.).


Shared customary codes and values

The Krun respect strength. Their leaders may be of either sex, but they will always be strong leaders, either physically or by virtue of sufficient intelligence to outwit any opponent. Clan leadership is by acclamation, as is tribal leadership. That acceptance may come of itself, or may follow a combat or contest of some sort.
Parent ethnicities
Diverged ethnicities

Articles under Krun


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