Adventurers of Strathnora chronicle

Age of Arrivals

0 638

  • 350 AoA

    450 AoA

    The Dawn of Heroism
    Civil action

    The first recorded instances of individuals stepping forward as adventurers to tackle local threats.   Small, independent groups form to protect villages and towns from bandits, monsters, and supernatural dangers.

  • 490 AoA

    515 AoA

    The Fellowship of the Silver Blade

    A legendary adventuring party, the Fellowship of the Silver Blade, emerges, comprising skilled warriors, a rogue, and a powerful mage.   The Fellowship successfully thwarts an invasion of undead creatures, solidifying their place in history.

  • 580 AoA

    600 AoA

    The Mage's Rebellion

    A group of renegade mages, known as The Arcane Defiants, challenge the magical establishment, seeking freedom from magical regulations.   The conflict eventually leads to a negotiation, resulting in more open-minded magical practices.

Age of Dragons

639 1587

  • 715 AoD

    725 AoD

    The Great Hunt
    Civil action

    Adventurers from various backgrounds unite to combat a resurgence of legendary monsters threatening the realms.   The Great Hunt becomes an annual event, fostering cooperation among adventurers on a global scale.

  • 850 AoD

    875 AoD

    The Shattered Sword Company

    A mercenary company, The Shattered Sword, rises to prominence, specializing in solving conflicts with strategic precision.   The company is sought after for various missions, ranging from escorting caravans to leading military campaigns.

  • 935 AoD

    950 AoD

    The Elemental Crisis Expedition

    As elemental imbalances plague the world, an alliance of adventurers forms to address the Elemental Crisis.   Parties with representatives from each magical tradition embark on expeditions to restore harmony and neutralize primal disturbances.

  • 1020 AoD

    1040 AoD

    The Council of Guardians

    In response to increasing global threats, the Council of Guardians is formed, consisting of seasoned adventurers from diverse backgrounds.   The Council takes on the responsibility of overseeing major quests and protecting the realms from existential dangers.

  • 1185 AoD

    1200 AoD

    The Feywild Incursion
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Adventuring parties are called upon to deal with a series of portals opening to the Feywild, unleashing magical creatures into the mortal realms.   Heroes from various races and traditions unite to close the portals and prevent widespread chaos.

  • 1305 AoD

    1330 AoD

    The Celestial Prophecy Quests
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A series of celestial prophecies guide adventurers on quests to uncover ancient artifacts and thwart an impending cosmic threat.   Adventuring parties play a crucial role in deciphering the prophecies and preventing a potential apocalypse.

  • 1435 AoD

    1450 AoD

    The Great Interplanar Rift
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A massive interplanar rift threatens to unleash otherworldly entities into the realms.   A coalition of adventuring parties, known as The Rift Wardens, is formed to close the rift and prevent a planar invasion.

    Additional timelines

Age of Magic

1588 2465

  • 62 AoM

    112 AoM

    The Golden Age of Exploration
    Era beginning/end

    Adventurers play a key role in the exploration of uncharted territories, uncovering ancient ruins, hidden civilizations, and forgotten magical wonders.   Exploration parties pave the way for cultural exchange and the discovery of new magical techniques.

  • 287 AoM

    312 AoM

    The Unity Accord
    Civil action

    Facing global challenges, representatives from various adventurer guilds convene to establish the Unity Accord.   The Accord promotes collaboration, information sharing, and a unified front against existential threats, ushering in an era of global cooperation.

  • 517 AoM

    522 AoM

    The Astral Convergence
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A rare celestial event, the Astral Convergence, poses a unique magical challenge that requires the combined efforts of multiple adventuring parties.   Heroes from different traditions and regions unite to navigate the mystical anomalies and prevent a potential magical cataclysm.

    Additional timelines
  • 712 AoM

    737 AoM

    The Silent Plague
    Disaster / Destruction

    Adventurers face a new kind of threat as a mysterious magical plague, known as the Silent Plague, begins spreading across realms.   Adventuring parties work tirelessly to find a cure, battling both magical and political obstacles in their quest to save lives.

  • 781 AoM

    Arcade Huppledruff is born
    Life, Birth

    Arcade Huppledruff is born to a fisherman and seamstress in the then small fishing town of Havenport.

    Additional timelines
  • 828 AoM

    846 AoM

    The Hail Mary Adventurer Party are active.
    Life, Career

    Arcade Huppledruff's party, the Hail Mary Adventurers, is active. They go on many adventures and defeat many dangerous foes, amassing wealth, fame and power in the process.   Their careers end when three of the four die in a fight with a powerful aberration, with Arcade being the only survivor.

    Additional timelines
  • 862 AoM

    922 AoM

    The Era of Legacy
    Era beginning/end

    Legendary adventurers retire or transcend to mythical status, leaving behind a legacy that inspires future generations.   Adventuring parties evolve into multinational organizations, and their members become mentors, guiding the next era of heroes.

  • 869 AoM

    Arcade Huppledruff Dies
    Life, Death

    Arcade Huppledruff is found dead in his study at the age of 88. While there were no signs of foul play, his passing came as a shock and has spawned many conspiracy theories.

    Additional timelines

Age of Gears

2466 and beyond

  • 24 AoG

    3 /7

    Vinny is born
    Life, Birth

    Vinny, christened Vincent Argelo Templeton, is born to Marianne Templeton and an unknown man in the village of Vertor.

  • 25 AoG

    Myte is born
    Life, Birth

    Myte is born to unknown parents in the Capitol city of the Terris Kingdom, Havenport. Their parents die/vanish soon after, leaving them in the care of an orphanage.

  • 25 AoG

    Spark is born
    Life, Birth

    Spark is born to Helena Baker and Morgantha the Unyielding as they travel across the continent of Eagos.

  • 25 AoG

    25 /8

    Syl'vir is born
    Life, Birth

    Syl'vir Baeinid is born to Yinsalor Baeinid and Fáriel Baeinid in the Capitol City of Havenport.

  • 38 AoG

    Lackluster is born
    Life, Birth
  • 43 AoG

    24 /12

    Lackluster eats the Feystone
    Life, Supernatural

    The goblin Lackluster finds and eats a shiny rock. This rock then gives him magical powers.

  • 44 AoG

    2 /1

    Lackluster appears in Havenport
    Life, Supernatural

    Lackluster, while experimenting with his new powers, teleports himself into the center of the city of Havenport. He is quickly arrested.

  • 44 AoG

    7 /1

    The Misfits attend Huppledruff's Home of Heroism
    Life, Education

    The Misfits begin attending Huppledruff's Home of Heroism.

  • 44 AoG

    27 /1
    44 AoG

    16 /4

    The Misfits journey through the Feywilds
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Due to Lackluster's shenanigans (read: a massive magical fart), The Misfits are transported to the Feywilds.

  • 44 AoG

    16 /4

    The Misfits Return to Strathnora
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Misfits reappear at the gates of Havenport and are promptly arrested. They are held for several days until the majority are released on bail.

  • 44 AoG

    1 /5

    The Reunion

    The Misfits regather at the Adventurers Guild of Havenport, where they discuss their future moves.
