Symvoúlio Mitropolitón

The Symvoúlio Mitropolitón is the highest body in the Estinos Orthodox Church of Alcor. Under certain conditions, it is extremely powerful. That power is supremely curtailed, however, by two limitations:
  1. It can only be convened by the agreement of the Mitropolítanes following a Summons issued in response to a Sýnodos Episkópon. The fact that it is not a standing body means that business is necessarily delayed due to travel time to the site of the Symvoúlio, which is always different, depending on the Synod issuing the Summons.
  2. All members of the Symvoúlio are equals. No one members can override the votes or speeches of another. The Foní tou Mitropolitikoú Symvoulíou only serves, really, as a parliamentarian, and has no power to shape the debate, votes, order of business, or outcomes.
Despite these limitations, a Symvoúlio can change doctrine, or the interpretation or understanding of doctrine, and such convocations have done so on several occasions in the past.  


Membership in a Symvoúlio is limited and obligatory. Each and every Mitropolítis is expected to respond to a summons. Failure, for any reason, to do so means removal from office. No others may participate in a Symvoúlio, and outside the necessary scribes and other functionaries of the Episkopíl Chorígisi from the hosting Church, even observers must be approved by vote of the membership prior to being allowed to simply attend.


The need for the Symvoúlio Mitropolitón was already clear at the time of the Edict of Estran, so within a decade a summons was sent to all the Epískopoi, who convened at the Council for the Orthodoxy of the Faith of 310 (the "Orthodoxy of 310"). Though some consider this to be the first Symvoúlio, that categorization is flawed. The Orthodoxy of 310 met to solve the same kinds of problems now assigned to a Symvoúlio, but it was made up of every Epískopos able to travel to the meeting. The result was a very unwieldy polity that had difficulty agreeing on a number of issues.   As a result, reforms were instituted that outlined and formalized the structure of the Alcorite Church. Among these, was the institution of the Symvoúlio Mitropolitón. The first true Symvoúlio met in AY 336 at Qemish (the "Qemish Council of 336"). It's only formal order of business was to recognize that the Alcorite Church, regardless of her status as a recognized heretic, had sinned against her, against Alcor, and against all people of goodwill, in ordering and carrying out the execution of the mystic Urinissa, abandoning the Church's core tenet of non-violence.
Religious, Primacy
Parent Organization


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