Thetó Paidí

The lowest rank within the Mendicant Orders, these "Foster Children" are unordained. Usually, they enter the order in late adolescence (though a person of literally any age may present themselves, and take the vows that mark them as a Thetó Paidí.

Player Characters

Narratively, it is recommended that PCs skip this rank, incorporating it into their backstory. Alternatively, a 1st level character could, conceivably, be a Thetó Paidí. If you elect for this route, be prepared to explain how your character progresses through the first two ranks, which take the average person 8 years of training and study to navigate. It is definitely best for a 3rd level character to be promoted to Neóteros Aderfós, and progress through the first two levels within class generally happens very quickly.
Religious, Clerical
Form of Address
Length of Term
Usually 4 years, but at the sole discretion of the Megalýteros Aderfós overseeing the member's training.
Reports directly to
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