
Each local Church (in this sense, meaning a diocese) is autonomous, though they are expected to remain in union with the larger body of the faith, via their Synod. The leader of each of these local Churches is called an Epískopos. They exercise very broad power within their Church and are the senior members of the Klíros (clergy) for their Church.


  • Must be a member of the klíros (clergy) and hold the rank of Archiepískopos, Archigós, or Próto Aderfós.


  • Must be at least thirty years of age, but no more than sixty years of age, though in practice, the upper limit is usually assumed to be forty, to allow the Epískopos the opportunity to prove themselves as a potential Mitropolítis, before the age of fifty.


Upon the death of the previous Epískopos, the Episkopíl Chrígisi (Episcopal Administration) will organize an election to be held among all of the laity and klíros to select the new Epískopos. It is their responsibility to vet all potential candidates to ensure they meet the qualifications and requirements of the position, and to ensure all qualified candidates are included on the ballot.   In practice, this election sways heavily in favor of the preferences of the nobility and the klíros, as they are more likely to be literate enough to actually read the ballot, and are more likely to be familiar with the various candidates. That said, any member of the laity in good standing may vote, and they have the right to assistance with their vote.


  • Act as arbiter in disputes involving doctrine
  • Ratify candidates for ordination in the lerateío (priesthood)
  • Represent their Church at regular meetings of the Sýnodos Episkópon
  • Act as an Elector for the Office of Mitropolítis of the Synod
  • Oversee the local congregations of their Church

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

An Epískopos cannot be removed or dismissed from office. They can retire, taking the title Omótimos Epískopos (Epískopos-Emeritus), and wielding no formal power, but this is very rare.

Player Characters

It is recommended that this rank not be bestowed on any character short of 20th level.
Religious, Clerical
Begins with the earliest disciples of al-Qor
Form of Address
Your Grace
Alternative Naming
Source of Authority
Election by all laity and klíros in good standing
Length of Term


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