Megalýteros Aderfós

The so-called "Elder Siblings" of the Mendicant Orders. These individuals spearhead significant missions and efforts for their order, overseeing lower ranking members in the completion of their duties. They are generally members who have spent at least 20 years in the order, and they are very well versed in the theology, doctrine, practices and mission of their order.   Upon promotion to Megalýteros Aderfós, the member immediately undergoes ordination as an Elder of their order.


  • At least two years at the rank of Aderfós, or approval for promotion from the Epískopos


  • Direct selection by the Próto Aderfós

Player Characters

This rank works best for characters of 10th level and higher, provided other narrative elements make sense.
Religious, Clerical
Form of Address
Dear Reverend
Reports directly to
Related Organizations


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