Cultivation Class

The Cultivation Class categorization system is an academic toolset used by the Academia Ars Magicka et Mundana to group different Magick wielders into so called classes based on how they use and heighten their magickal abilities.

The C.C.C.S. is not to be confused with the Fons Types classification system which serves to categorize Magick by its source.

The C.C.C.S. involves a long list of classes, the most commonly documented ones being:
  • Wizards and Magi
  • Clerics
  • Inquisitors
  • Martial Saints
  • Artifex and Alchemists
  • Sorcerers
  • Bards
  • Witches
  • Druids

  • The C.C.C.S. also grades its classes by the Magick wielder's ability to control their powers and the relating scale of danger such wielders pose to society.

    Chartae Permitto are alloted according to the C.C.C.S. and the Academia Ars Magicka et Mundana teaches the magickal arts by dividing students into these classes.


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