Marivvet Militia

One month out of every year from the citizens of Marivvet, every male and every unmarried female between the ages of 20 and 45 that is not a member of the Bvithu is obligated to military service. These form the soldiers and support personnel for the Marivvet Militia.



Each Militia is made up of 250 fighters, and around 750 other support personnel (cooks, quartermasters, carters, smiths, porters, etc.).    Combat squads number 24 fighters and a First Spear, each. The combat arm is led by the Marshall's Second. Support squads number around 25 persons, as well and are led by Specialists. The specialists report to an overall commander for the support arm called the Chief of Logistics.


Combat squads carry a shield and wear a gambeson and a leather cap. In addition, they carry a pack with a mess kit, bandages, 5 days' worth of rations, and an entrenching tool.   Support units carry tools relevant to their duties, if any.    All troops are issued a heavy cloak, a tent, and a bedroll.


Combat squads carry a spear, short sword, and dagger, along with two javelins.   Support units are armed with a short sword only.


Support units use carts and wagons as needed for the transport of tools and supplies.


Fixed line (shield wall) spearman tactics.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation


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